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Nintendo Wii U

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    Originally posted by FSW View Post
    I think a nunchuck / mouse combo would be excellent - analog movement and mouse precision aiming. Yummy.
    That's pretty much how I played through Portal 2. Although I used the left side of a 360 controller instead of a nunchuck!

    It sounds ridiculous, and initially I tried it for a laugh... but I was surprised to discover that the control it offered felt really good. Subtle analogue movement under the thumb, paired with lightning-fast mouselook. The best of both worlds!

    (Admittedly, I've got extra motivation to avoid WASD as it's given me some troublesome RSI in the past.)

    As for FPS's on the Wii - I haven't had much experience with them, but what I've seen hasn't looked good. The big problem seems to be the way you turn by moving the reticule to the side of the screen. It makes it nigh-on impossible to turn and aim simultaneously, which is a big problem really. Prime 3's lock-on is hardly an acceptable solution for a regular FPS.

    Hopefully the Wii U's circle pads will offer enough precision for FPS games, but I can see why it's a worry. If Nintendo is hoping to win back the core crowd then the circle pads don't seem ideal.
    Last edited by Tig; 21-06-2011, 19:49.


      Originally posted by Tig View Post
      As for FPS's on the Wii - I haven't had much experience with them, but what I've seen hasn't looked good. The big problem seems to be the way you turn by moving the reticule to the side of the screen. It makes it nigh-on impossible to turn and aim simultaneously, which is a big problem really. Prime 3's lock-on is hardly an acceptable solution for a regular FPS.
      Agreed. The wiimote/nunchuck was superb for MP3 - I can't think of a control method that's more suited - but it doesn't have the turning speed or precision required for a twitch shooter.

      The circle pad is a bad move.


        Have you tried Goldeneye wii?


          Originally posted by yesteryeargames View Post
          Have you tried Goldeneye wii?
          I have and hated it, joypad all way for me, I really hate the Nunchuck thing


            Originally posted by yesteryeargames View Post
            Have you tried Goldeneye wii?
            You mean the game that was packaged with a classic controller Pro for dual stick FPS action?


              The Wii remote can be amazing in an FPS, but I think the game needs to be designed around it, rather than ported to use it. Metroid Prime 3 has already been mentioned, and the conduit games are great (gameplay not to the standard of prime, but well done controls)


                Yes it had the option of a classic controller pro for the cod fans,But anyone using the CC had no chance against someone with the wii motes super fast aiming.

                It had a control option for anyone like all wii u games should have,
                wii u pad,new zapper, classic pro or wii mote combo so many options i cant wait.
                Last edited by yesteryeargames; 22-06-2011, 10:21.


                  I like how 'core' is the new word for 'casual'. It's like how the 360 launched with a 'Core' unit - not all there, quite.


                    The laugh is, even though the Wii is considered a massively casual console I'd be willing to bet that a huge amount of buyers were people who consider themselves 'core', certainly at least around 30m of units sold. Hell, based on the PS2 figures there are probably tons who migrated from there too. Actually, looking back it wouldn't surprise me if there wasn't much of a 'casual' audience this gen, just that the Wii was really popular. If that's at all true then MS would be better aiming to rely on it's existing userbase rather than Wii chasing.


                      Originally posted by FSW View Post
                      Seriously though, yesteryeargames is right. Wiimote and nunchuck is FPS utopia when done right. The Metroid Primes are great examples of what an amazing system this can be. Analog movement + precision shooting. IMO this is the best FPS control scheme to date.
                      I agree, the controls in Goldeneye and Farcry were awesome if you adjusted the sensitivity, you'd destroy someone using twin sticks in multiplayer. In farcry they shoe horned in too many motion controls, bit it was awesome for aiming, and the sniping was the best by far in any game I've played.


                        Originally posted by yesteryeargames View Post
                        Have you tried Goldeneye wii?
                        Yeah. I wasn't a fan. I enjoyed the Perfect Dark remake more tbh. If anything GE Wii is a good example of the wiimote not coming close to the mouse for quick precision aiming.

                        I think a hybrid of the GE classic controls and the Wiimote is the way to go - moving forward/back and turning right/left with the stick, with a button held down to strafe, and using the wiimote simply as a free aim pointing device. Now that could be quick and accurate.


                          Totally off-topic, but I'm sincerely tempted to buy a Razer Hydra for my PC gaming. It looks like it might be the ultimate best-of-both-worlds control scheme for FPS games.

                          16 axis of analogue input


                            Originally posted by H-Man View Post
                            Yeah. I wasn't a fan. I enjoyed the Perfect Dark remake more tbh. If anything GE Wii is a good example of the wiimote not coming close to the mouse for quick precision aiming.

                            I think a hybrid of the GE classic controls and the Wiimote is the way to go - moving forward/back and turning right/left with the stick, with a button held down to strafe, and using the wiimote simply as a free aim pointing device. Now that could be quick and accurate.
                            Did you tried reducing the dead zone in GE? To be honest CoD reflex and Black Ops are probably better examples of how fps can work on Wii with the remote an nunchuck, since those game allows you to zero the dead zone.


                              Wii users disgruntled at Nintendo's reluctance to localise a number of its Japan-only titles have launched a spamming c…

                              Apparently peeps are kicking off with Nintendo about the shoddy support they're giving Wii by not localising games to fill the barren schedules, Xenoblade makes a PAL release but no US and that's it


                                Lets hope it does the trick, Nintendos facebook page is really taking a beating at the moment lol. Thing is if Nintendo do actually release those games I hope all those people actually buy them, at full retail price at launch. If not Nintendo will likely never bother again. I will be there day 1 for all 3 of those games

