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Games that'll probably never happen

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    Reality is always one step ahead.


      An immersive narrative game as engaging as Bioshock or Dead Space that does not revolve around killing and is as pretty and nice as Nights.


        games that will never happen....killer instinct game of some sort


          My dream game that will never happen:

          Warhammer 40,000: Inquisition

          It would be an action RPG where you play a member of the Imperial Inquisition in the Warhammer 40K universe, hunting demons, heretics and aliens. At the beginning you'd create your personal, fully customizable Inquisitor deciding things like character history, sex, appearance, skills etc. and what branch of the Inquisition your charater belongs to (which would affect the game in some ways). You'd begin as a relatively new or perhaps junior Inquisitor working with a mentor character for the first part of the game learning the tricks of the trade until your character would graduate to full Inquisitor status after some epic quest line. Then the game would fully open up granting you things like a base of operations, your own starship and of course you would need a party of colourful and varied NPCs to help with various things, like a pilot, a technical expert, a psyker, a personal savant, some soldiers etc.

          There would be a huge galaxy with many worlds to visit and explore (massive dark hive cities, industrial forge worlds, primitive feudal worlds, hostile uninhabited hellholes etc.) and a number of side quests (hunt heretics, investigate strange ruins and purge alien hives/Chaos cults for example).

          The game would also include a morality system of sorts that would change if your Inquisitor would behave like a Puritan or Radical in his work and it would also affect how the world and your party feels about you, you could lose certain characters based on your actions and could even become hunted yourself by over-zealous Witch Hunters if your actions would be deemed too radical (like using Chaos artifacts, alien technology or even demons).

          Combat would be action based, extremely brutal and graphic and would be split between melee, ranged and psyker powers depending on what the player wants to focus on. Heads and limbs would get chopped off with fountains of blood and bucket loads of guts, enemies would be ripped to pieces with bolter rounds, burned to crisp with flamers or exploded to bloody pulp with psychic mind attacks. The game would contain a healthy amount of action but also more slow paced things like searching for clues, questioning people, exploring and interacting with your party members at your base/starship.

          Naturally the game would be a massive 100+ hour epic with a good amount of replay value to boot. Basically Mass Effect 2 in Warhammer 40,000 universe but with even more content.
          Last edited by Guts; 07-08-2011, 20:23.


            Syndicate 1001

            A game set in feudal England, but includes Cyborgs with miniguns and mind control devices.

            (nods to digitiser)


              I still reckon my Kung Fu RPG/fighter game would be great. Basically, you are Caine who wanders the West looking for your lost family. As in the TV show you meet peeps and help them out - do quests, beat down the bad guys etc. Combat is real time in the 'Yakuza' style with special Kung Fu moves. You learn more moves as you level up - these are learned via flashback back to your training in the Shaolin Temple (which doesn't make too much sense but is a nod to the flashbacks in the show).

              I'd buy the Warhammer game above!


                That warhammer 40k game sounds great! Also finsbury girl, I've not played it so I could be way off, but it sounds like you just described Jade Empire.


                  A co-op RPG. Western style like Oblivion. Just 2 player would be fine. You can only play the game when your co-op player is also available to play with you. You can't switch co-op partners (although you can start multiple games). Basically you and a friend share the RPG experience in the same world at the same time. Not an MMO.


                    Originally posted by Guts View Post
                    My dream game that will never happen:

                    Warhammer 40,000: Inquisition

                    It would be an action RPG where you play a member of the Imperial Inquisition in the Warhammer 40K universe, hunting demons, heretics and aliens. At the beginning you'd create your personal, fully customizable Inquisitor deciding things like character history, sex, appearance, skills etc. and what branch of the Inquisition your charater belongs to (which would affect the game in some ways). You'd begin as a relatively new or perhaps junior Inquisitor working with a mentor character for the first part of the game learning the tricks of the trade until your character would graduate to full Inquisitor status after some epic quest line. Then the game would fully open up granting you things like a base of operations, your own starship and of course you would need a party of colourful and varied NPCs to help with various things, like a pilot, a technical expert, a psyker, a personal savant, some soldiers etc.

                    There would be a huge galaxy with many worlds to visit and explore (massive dark hive cities, industrial forge worlds, primitive feudal worlds, hostile uninhabited hellholes etc.) and a number of side quests (hunt heretics, investigate strange ruins and purge alien hives/Chaos cults for example).

                    The game would also include a morality system of sorts that would change if your Inquisitor would behave like a Puritan or Radical in his work and it would also affect how the world and your party feels about you, you could lose certain characters based on your actions and could even become hunted yourself by over-zealous Witch Hunters if your actions would be deemed too radical (like using Chaos artifacts, alien technology or even demons).

                    Combat would be action based, extremely brutal and graphic and would be split between melee, ranged and psyker powers depending on what the player wants to focus on. Heads and limbs would get chopped off with fountains of blood and bucket loads of guts, enemies would be ripped to pieces with bolter rounds, burned to crisp with flamers or exploded to bloody pulp with psychic mind attacks. The game would contain a healthy amount of action but also more slow paced things like searching for clues, questioning people, exploring and interacting with your party members at your base/starship.

                    Naturally the game would be a massive 100+ hour epic with a good amount of replay value to boot. Basically Mass Effect 2 in Warhammer 40,000 universe but with even more content.
                    You could just hope for a Starcraft MMO from Blizzard, which is infinitely more possible than a decent WH40k game of this scale.

                    Either that or buy both Activision Blizzard and Games Workshop, and get them working on it for at least 10 years. If you were Bill Gates you might be able to make it happen.


                      Originally posted by moonwhistle View Post
                      Powerstone 3 with online multiplayer and loads of large levels suitable for 4 player (or more) action.
                      Powerstone would need to be 2-player IMO. It turned to generic ****e party masher when it went to 4-player.


                        My entry is Street Fighter Alpha 4... with high res 2D sprites. They could even be pre-rendered from 3D prior and filtered up to the tits to look 2D.

                        Even if it was 3D but looked more 2D I'd be happy. I quite like the sketchy look of the later unlocked colours on SF4, just a few more filters and make them apply to everything and we're rocking.


                          A new Banjo Kazooie 3D platformer. Aww


                            In a similar vein to the first post, fat people. Are there any games in which your main character is fat? And I don't mean that they're fat for the lols because the dev has a lame sense of humour, they're just a normal person that likes crisps who happens to find themselves in whatever situation.


                              Women's football.


                                Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                                In a similar vein to the first post, fat people. Are there any games in which your main character is fat? And I don't mean that they're fat for the lols because the dev has a lame sense of humour, they're just a normal person that likes crisps who happens to find themselves in whatever situation.
                                Wario is pretty fat. Can't think of any games with the main character as fat, but there are certainly fat characters in games, my favourite perhaps being the rollerskating Fatman in MGS2

