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Nintendo Wii U

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    I'm hoping the gravitation towards more traditional controls for the WiiU suggests Nintendo is aware that the gimmick element this time won't carry them. Personally, thinking about it, I don't think the system will be less powerful than 360/PS3. The trouble with these reports is we don't know the devs involved and there's plenty out there who can't get decent results out of the 360/PS3 as it is. A lot of it will come down to effort more than anything. With the Wii the system was capable of decent visuals as Galaxy showed but the amount of games released that looked poor compared to even the early GC/PS2 games was immense.


      It's much more powerful, don't worry


        Sounds like you have inside info... which you're not allowed to let us in on?


          Nintendo has responded to recent reports about the power of the Wii U. Without confirming or denying anonymous develope…

          Power is in the Eye of the Beholder

          In a fairly rare move, Nintendo has commented on recent rumours regarding how powerful the WiiU is supposed to be though haven't given any specific details about the system. A Nintendo spokeperson has told Digital Trends "We do not focus on technology specs", "We understand that people like to dissect graphics and processing power, but the experience of playing will always be more important than raw numbers."


            The Price To Play Pikmin 3

            Forget the Box's sources say that the Wii U costs $180 to manufacture with a price point aimed at no less than $300. In pounds terms it seems to be an attempt to reproduce the Wii model.


              Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post

              The Price To Play Pikmin 3

              Forget the Box's sources say that the Wii U costs $180 to manufacture with a price point aimed at no less than $300. In pounds terms it seems to be an attempt to reproduce the Wii model.
              Don't prices for electronics tend to be nearer inline with US prices than the exchange rate though? (i.e. $300 = ?300?) I'm sure Apple-wise it's not far of that. Personally, I'd pay over ?300 to have a Wii U for Pikmin 3 over the Christmas Hols even if they did price drop it to ?200-ish 3DS style a few months later... :/


                Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post

                Power is in the Eye of the Beholder

                In a fairly rare move, Nintendo has commented on recent rumours regarding how powerful the WiiU is supposed to be though haven't given any specific details about the system. A Nintendo spokeperson has told Digital Trends "We do not focus on technology specs", "We understand that people like to dissect graphics and processing power, but the experience of playing will always be more important than raw numbers."
                If those raw numbers were bigger than the competition they'd be happy to tell us about them.


                  I'm pretty sure they won't go repeating the 3DS fiasco. It'll start cheap and they'll loose a bit to begin with rather than f*** themselves up again.

                  $300 equals $315 with tax and possibly +$50 environmental recycling fee due to the screen on the controller. So $365 for Canada.


                    Typically Nintendo isn't too bad with home console prices in regards to the $-? rates. I remember being in shock when the Gamecube price was announced. They were creaming the top a bit with Wii but it's a proven price. I think they'll try to stay below ?200.


                      Yep. Come in cheap and then skank us on the controller prices lol.


                        Miyamoto apparently contemplates a Wii U F-Zero


                          Via The Magic Box:

                          "GameTrailer's Invisible Wall episode host Shane Satterfield said that the "Wii U lineup will surprise some people, because it will be pretty damn good", he claimed that he has access to insider contacts and developers who work with Nintendo."

                          Oooh, Wii U interest rising...


                            Originally posted by Guts View Post
                            Via The Magic Box:

                            "GameTrailer's Invisible Wall episode host Shane Satterfield said that the "Wii U lineup will surprise some people, because it will be pretty damn good", he claimed that he has access to insider contacts and developers who work with Nintendo."

                            Oooh, Wii U interest rising...
                            This issue that I see is it may well have a good lineup of launch games but if most of them fit into the Batman AC, Darksiders II catagory, then you have a bunch of games that have been out on other platforms for at most 12 months and at least a few months.

                            I can't see me double dipping into any of those games, and I am certainly not waiting for the WiiU version of Aliens: CM for example, when I know the 360 version is going to be the one to choose for MP and well as the SP.

                            So Ninty need to have a strong first party line up too, multi platform games that have been out for a while just wont cut it IMO. A superior version of GTA V on the WiiU will get me interested though.


                              I think we might see a new Smash Bros game for launch. That's my left field prediction. E3 announcement of course. I think Pikmin 3 will be a 'launch window' game.

                              EDIT: A superior version of GTA V would make me buy one I think :|


                                Originally posted by Randicoot View Post
                                I think we might see a new Smash Bros game for launch. That's my left field prediction. E3 announcement of course. I think Pikmin 3 will be a 'launch window' game.

                                EDIT: A superior version of GTA V would make me buy one I think :|
                                No chance, when it was announced last year development hadn't even been started and sakurai has already said that that they were putting all of their (Sora) resources into finishing kid Icarus first before any work on smash bros began. Would be cool for it to be a launch title but Im not expecting the game for at least another 2 years yet when you consider they only just started working on it in the last couple of months.

