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Funniest moment in a game?

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    Funniest moment in a game?

    What's the funniest thing you've ever experienced in a game?

    I laughed out loud when I first met Tom from Shenmue (Best sterotype ever), but most recently it's gotta be that silly bored guy in The Wind Waker who hosts the minigames. "Splishhhhhh!" "KaBOOOOOM!"

    I laughed out lots when I got pissed on in Metal Gear Solid 2

    "Yeah Raiden, you love golden showers bitch!" :P


      Conker's BFD.

      Pretty impossible to choose single moment from that, a game made up of fantastic moments.


        Conker's Bad Fur Day is by far the funniest game i have played. So many great comical moments it is hard to point out a singular one... The Great Mighty Poo's song has to be mentioned of course... I also loved the little flame characters... "Flammable... we looove flammable!" heh, the scene where u first see them is classic. The mad professor character was fab too "Duck-tap.. i give him duck-tap the ?*!@!! Shove it up his @!! The %$?!! Duct-tap!"


        But most recently it has to be Wind Waker... the humor was very Pixar-like imo. The sort of humour found in the things like Toy Story and even the Simpsons. The mini game character in particular. The Japanese version of the "Spliiisshh..." was funnier then the US but both make me smile every time.

        The funniest moment though has to be when u get the award for gaining 60 points from the guy who sells you items in his little boat. Hehe. My god that was funny...

        Alsowhen Link pretends to be a cat. heh. Great stuff indeed.

        Oh, my god, how could i forget?! Animal Crossing is probably the most funny game i have had the pleasure of playing for ages. Even surpassing the scenes from Wind Waker. Not quite Conker's Bad Fur Day standards, but most definitely up there. The Reset Mole is most definitely the greatest character by Nintendo for a long long time. The humor throughout that game is simply superb.
        ----Member since April 2002


          Probably Wario Ware Mega Microgame$ since it's a sattire about Microsoft entering the games industry.


            Originally posted by Adam Stone
            Oh, my god, how could i forget?! Animal Crossing is probably the most funny game i have had the pleasure of playing for ages. Even surpassing the scenes from Wind Waker. Not quite Conker's Bad Fur Day standards, but most definitely up there. The Reset Mole is most definitely the greatest character by Nintendo for a long long time. The humor throughout that game is simply superb.
            Oh god, yeah. Some of the stuff they come out with is insane. I remember Wolfgang saying:

            I saw Gracie today.. she just looked at my clothes and sneered, so naturally, I sneered back, then she says "Help! I am being chased by angry clowns!". I think I hate her.


              hehe, yeah.

              So many random moments like that. But they still felt like they had meaning and were inplace. Some of the comments made were truly bizzare. Those songs on the way to the Island (GBA Connection) were classics too. How could a song about a cucumber be so funny and interesting? heh. Ah, cant believe i sold it! *Adam hangs head in shame...*

              The out bursts made after some constant bashing of their poor little heads with a Butterfly net always made me smile and enlightened my day

              But nothing compares to that Mole...
              ----Member since April 2002



                Just been playing MGS2, and giggled a little at the fact that Raiden didn't know he'd had his own blood replaced with nano machines. My he's an idiot isn't he.


                  Originally posted by overlord uk
                  Just been playing MGS2, and giggled a little at the fact that Raiden didn't know he'd had his own blood replaced with nano machines. My he's an idiot isn't he.
                  Ahh, don't be too harsh on him, it happens to me all the time.

                  I tend to laugh at random things in games.
                  I remember playing Story of Thor on the Megadrive, with a friend on mine. I was running along, not really paying attention, when a little bad guy comes running right into me.
                  For some reason we both fell about laughing for the best part of ten minutes solid.


                    As I drove badly up the Mafia boos's driveway and watched as my Mafia car went over a cliff in slo-mo to Opera music. Classic GTA3


                      Was re-playing Max Payne last night, there's a scene where you come across two guys inspecting a bomb, it goes like this:

                      Guy A: "In the movies it's always the red or green wire"
                      Guy B: "This one has blue and green, so I cut the green!?"
                      Guy A: "No not the green!!!"



                        Originally posted by Max M
                        but most recently it's gotta be that silly bored guy in The Wind Waker who hosts the minigames. "Splishhhhhh!" "KaBOOOOOM!"
                        I came into this topic thinking of that character


                          The cutscenes from Road Rash 2.

                          You'd crash horribly, every bone shattering as you hit a treetrunk. The ambulence pulls over, two guys run out with stretchers pick up the bike and zoom off.


                            I thought the "losing" screen of Robocop was was something along the lines of:

                            "Come on lads, fish supper for tea"

                            Quality humour


                              Anyone over-enthusiasticaly speaking Japanese always gets me for some reason.. Winning Eleven "YELLOW CARDO!!" or Parodius "BOM KA DA BOM!" come to mind.

                              Sort of puts me off ever learning Japanese, I'd probably lose the amusement

