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Nintendo 3DS Launch Games

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    Reggie said the launch window was determined as Day 1 until E3 2011 (June 7th)
    So March til June basically.


      I was wrong about that list. Those were the game Ninty mentioned at the US show.

      Sorry if I got anyone's hopes up.


        Only games I'll be getting are Super Monkey Ball (Bundle I've ordered at ASDA) and Steel Diver.

        I'm tempted by Streetfighter but I've been out of the loop of fighting games for 15 years or so - last fighting games I played were Streetfighter 2: Turbo and Killer Instinct on the SNES. I get bored easily by fighting games, I can play them initially but they don't hold my interest for long.
        Last edited by Miguel007; 19-01-2011, 19:50.


          Steel Diver, Mario Kart, Kid Icarus for me; probably Lylat Wars and Ocarina if there are some nice extras; will wait to see if Pilotwings Resort is worth it. If BlazBlue Continuum Shift II (JPN) comes in a nice limited edition I might buy a JPN console too, otherwise I'll stick with a US machine.


            On the day the only one for me, Street Fighter !


              I don't really think they announced enough (especially day one) titles to make me pick one up on launch. Plus the price is a little much for me. Was quite looking forward to a new handheld as well


                To be honest if I do pick up the machine it looks like its going to be the hardware only at first. The launch line up is typically awful, Ridge Racer looks poor and the strongest looking title is SSF4 which has been flogged to death by Capcom already so I feel little compulsion to spend yet another ?40 on the same game. Given the run of redo's like Rayman 3D, Starfox etc and the high price tag of the software I can see the first game I'd buy being Kid Icarus: Uprising


                  It's clear to me now: 3DS needs more snowboard games. 1080 would be sweet.


                    A true 1080 sequel would be sexy. Same game engine, just new courses and some obligatory pointless modes thrown in.

                    ...and especially important for me; custom soundtrax - so that I can play Tubular Bells III over the top.

