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Nintendo Wii U

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    Nintendo has responded, apparently all he had access to was a mock up.


      Nintendo have made a big effort to make the system as small and discreet as possible though, in line with the original Wii. I remember some criticized its simple design as looking like a CD writer something, but what mother wants a gigantic PC-sized whirring box with loads of lights and stuff in their living room?

      Adding a drive bay would've made the console noticeably bigger I think (although it would obviously have been way more convenient!).


        The smaller consoles have always been the best (PCE)


          Digital Foundry Hardware presents its review of the US Nintendo Wii U launch offering.

          Really indepth review of the Wii U console itself from Eurogame, very interesting to read. Im still reading but it goes into great detail.


            Well having since read the whole thing since i posted the link. I have to be brutally honest and say a few doubts are now really beginning to creep into my mind. As much as i want a Wii U, judging by this review i just cant help feeling that Nintendo may have just cut to many corners with this machine. Its almost for everything that it gets right it takes 2 steps back by getting so many basic things so wrong.

            Most of the problems that Eurogamer refer to wont really affect me but the one thing that does sound like a big problem is just how short the Gamepad battery is. I really dont want to be having to mess around with plugging it in after a few hours, i pretty much thought the days of having any kind of cable on a controller where confined to history.

            The other sad aspect is it sounds like its online service is once again really poor one, slow and sloppy one just as with the Wii, it could well just be teething problems because so many people are accessing it at once and these kinks may be ironed out in two weeks but this is Nintendo were talking about. Im going to keep my pre-order for the moment but my enthusiasm is slightly wavering at the moment, ?320 or so is quite a significant investment.


              The online side of things will probably be even worse once all the EU machines are connected. It won't get any better at launch day over here that's for sure.

              One thing that stands out for me on that review is the lack of full RGB depth over HDMI, there really is no excuse for that. Hopefully that's not a technical limitation because if it is then that would be a major mess up by Nintendo. Hopefully something they can fix with a system update.


                Originally posted by gambit6613 View Post
                Im going to keep my pre-order for the moment but my enthusiasm is slightly wavering at the moment, ?320 or so is quite a significant investment.
                It is for a console that will feel old on day one. In the last few years the 360 and PS3 have really been starting to show there age and I can't get excited about a console that is just as powerful - especially with nothing that looks particularly exciting at launch. This will probably change when a Nintendo big hitter gets released in fancy HD.


                  Right now there is nothing on Wii U that will be as graphically impressive as Halo 4 or Uncharted so what H-Man says holds some water. The reason I'm not getting one yet is I see (for me at least) buyer's remorse in under 24 hours.

                  I am instead going to update my Dolphin installation, rip Sin and Punishment and pretend my PC is an HD Wii.


                    Still have my pre-order for ZombiU pack + Mario. Those two games look like thetwo strongest release titles, but I'm debating cancelling my pre-order. the only thing stopping me is the user impressions of people playing ZombiU, it looks great.

                    I cancelled my wii preorder six years ago and regretted it as soon as the console was out and I bought one shortly after. I wonder if history will repeat itself.
                    Last edited by Herbalizer; 19-11-2012, 15:51.


                      Halo 4 isn't that graphically impressive, its better than the other Halo's but there is a lot of trickery going on behind the scenes to make it look nice. That tech demo (yeah I know its a tech demo) from E3 last year still looks better than anything the 360 or PS3 could do.


                        One good thing is if you go onto Gamefaqs now the dust is begining to settle after the launch genuine people are now starting to post there first impressions and pretty much everyone says they are pretty impressed with it. But at the same time this could be people just kind of caught up in the moment, i was with my Vita when i got it and after a week or 2 i wasn't so impressed. At least we have a good 2 weeks to wait yet so will see how things are by then.


                          Originally posted by originalbadboy View Post
                          Halo 4 isn't that graphically impressive, its better than the other Halo's but there is a lot of trickery going on behind the scenes to make it look nice. That tech demo (yeah I know its a tech demo) from E3 last year still looks better than anything the 360 or PS3 could do.
                          Well, you realise the point yourself here. It's a tech demo.

                          When I got a PS3 at launch RFOM and Motorstorm were both very impressive looking games. Better looking than anything I had ever played before. WiiU doesn't have one of those.

                          I'm really not feeling it. Nintendo are putting all their eggs in the controller and banking on people yearning to play games in a new way. It's worked in the past so I understand why they'd do that. Ooh i can touch the screen! Oooh 3d! Oooh I can waggle. After a while those things become much less important than the games themselves and the rest of the system. The store, the connectivity with friends be that online multiplayer, co-op or comparing hi scores. I mean they haven't even got voice chat sorted in an elegant way have they (friend told me that it was quite convoluted but I might be wrong here)?

                          I feel I must wait it out this time. There's little hype amongst the general public so if I decide I must have one a week after launch I feel confident I'll be able to walk into Argos and buy one.


                            Originally posted by H-Man View Post
                            It is for a console that will feel old on day one. In the last few years the 360 and PS3 have really been starting to show there age and I can't get excited about a console that is just as powerful - especially with nothing that looks particularly exciting at launch. This will probably change when a Nintendo big hitter gets released in fancy HD.
                            That's a very true statement.

                            I understand the Wii U, just like the original Wii, is trying something diffrent but to spend between ?300 - ?400 on a new console and not have something really power hungry on launch is a damp squib.

                            Destruction Derby on the PS1, Mario 64 on the Nintendo 64, Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast, Wave Race on the Gamecube, they all looked beautiful at the time, The Wii U has nothing in the same league.

                            Never thought of it like that before.


                              Originally posted by FSW View Post
                              Well, you realise the point yourself here. It's a tech demo.

                              When I got a PS3 at launch RFOM and Motorstorm were both very impressive looking games. Better looking than anything I had ever played before.

                              Jeez, you must of been avoiding games like crazy prior to the PS3 coming out.


                                Reports that the 5GB was made up. It's now said to be 882 MB

