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Games that'll probably never happen

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    3D Pokemon MMORPG.


      Originally posted by 'Press Start To Begin' View Post

      2) A game that starts with Game watch graphics and as you progress through the levels it slows develops into the graphics of today, showing how graphics and power can influence gameplay. From stop animation of game watch, to parallax scrolling, sprites, 3D exploration etc.
      I like that idea.


        I had a similar idea to that a few months back. It was an endless runner of the sort that is so in vogue on iPhone, and the better you did the further advanced your graphics got, and each time you got hit you went back a generation. If you got hit when you'd gone all the way back already, you lose.


          the game-as-graphic-evolution thing has been done. bit boy by bplus, for wiiware. meant to be quite pants tho. even nintendo whores at nintndolife weren't smitten:


            Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
            I had a similar idea to that a few months back. It was an endless runner of the sort that is so in vogue on iPhone, and the better you did the further advanced your graphics got, and each time you got hit you went back a generation. If you got hit when you'd gone all the way back already, you lose.
            Nice one. I can see it working.

            Mine is a platformer where by it starts just before the end of the game. Intro is your character wakes up but forgot where he came from and so the game begins back at Game watch graphics. You work your way though with small real world changes happening during play and massive changes after each stage. In between stages you get a little story section of the character remembering what you had just done and some how tieing it into video game history i.e. sprites, or scrolling etc.

            It ends with a positive message about encouraging people to check out the older roots of gaming.


              I would go into depth about Monkey Juggle DX and the planned sequels and box sets, but really, the sheer immensitude(Yes, I made that word up) of the concept would be enough to make this thread implode, taking the rest of the forum with it. Just ask QualityChimp, he's barely recovered from the occasion I mentioned one of the ideas in chat. Seriously, it almost exploded his brain such was the magnitude of my creation.


                This is not original like some of the great suggestions here, but here goes:

                I'd really like to see an MMO version of Yakuza roaming the full length of Japan with 'real' cities and economies, with persistent clans and in-fighting sub-families jockeying/betraying for territory and influence, etc., as well as non-Yakuza 'character-classes' like the police force, hostess-bar owners and hostesses, black market weapons providers, people-traffickers, casino bosses, restauranteurs, etc., who may be more or less 'in' with different families/clans, helping fund their operations, getting kickbacks and so on. The main combat element would remain roaming beat-em-up.

                Perhaps not such an impossible idea, but I think the inertia of Sega to evolve the series - which is hugely popular just as it is - means that it won't happen. Plus, the Japanese don't have much of a history with MMOs, and neither do I, although I think this could get us all into it.


                  Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
                  An amazing game for the Kinect making the pointless peripheral a must buy.
                  Keep dreaming. :P


                    A new Chase HQ with some kind of modded Burnout engine or GTA engine. Keep it quite lineur though, not a sandbox game.


                      You didn't play Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit then?


                        Powerstone 3 with online multiplayer and loads of large levels suitable for 4 player (or more) action.


                          A new Road Rash.


                            An excellent 2D Mario platformer. Sprite-based graphics are a plus.

                            And HomeWorld 3.

                            And a BattleTech game that would seamlessy link MechWarrior and MechCommander mechanics. Maybe set in a big conflict where the three major technologies/force composition archetypes (Inner Sphere, Comstar/WoB and Clans) fight in a dynamic campaign that won't just feature 'Mechs but real combined-arm strategies.
                            Last edited by briareos_kerensky; 05-08-2011, 16:20.


                              Games that come with electrodes that you attatch to your extremeties and you actually get to 'feel the pain' in a fighter - experience the joy of a kick to the nuts - or the agonies of a bullet wound, all kinetik compatible so it enhances the 'real life experience'.

                              YOU ARE THE CONTROLLER.

                              Last edited by gamerade; 05-08-2011, 20:05.


                                That idea was in a book I read as a child. Give me a minute and I'll find it...

                                ... Here we go "Eagle Stike" - "...a virtual reality game that inflicts real pain..."
                                Last edited by koopatroopa90; 05-08-2011, 20:24.

