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PSP design competition: win one!

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    were allowed to own both a GBA and a psp arent we?
    No ones changed the law without me knowing again.


      Originally posted by Ady
      He isn't worth the words and you know it.
      Whilst that's true, I lament the downturn in the forum that his ilk have brought with them, and the more people who point that out, the more likely it'll be that someone'll do something about it.

      Oh, I've bitten my tongue for some time.


        Originally posted by Razz
        It will indeed urinate on the gameboy.

        All they need to do is get the design, specs, price and marketing right along with developer support and the gameboy will be obsolete
        Whilst at work last Saturday, we sold at least 10 GBA SPs, and a couple of pre-owned GBAs.

        Leading up to Christmas, I imagine many more are going to fly off the shelves, and most likely sell-outs in some areas.

        The PSP doesn't seem too good. 3D graphics are no suited to being on the move (like in the car). Disorientation would be too much. It seems like it's trying to be too much like a PlayStation, but, I could be wrong.

        I just feel that the games are too complicated for their own good now, FF: Tactics had me stumped for a while, I was just so confused as to what I should be doing. Golden Sun was another one that got me...there was around 5 minutes of story and conversation, and I had to wait for that to finish before I could save. WHY!?

        I'm going off on a tangent here, but with the battery life being as it is (3 - 6 hours), I imagine it'll be adequate, but nothing more. The SP is just a tad ahead of it.


          I wish Sony the best of luck but really think the PSP is the new Lynx.

          And this "We can do anything we want, we're the market leader and you love us" approach hurt Nintendo, so don't think it can't happen to Sony.


            Originally posted by Stroker Ace
            Originally posted by Ady
            He isn't worth the words and you know it.
            Whilst that's true, I lament the downturn in the forum that his ilk have brought with them, and the more people who point that out, the more likely it'll be that someone'll do something about it.

            Oh, I've bitten my tongue for some time.
            he's been here since the beginning, and he's not as bad as he used to be.


              ur still as bad as ever tho :P

              PSP sounds cool, but the specs bein thrown around sound "too good" tbh 2D is perfectly practical for me on the go, I don't particularly like the 3D stuff on such a small screen as it's complicated and difficult to work out whats goin on, with 2D it's crystal.

              Tho with PSP my opinion might change, but I saw someone tryin to play Tomb Raider (N-Gage) on the go, and he seemed more concerned about swearing coz he cudn't operate it bwahaha. Also I think 3D will attract less pick up and play, and more "deep involved" games which are no where near as well suited. Ridge Racer Portable yes, Final Fantasy 7 Portable I'm no where near as convinced about.


                I wonder how much it is going to cost. Nobody wants to fork out several hundred pounds on a handheld, considering you use it on buses. And dirty people live on buses. And it rains outside, from time to time. And you keep it in your pocket. And we all know what people normally do in their pockets..........................

                That's right, put tissues in them for blowing noses.

                *Ahem, sorry.

                And frankly, at the moment it takes more than a disc (which we don't even know if it works) and a piece of paper with some specs on to impress me. I'm sure it will be good, but I'll wait until I have the thing in my hands and feeling the ergonomics of it all before I pass judgement.

                After all, as much as I love my Game Gear it was ****-all portable. Very big, battery died quickly and didn't really fit in your pocket.

                So I ran it from mains in my house.

                Think of it as a young kid's/semi-poor kid/kid who didn't realise the gaming legacy that was about to unfold before him, just like some magical story/idiot's mega drive.

                And I was all 4 of those.


                  Originally posted by Prine
                  Originally posted by Stroker Ace
                  Originally posted by Ady
                  He isn't worth the words and you know it.
                  Whilst that's true, I lament the downturn in the forum that his ilk have brought with them, and the more people who point that out, the more likely it'll be that someone'll do something about it.

                  Oh, I've bitten my tongue for some time.
                  he's been here since the beginning, and he's not as bad as he used to be.
                  Who is this u r talking about?


                    Since I reckon the PSP will end up looking different to what Kutaragi has shown as a concept, here are the results of Lik Sang's design competition. Go to the vote page to see more entries, the PSP Vision V 1.0 looks neat.

