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Nintendo Wii U

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    Devs are always keen on something new when it's been nearly 6 years since they last had a new toy...


      "I can't give you any details now," [Katsuya Eguchi] said, "but I'm sure there will be a new Metroid release making use of the new controller, not just to control Samus and her ship but also to give the player a new source of information. Maybe the player is looking at the screen but has the information that they need to defeat the enemy in their hands." Maybe you could hold the Wii controller up to the screen and scan your enemy, I suggested. "You could look through the screen and scan your enemy and find where its weakspot is."
      Get Retro on the case and give them a nice big budget please!


        Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
        This is the standard NCL robot response that makes me sick , more so when my over riding memory of Zelda OOT was brown washed out blurry textures. I really couldn't careless what colour a game is... as long as it plays well .
        I don't know about you, but I don't see any of that on here. It's been a good long while since we've had a wii thrashing on this site, but 99% of the time it is people (let's call them antinintendo robots shall we ) making the opposite argument, so I'll happily be the 1% that flips it around.

        Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
        It may be dark it may be a FPS but COD IV is one the best games I have ever played in any generation of gaming and that's all that matters to me
        This is why I like you man. It's ok for you to love the 4th iteration in a series (that has come out in as many years), but I'm a fanboy and a robot if I say that a wii game is one the best games I have ever played in any generation of gaming and that's all that matters to me


          Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
          even the likes of Treasure have been for the most part totally forgettably this generation (as painful as it is to say it)
          Have you played Sin+Punishment 2?


            It's ok for you to love the 4th iteration in a series (that has come out in as many years), but I'm a fanboy and a robot if I say that a wii game is one the best games I have ever played in any
            It's ok for anybody to like a 4th game in series mate, what's not really fair is to have issues with MS or SONY offering nothing new and endless sequels to IP , only to have no issues with NCl for doing just the same. SONY created more new IP with each new console than what NCL but that's seems to get overlooked by people like you, SONY even now and again make colourful games too don't you know

            I don't know about you, but I don't see any of that on here
            You've just done it and gone on to have issues with colours and shades for brown (like we've never seen that before) . I wouldn't say to much but the N64 was never noted for it's colourful games, and had plenty of games with a rather brownish feel to them ( Zelda64 or Star Fox 64 were hardly colourful games) and this issue about FPS is a bit much to take as well , more so when in any top 10 of the best N64 or Cube games Goldeneye, Turok (another game that liked brown) Prime, PerfectDark 64 will always make the lists and all of the them FPS's Somehow that's ok for NCL, evil for SONY or MS though

            Have you played Sin+Punishment 2?
            Own it , decent game but its only one game and not really the best shooter I've played from Treasure, they've done nothing of note for me since Gradius V and that's quite sad.



              Some word that WiiU can support more than one of it's controllers, it just won't lol


                Sounds like they're trying to dodge the whole thing. I'm sure it is technically impossible to implement it, but that doesn't really mean anything if they don't. I'd rather they just be straight about the whole thing.


                  Confirmation that it won't play DVDs or Blu-Rays.

                  The argument that 'people already have things to play those' holds up for DVD, but surely having Blu-Ray playback would be a plus? I don't know too many people with those, and while I play mine on the PS3, I can see a lot of people thinking about upping from a Wii to a WiiU if it had Blu-Ray playback.


                    He also mentioned cost of obtaining the rights to implement the technology which is fair enough but what happens when they don't allow media streaming too? As I highly doubt they will and that is all I care about.


                      Nintendo have gone out of their way deny the fact that it uses Blu-Ray, yet being very secretive about what format the system does use. Of course, there are more than a couple of high-capacity disc formats out there right now, but Blu-Ray would make the most sense in terms of manufacturing facilities. If they have adapted the format to get around having to pay loyalties for the using the disc format itself, then they might be unable to legally implement Blu-Ray compatibility anyway.

                      Wasn't the proprietory disc format used with the GameCube essentially modified DVD technology?


                        I can see this becoming amazing for homebrew stuff. The wii saw some great stuff, and I don't doubt that being it can output in HD this time around we could see some amazing software come out of this, especially if people find ways to use the controller as a media remote/other more exciting things.


                          They'll totally use al alternative to Blu-Ray, it'll likely hold less data too. I completely expect MS to follow suit as well, they'll ikely allow for bigger disc sizes but they won't support BluRay either.


                            Originally posted by mekanor View Post
                            I can see this becoming amazing for homebrew stuff. The wii saw some great stuff, and I don't doubt that being it can output in HD this time around we could see some amazing software come out of this, especially if people find ways to use the controller as a media remote/other more exciting things.
                            Depends how much Nintendo lock it down. That said, the best thing about the Wii homebrew, imo, is Gecko and the like, enabling imports etc. I've browsed around some of the other hombrew apps and games and stuff but it's largely struck me as a bit crap really. Maybe I just haven't delved deep enough, but yet another port of emulator x or y isn't a massive draw for me.
                            Last edited by endo; 15-06-2011, 13:12.


                              Engadget are saying that they're sure it's a R770 CPU

                              Even if you go the ultra low end and assume it's a 4730, it should outperform both the other consoles by a fair margin in terms of gigaflops and shaders.


                                Edge are now saying that all the dev kits are underclocked and that all the games on it didn't look notably better than on the PS360 so they didn't show them. Presumably that means the demos were all done on underclocked dev kits too.


                                Dammit Nintendo, just release the specs already.

