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DS twilight years, so whats left??

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    Originally posted by fuse View Post
    I would be all over a Gyakuten Kenji 2 localisation too (I STILL BELIEVE!).
    Never mind Gyakuten Kenji 2 in English...What about Gyakuten Saiban 5 (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney 2)?

    Was Apollo Justice REALLY that bad?

    (To my mind, the Prof. Layton crossover doesn't count...)
    Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 22-08-2011, 18:57.


      Apollo Justice mostly got flak because of it's awful treatment of Phoenix.

      I wanted an Iris x Phoenix ending dammit!


        Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
        Apollo Justice mostly got flak because of it's awful treatment of Phoenix.
        LOL - What awful treatment? Taking the spotlight off of him?


          I think it was more the fact that he was reduced to being a washed up piano player than the fact the spotlight was off him.


            The game is still really *about* him anyway though. He's just not the player character anymore.


              How about Inazuma Eleven. Saw an ad on TV for it last night - is it any good?


                Does piss me off that capcom have decided to slap every phoenix wright fan in the face by not releasing kenji 2 in english, yeah we supported you by buying all the other games right from the beginning, yeah thanks for that. Theres a big enough fanbase to support another release but nope they are much more interested in releasing more tedious fighting game rehashes. To me capcom are officially dead.

                Bandainamco games on the other hand seem to release lots of great stuff, they are becomming my fave publisher im really looking forward to the new onepiece game.


                  Originally posted by Guts View Post
                  We're never going to get Ni No Kuni in English, are we?
                  Sadly i think you might be right which is a real shame as it's a beautiful game, i was toying with the idea of translating the game with a walkthrough & doing the same with the book. But i doubt that enough people would use it to justify the effort in creating a walkthrough as it's a lot of work.


                    Well there is nothing on the release list that will be buying, but i have lots of games that i missed first time round to get and they are pretty cheap now. But the one game i cannot find anywhere and have never seen is Okamiden, i know it was released but does any know where to get it, i have looked in over 7 Game stores over the country and have not seen it.


                      Probably best going on ebay, theres a couple of uk copies on there right now but suprisingly not as many as i thought there would be. Have to use ebay a lot now as most of the titles im after play asia no longer stock, in between the outragous prices some sellers are charging for used games theres been some great bargains too.

                      Okamiden is well worth hunting down, it' a lovely game.


                        Be very careful on Ebay. More fakes than real copies (most can be spotted by saying they don't work on DSi's)


                          Depends what region, so far i have yet to fall foul of a fake but it seems the pirates target western games more than japanese ones for the fakes. As long as you do your homework & check carefully you should spot pirates easily. Anything thats cart only is usually a dead giveaway.


                            Originally posted by gambit6613 View Post
                            Well there is nothing on the release list that will be buying, but i have lots of games that i missed first time round to get and they are pretty cheap now. But the one game i cannot find anywhere and have never seen is Okamiden, i know it was released but does any know where to get it, i have looked in over 7 Game stores over the country and have not seen it.


                            It's the U.S. version, hope that helps dude!


                              I have Okamiden but not played it yet. Only ordered it around April or June whenever my last big buy was and surprised its getting harder to find already.

                              I would like to think Capcom will change their mind on Miles Edgeworth 2 I have every other game of the series.

                              All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation looks very good and I may try and find Retrogame Challange 2 - just a shame its Japan only.


                                Fourth Layton game pencilled in for US in October. So that's definitely one thing on the buy list...
                                Lie with passion and be forever damned...

