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Nintendo 3DS - GROUND ZERO

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    Ground zero guys, ground zero, whatever that means.


      Launch imminent!!!!!

      sounded really cool, that's all...

      Last edited by JSR; 21-03-2011, 21:27.


        Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
        Launch imminent!!!!!

        sounded really cool, that's all...
        It's been out for 3 weeks...
        Kept you waiting, huh?


          Originally posted by kernow View Post
          Bloody troll, you should be amazed with the awe of a child on christmas day at something that looks worse than a 5yr+ old PSP launch title.

          never underestimate the magic and fantasy a nintendo product gives, never. You should be running up to the counter to experience sub par launch titles because you're a gamer and thats what we do. *glare*
          *dons gamers female lounging blouse*

          I seriously thought this was a thread about a 3DS game that had something to do with the twin towers..


            At quick glance on main page I thought was Ground Zero....Texas? on 3ds, where's my sewer shark?
            3DS Lite for me peeps, DS thrice bitten and all that, also didn't help after playing at 3DS event I felt like my eyes were falling out my head afterwards.
            I may feel little sick in my mouth after saying this, Sony may well have my cash with NGP power and shinyness, does look so tasty.


              I'll answer before reading the rest of the thread:

              -Looking forward to the 3DS?
              Hell yeah, it'll keep my mind off moving house for a bit but now that I might be moving sooner it could be a bad thing, haha.

              -Gonna pick it up on day one?
              I bloody hope so if it arrives when I'm in tho there is someone who'll take it if I'm out.

              -How do you think it will be?
              Awesome, I was impressed by genres that rarely interest me at the pre launch event.

              -What games are you getting for it?
              Just Splinter Cell at first, it was a good deal and I'm familiar with it. I'd like Monkey Ball though, I thought I played it to death already but it was really good when I demoed it.

              -How are you planning on spending you first day with it?
              If it arrives in time taking it to my piano teachers house to gloat, then maybe taking it to the indie games shop I want a job in to show them and earn brownie points.
              I will also be putting AR cards on my cats. I would do it to the ferrets but they won't keep still.

              -How do you like the console?
              Love it, blue colour really grew on me and is different to just plain black. And I've only ever had the chunky original DS so it's a bigger jump for me. Maybe an easier jump in terms of screen size.

              -How do you like the games?
              Initially underwhelmed by the launch titles but I had a lot of fun playing them at the pre launch. It's like 3D is the new achievement points for me, if that makes sense. Monkey Ball I think I'll have to buy, Zelda looked nice and I'd get it if I hadn't already started it a hundred times already I just can't do it again. The racing games were fun but the only racer I play these days is Mario Kart. I even had a quick go on PES but didn't really know what I was doing. Oh and SF4 was surprisingly good, I hadn't been into it since SF2 on the Megadrive but the moves on the touch screen was interesting.

              Looking forward to a Paper Mario game, and whether they've actually done anything new to Animal Crossing this time. Oh and I'm kinda excited about using the streetpass.


                Strangely Ridge Racer and Ghost Recon shipped today. Not sure what I'll do without a console to play them on.


                  HMV sent me an email saying Splinter Cell WAS ON ITS WAY like they do. I thought it'd all come together since it was ordered as a bundle. Maybe I'll get a similar email about the machine.

                  Seems very marmite (at least they didn't do that colour). BTW for people that don't know the 3D is totaly different from cinema and TV. It's an inny instead of an outy. My eyes were okay with the games but had to readjust to reality, I had double vision and had to read a bloody map afterwards.

                  People complaining about the launch games, have you played any? I moaned but said IT'S NEW TECHNOLOGY! But they changed my mind a lot at the pre launch, maybe I'm easily impressed, I don't care, that's a good thing, I want to enjoy it. I moan about every other entertainment medium, it's nice to have something to appreciate.


                    Do we have a friend code thread? Mine is 2234-7120-3543


                      Originally posted by CrispyXUK View Post
                      Do we have a friend code thread? Mine is 2234-7120-3543
                      What does it do? Does it tell you when friends are online/what they're playing, etc, share mii's?


                        Originally posted by stainboy View Post
                        What does it do? Does it tell you when friends are online/what they're playing, etc, share mii's?
                        It does all of that although I think you might have to send them miis to share them. Don't think it does it automatically.


                          Mine is here. I can confirm that the top screen is 3D. That is all


                            Back to first play then?


                              Had a quick blast of Face Raiders - actually LOL'ed when you add a second face to your face collection and the two little disembodied heads turn and nod to each other



                                Originally posted by FreelancePolice View Post
                                It does all of that although I think you might have to send them miis to share them. Don't think it does it automatically.
                                Can you send them insulting messages that pop up onscreen during play? That would be awesome but yes I know of course not

