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PTE 15: Playstation Vita

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    PTE 15: Playstation Vita

    Over the last couple of weeks and months we've seen the details and pricing for the PSVita become clearer and more games lined up for it. The system is very much a continuation of where Sony is up to with its predecessor, the PSP, with new entries from many of its popular series making the transition to the new hardware.

    Now we have more details on the format, will you be buying a PSVita?
    I'll import a Wi-Fi model
    I'll import a 3G model
    I'll wait for the PAL Wi-Fi release
    I'll wait for the PAL 3G release
    Probably when a revised model with a better battery and smaller build comes out
    Probably, but when a sexier colour comes out
    Probably, but not near launch
    No, it's too expensive
    No, it doesn't interest/have enough games I care for

    Yeah, ill wait for the uk launch tho


      Definitely, but I will likely wait for the local release. If I hear that all is totally 100% import-friendly (I mean beyond just region coding) and the prices seem good, I may be tempted to import but I reckon in all likelihood I'll wait.


        I went for "Probably, but not near launch", though I'm waiting to see a game that really interests me. After I see something I have to play, I'll start considering which model I'll buy. Being region free it will all boil down on how online features are handled; doubt I'll buy a 3G model and will stick to Wi-Fi.


          Uncharted looks good enough to stand out even though not as much as the console editions, beyond that there's titles I'd play but nothing I'd say looks particularly outstanding or even that much of an improvement on the 3DS's much belittled line up. Not that that stopped me buying and enjoying the 3DS, lol. I'm likeliest to go down the route of getting an import machine but around the time of the PAL launch as it will likely be the cheapest method for me working out a little cheaper than the price asked for over here. Definitely the wi-fi model either way


            I'm honestly torn. After the 3DS launch, I'd promise myself I'd not buy this on launch and wait until the machine is a tad cheaper. However, Sony appear to have a really strong launch period software lineup, so I'm not really sure what to do. Definately the non-3G version though.

            I may actually go fully digital with software this time, bar import titles which I'll probably have to buy physically.


              I'm in the 'it's too expensive' camp. With quite a few DS/PSP games to play, and a possible iPhone 5 purchase it's need more games I'll want to play, and/or be a tad cheaper. The same applies to 3DS for me too.


                Maybe at some point in the future, when there's a big library of games to choose from and the price has dropped, but at the moment I voted "no, it doesn't interest me".


                  Can we please change the related option to "I'll wait for the Vitalite, mm-mmm, that's right".


                    @ Fuse!

                    Personally I will wait, the lineup of games is rubbish. Uncharted looks slow and simplistic and covered with staged set pieces, the shiny platforms ruin what I have seen so far. Ridge looks ordinary as does 2048.

                    Really disappointed as a Sony console normally gets me going.


                      can i ask what are the benefits of owning the 3g version over wifi?


                        Using 3g data allowance you can surf the web on the go I think that will be it, no doubt there will be restrictions on downloads via 3g. You may only be able to downloads under 20-30mb, specified amount. You would also be able to sign into psn to sync/unlock trophies.


                          Could be useful for cloud saving too.


                            Plus instant updates when your mates beat your laptimes on wipeout...

                            *in meeting*
                            Excuse me, I have to take this important call
                            *ten minutes on the bog and an improved laptime later*
                            Right, where were we?


                              i havent decided what to do yet, but i'm definitely getting one.

                              the japanese launch is a bit too close to christmas so i'll wait and see whats happening in january. if the rumoured usa launch of end of february is true i can wait for that, as i trust vg+ to have it with a not-horrendous markup... i'm assuming japanese importers will be jacking the price up massively.
                              if the uk release is about the same as the usa, and not more than a few months after japan, maybe i'll wait for that.
                              (unless it transpires the region free stuff isnt true... in which case i want a japanese model)

