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Lots of games vs available time

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    No, I think there are plently of other gushing nerds also.


      So, I simply haven't found a nerdy enough forum yet? Shame, I thought this was the top (bottom).


        kernow is just too cool.



          I honestly struggle to find games to play, I don't know how some people do it, most games are so throwaway and one play only I often get uninterested simply by others posts about them. Before anyone tells me I'm not a gamer, .. I am a gamer. Just a fussy one. I won't play *insert latest fad here* because everyone else has bought it. I look at some of the stuff people buy or spend hundreds on every month and pretty much think they're mental. All these limited edition sets and whatever, which are just basically shelf filling tat designed to make the game more expensive. What do they do with it all? I have no idea, but hey it's their money. I've never bought an LE of any modern title and more than likely never will. I don't know why people get sucked into it. The 'gaming purchases thread' serves as amusement more than 'oh cool' pretty much.

          Games have become movie like in experience yes, in that you watch most of it and play some of it. Then throw it away after or sell it on for a great loss. Why bother?

          You're right though, I am just too cool. Brb playing arcade games which don't need fancy cutscenes or 1080p or a backpack/statue or some ****e that comes with them.
          Last edited by kernow; 09-05-2011, 21:42.


            What was the last game you played and enjoyed?


              Transformers war for cybertron, highlights for me in the last 12 months have probably been erm .. vanquish (badical), dead rising 2 was alright .. erm .. erm .. mass effect 2 was hamazing. etc

              yeah, I struggle.

              Mass effect 2 was the first game since borderlands I actually bought DLC for. That's twice it's ever happened.
              Last edited by kernow; 09-05-2011, 21:52.


                Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                Nobody else feels limited by time, as there have are already so many games out there. Don't you wish to experience them all?
                Not really. I do not feel obliged to buy every title. There are some titles I'm really keen to play, but not picked up yet - I'll get them when I have the time and they're dirt cheap (KZ3, LBP2 for example).

                I rarely feel I must have a title at release - the only ones I tend to want at launch at multiplayer titles, which I often find are great fun for the first few weeks until they're exploited by people with far too much time on their hands.

                Off the top of my head, this year there are only 3 titles I'm planning on getting at launch; Brink, Gears 3 and BF3. All multiplayer titles. And as multiplayer titles have a lifespan well beyond single player titles, each of these titles may last me hundreds of hours. At which stage I'll never get enough time to play anything else

                I only recently played Mass Effect 1 and 2. They represented a huge investment of time for me. I tend to stay away from such large single player titles as they can suck your life away - the same can be said of multiplayer titles, but there's the social aspect of them which, for me, is about 80% of the appeal (rarely will I get into a multiplayer title these days unless my regular gaming cohorts are equally invested). I do want to give Fallout a go at some point, but I doubt I'll ever get round to it. Only so much time in the day, and so much else I want to do

                But I'm happy not to play too many games. Let's be honest, most are carbon copies these days anyway....


                  Why is it every game has to have a multiplayer now? Do games like uncharted 2 need a multiplayer mode to survive? I've never really got into online play like that because with something like COD for example you have a 5-6 hour long single player and then they just chuck all of you on a map they've made to shoot at each other. Seems lazy, although I obviously know the ol' client/server online gaming is hardly easy to develop. Although I guess it may be nowadays with all the middleware probably available - as multiplayer seems to be pretty much vital for any modern game to be a success.

                  Give me a jolly good 1p game with no online play any day.

                  edit: Uncharted 2 was rad. 2nd time round I noticed a few more flaws, but it's still bloody great.


                    I do play single player games, but 80% of my gaming time is with friends online. Social gaming is a lot of fun Plus you get really good value for money out of your titles.


                      Originally posted by Matt View Post
                      I do play single player games, but 80% of my gaming time is with friends online. Social gaming is a lot of fun Plus you get really good value for money out of your titles.
                      I agree. I only have a 360 to play online with, mainly Fifa is team play mode. When it works, it is among the best gaming experiences I have ever had. Overcoming opponents with great teamwork and scoring fantastic goals is something that never gets old.


                        I'll put my hands up to having the issue of an eternal backlog. I've got very little free time these days but there's still plenty of games coming out that I'm interested in - my quality control isn't quite up to Kernow-esque "grumpy old man" stages but it's not a case of wanting to play every carbon copy FPS game either. There are a lot of deep games (fighters and shooters in particular) where I simply have no chance of ever getting to experience them fully - people complain about RPGs, but at least with them there is a definite end where I can walk away afterwards. TTK's method of sticking my fingers in my ears doesn't work either, I am too damn curious!


                          Not paying attention to new releases will certainly help.

                          The second rule of Retro Club is always buy the vanilla version of any game – no add-ons or episodes.

                          The third rule of Retro Club is a game is complete when you see the credits.

                          The fourth rule of Retro Club is shove the game you're playing onto Easy.


                            I thought the second rule was you don't talk about Retro Club?


                              No that's the first rule, which of course goes without saying.


                                I think you have a slight problem if you're worrying about what you should be playing instead of enjoying the games you are playing.

                                Luckily for me there are only a few games released each year that I actually want to pay money for, I've bought three games so far that were released in 2011 and a few older titles.

