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E230: Nintendo Reinvents

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    Originally posted by Decider-VT View Post
    For god's sake.
    Why for gods sake its a rubbish game that has non of the humour or gameplay of the original, that blowjob bit in the demo had me cringing. The weapons felt woolly, and the levels where bland, a curiosity that's gone straight in the bargain bin where it belongs.


      Frozen Synapse is the dogs danglies. I can play it at work, on my netbook on the train, on my monster pc at home, and all with the same experience

      The level of control it offers - especially when it comes to timing commands - is something every turn based shooter to adopt.


        Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
        Why for gods sake its a rubbish game that has non of the humour or gameplay of the original, that blowjob bit in the demo had me cringing. The weapons felt woolly, and the levels where bland, a curiosity that's gone straight in the bargain bin where it belongs.
        It's solid enough. Having played it to completion, the worst criticisms I can make of it is that it's not particularly memorable and the Hive level has some deeply miscalculated and questionable elements present. Then again, I played it in complete isolation from the gaming media and enjoyed it, so perhaps I've not been as susceptible to the hysterical backlash in the gaming press as others have been. I don't understand your assertion of the weapons feeling "woolly" either- they seemed to be fine to me.


          Well, I bought this for the funky tracing paper style cover thinking that it would be better than last month's issue...ugh!! I was wrong.

          It just feels a bit bland and I don't like the layout at all.


            I'm finding it very hard to "get into" the new layout.

            Find myself just flitting around the magazine a lot, never really reading it properly.

            I've barely touched this months, because I still haven't properly read the last one!


              Originally posted by Jebus View Post
              I'm finding it very hard to "get into" the new layout.

              Find myself just flitting around the magazine a lot, never really reading it properly.

              I've barely touched this months, because I still haven't properly read the last one!
              Yeah, I tend to agree. The magazine could do with being smaller and more focused, or something like that.

              Also, I could've sworn the sheet of paper that came with last month's issue said there would be subscriber-exclusive covers every month. I can't find it now and I'm left thinking I imagined reading this instead.


                Me being a broken record again , its unreadable . The whole layout is a mess , the post script articles are pretentious and unnecessary . There is no flow to the magazine . I brought this edition for the ( usually extensive ) E3 coverage which turned out to be the worst it has ever been . Been reading since edition 6 and sadly this will be my last


                  I hate it, its just so uninviting to read, just flicked thru almost the whole thing hardly stopping, which I didn't do before the redesign.

                  I don't know what the general response has been but if its been positive and they stick with this then that's me out - I'd like to get to 240 issues on the shelf as has a nice OCD 20y feel to it (unless they at 13 issues a year, which buggers my logic).

                  Just a horrible bit of design and a real shame as Edge has been my gaming read for years now since day 1.


                    Originally posted by merf View Post
                    I hate it, its just so uninviting to read, just flicked thru almost the whole thing hardly stopping, which I didn't do before the redesign.
                    That's it exactly! I can't stop just passing articles. I force myself to read the reviews, but everything else I'm just not going back to.


                      Agreed with those above. Been a subscriber for over 10 years and frequent purchaser for years before that. Just can't be arsed to read it any more. Used to be great to pick up, flick through and randomly read stuff. Previously I'd probably cover 90% of the content fairly quickly (excluding the 'region specific' filler crap), in the last 2 issues I've struggled to be bothered. I think I've barely covered 50%, this is quite shocking for an E3 issue which are usually my favourites. Some stuff has been done right but after being initially impressed with the new layout now it just feels very dull and tedious.

                      Subscription comes up for renewal in November, unless they get their act together I can't see myself renewing.


                        Immediately ripped off the stupid plastic cover, found it pointless. I enjoyed the E3 stuff myself, looking fwd to readin a bit about Wii U although it's a console I'm not going to buy. Agree though some articles are a bit hard to read don't know if it's the text, or some non engaging writing or something. Going to enjoy the Hype articles with Ninja Gaiden and Battlefield I think.


                          I've subscribed to EDGE for quite a while, and before that..I bought every issue from #1. For a long while... I haven't enjoyed the magazine, but I kept buying it out of habit and some stupid devotion.

                          When I received the last issue, the new design cemented by intention to cancel my subscription. I thought the mag was dull, too wordy, and felt like an industry catalogue, but it's even worse now.

                          Of course I understand what the editor and writers are doing, but I don't like it. They think they're highbrow and clever, but I just find everything very sterile and cold. You get the odd bit of warmth and genuine enthusiasm, but that can't make up for the extreme stone cold dullness that makes up 95% of the magazine.

                          EDGE felt exciting at one point, but it gradually went in a direction that doesn't appeal to me. Even if it were a free industry magazine.. I wouldn't bother with it. Give me a gaming magazine that has a friendly, social vibe, and lots of pizazz and enthusiasm. I'd be happy to pay ?5 for something like that. Fun doesn't have to mean kiddy. Gaming magazines need to be fun to look at and read.

