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Alan Wake II

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    Official and coming 2023 on PC, PS5 and XSX




        If you run into any issues while playing Alan Wake 2, please go to the Epic Games Player Support page for Alan Wake 2 HERE to submit a report.  June 2024 Update PHYSICAL EDITIONS Physical editions for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X are now available for pre-order. Where can I pre-order? At participating retailers. […]

        Digital release only


          This did look intriguing, might have to pick up the remaster of numero uno at some point


            Originally posted by Finsbury Girl View Post
            This did look intriguing, might have to pick up the remaster of numero uno at some point
            I keep flirting with the remaster but it doesn't look as good as the original. Not quite true to the source.


              Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
              WTF! That's 3 games Microsoft have lost my money on now.
              Tokyo Ghost
              Hifi Rush
              Alan Wake 2


                QUOTE from the site.
                Why is Alan Wake 2 a digital-only release?

                There are many reasons for this. For one, a large number of have shifted to digital only. You can buy a Sony PlayStation 5 without a disc drive and Microsoft’s Xbox Series S is a digital only console. It is not uncommon to release modern games as digital-only.

                Bull**** excuse!

                Secondly, not releasing a disc helps keep the price of the game at $59.99 / €59.99 and the PC version at $49.99 / €49.99.
                More BS. Paying 60quid for something you don't own is robbery. The cost of putting out a disc is 10 dollars max all things concidered. More like, we know the game will be buggy as hell so releasing it digitally is an excuse to allow updates and get away with not being accused of releasing an unfinished game on disc.

                Finally, we did not want to ship a disc product and have it require a download for the game — we do not think this would make for a great experience either.
                Oh, really? That hasn't stopped them in the past! Hence, my above point is the reason why they're not releasing a disc. They know they'll be putting out an unfinished product.

                Rant over, for now.


                  I think they're aware it's a passion project for them and fans, at full retail it would likely not do that well so going digital is a cost cutting exercise. The RRP is inflated as a result but perhaps they will do a limited run physical release at some point


                    Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                    I think they're aware it's a passion project for them and fans, at full retail it would likely not do that well so going digital is a cost cutting exercise. The RRP is inflated as a result but perhaps they will do a limited run physical release at some point
                    We can only hope and also hope it isn't done through numnuts like Limited Run Games.


                      It will 100% get a release through someone like Limited Run. Those companies are always looking for more games to release and there's a built-in fanbase for this.

                      Probably not at launch though.


                        It's interesting that this seems to have hit a particular nerve, where plenty of others have taken the same approach but flown under the radar by simply refusing to address the question. I also note that they've gone for Epic exclusivity on PC...

                        Also agree completely that they will have every boutique-y physical game publisher up in their DMs right now.


                          I think the combo of no physical plus Epic exclusivity indicates that they had to do everything they could to keep this one on budget.

                          Personally I sympathise. It looks tough out there for independent developers.



                            Should run an est. 20hrs in length


                              Not happy with sticking their head in the lion's mouth one time, they've now come forward a second time but with a new excuse for why the game's digital only - that they're polishing it right until the last. These latest statements also seem like they don't seem confident in putting a disc out in time that would play without needing a substantial patch? You might not have physical sales to worry about, but I don't think this is going to do great things for your digital numbers either, folks.


                                Yep, it feels like they just want to avoid saying the game would cost more to put out physically than it would make

