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Lots of games vs available time

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    Lots of games vs available time

    Every week there's a couple of cool games released. Be it on XBLA, WiiWare, Virtual Console or retail. Every week my list of games I want to play grows bigger. Every week I fail miserably in catching up to it. There's also a huge list of games I want to play again, but those I have no hope in ever getting to.

    Many games warrant much more time than others. Playing a Final Fantasy or the multiplayer in Call of Duty could steal weeks of my life. And every hour I put into one of those, is an hour I can't spend on another game. It feels limiting and borderline depressing realizing that there are so many classic games out there I will never get to enjoy. So many of my favorite childhood games that I probably won't find time to play again. There are consoles, even entire genres I might never see.

    How am I supposed to cope with this no-win scenario?!

    Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
    Every week there's a couple of cool games released. Be it on XBLA, WiiWare, Virtual Console or retail.
    "Oh that's it! Rub it in, why don't you! I HATE YOU!!!" - PSN.


      There was this cool game released on PSN too a while back. I'll log on to check what it's called... oh, no. Nevermind.


        Simply stop reading news about games. I can tell you the names of tons of stuff that's coming out from reading forum indexes, but if you don't look at the threads then you never know much about the game and never enough to want them. Occasionally something'll slip through, like Portal 2, but for the most part you stop wanting new games completely.

        And can get on with the old ones.


          Thanks, but I think I'll rephrase:
          Does the fact that you're never going to play all the games you want to, annoy? Discuss!
          Last edited by JSR; 09-05-2011, 20:52. Reason: Changed scare to annoy


            Does the fact that you're never going to play all the games you want to, scare you?
            Dare I say just play them? If you really want to play them you will.
            Best thing to remember is do not buy a game you will not play, pretty simples. I try my best not to do that anymore as I was known to go on WiiWare, XBLIG and XBLA benders.


              Not just talking about modern and upcoming games. I have never owned a Saturn, any Atari, any Neo Geo. Never played a single Dragon Quest, not to mention all of the PC games I've missed. At the same time I enjoy movies and music too, so tjey eat up even more of my free time.


                They're only video games. It's not the end of the world if you don't play every modern release that's been getting good reviews.


                  Nobody else feels limited by time, as there have are already so many games out there. Don't you wish to experience them all?


                    Its not really the fact that i dont have time to play every good looking release thats the problem.

                    The problem for me is the fact that I usualy buy them anyway despite the fact that I will never play them all.

                    I should probabaly stop doing that.


                      For years I bought games and never played them. I've trained myself over recent times to only strictly buy what I'm really excited about. Mainly means I end up sticking to 3 or 4 games a year and if I have time in between those I'll revisit other games that are probably a lot cheaper than they were.

                      It does mean, however, that sometimes I splurge on a few older titles but its a lot cheaper in the long run compared to buying new releases relentlessly.


                        Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                        Nobody else feels limited by time, as there have are already so many games out there. Don't you wish to experience them all?
                        erm.. no? I'll quite happily live without Call of Duty 13 thanks.

                        What is really dumb is buying games for nearly full retail price, new, and leaving them to sit on the shelf for months unplayed when they could just be bought used or even new for loads less.


                          Originally posted by kernow View Post
                          erm.. no? I'll quite happily live without Call of Duty 13 thanks.

                          What is really dumb is buying games for nearly full retail price, new, and leaving them to sit on the shelf for months unplayed when they could just be bought used or even new for loads less.
                          When I said ALL games, I exaggerated. Rephrased yet again: are there not more games out there (old and future) than you have time to play in our relatively short lifetime?


                            I don't expect to be playing games for my whole lifetime. So 'probably' but who cares? Like I said they are only games, a form of entertainment.


                              I think games can be - and often are - an experience with the same impact as any movie, book, or travel might have. So, no, for me they're not only games, and I want to experience as many as possible of them before I perish. But I guess I might be in a strong minority in that matter.

