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streetfighters on MD or super famicom

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    streetfighters on MD or super famicom

    which do you think is superior in terms of graphics,sound and gameplay,the streetfighter games on the megadrive or the streetfighter games on the super famicom

    Get the SNES versions. Crisper graphics more colour and slightly smoother. Remember the MD only displays 64 colours and the snes 256.

    I bet some people will be MD fanboys about the whole thing.


      Snes all the way, end of discussion.


        Bah the Megadrive had Champion Edition and Super, just as good in Gameplay as the Arcade. Sod colours and sound, the Megadrive had nice graphics and sound anyway. It was gameplay that counted.

        Anyway the Megadrive 6 button pad was far superior to the SNES Joypad. :P

        Still don't forget the PC Engine version too.


          60hz SSFII on the SNES followed closely by Turbo.

          I think the SNES pads are the best for SF - When I eventually get a Supergun I'm going have 2 SNES pads modded for it.


            Originally posted by DavidFallows
            60hz SSFII on the SNES followed closely by Turbo.

            I think the SNES pads are the best for SF - When I eventually get a Supergun I'm going have 2 SNES pads modded for it.
            Agreed. The SNES versions are superior in my opinion and the pads are just so much more responsive.


              Megadrive Super & Champion was closer to the arcade, so disregarding the issues of colour and sample quality (NOT as significant as gameplay)the MD versions were superior.

              Unless you want to be Snes fanboys about the whole thing


                For one player, SNES; better difficulty levels with the CPU using different tactics and combos as you ramped the difficulty up, where as the megadrive version fought exactly the same but just did more and more damage regardless of character, which sucked. For two player, MD all the way. For the price you can prolly pick them up these days, buy both :-)


                  I must admit I found the Super Famicom versions a better gaming experience than those on the Mega Drive.

                  The MD's pad didn't help matters at all - even the 6 button version.


                    Chrsit the MD SF'er sound was ****e. I remember the gurgling noise Ken/Ryu made when doing their special moves, crap!


                      I was going to add that, bash. I remember it being really scratchy - even for a MD title.

                      P.S. I like my Megadrive too; I just prefer my SNES SF II!


                        Its like being back in 1993...


                          Originally posted by rjpageuk
                          Its like being back in 1993...
                          yep, remeber seeing SF2 for the first time.....running on a home console.

                          you just dont get that feeling anymore..

                          by the time it came out on the MD the game was old hat on the snes.
                          but the snes versions were the best. the sound and graphics do make a difference to the feeling of the game. IMO

                          the MD version was okay aswell mind you.


                            SF2 Turbo (snes) was by far the best. The snes pad was perfect for the SF games


                              The first time I played SFII on a home console was on a Mega Drive so just for nostalgic reasons I'm inclined to say that I'll always have the MD version closer to my heart than the Snes version. I remember back in the day reading all the arguments in magazines about how the MD could only display it in 64 colours opposed to the Snes' 256.

                              Besides I'm colour blind, so whats a few missing colours to me?

