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Some sad Stats - sales from my shop

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    EA scored another No.1 success this week following the PS2, Cube and Xbox debut of FIFA Football 2004, deposing Konami's rival footy title Pro Evolution Soccer 3 to No.2 in the process.


      Originally posted by camps
      EA scored another No.1 success this week following the PS2, Cube and Xbox debut of FIFA Football 2004, deposing Konami's rival footy title Pro Evolution Soccer 3 to No.2 in the process.
      Meh, they are quoting the multi platform sales, which obviously inflate things, they should quote that in the PS2 only sales it beat PES 3, much more impressive. (or not, if you prefer PES like myself)


        Someone mentioned ISS 64 in this topic. I own Fifa 2002 on the Cube and I can safely say that once you go back and play ISS64 it feels and plays pretty average. Fifa has improved a lot. It cannot be classed as ****ing ****e. Sorry to bring that up again but I missed this topic.

        Go play Carmeggedon 64, then go play Fifa. Whats ****ing ****e now?

        (but carmegeddon isn't a football game!!! You can't compare!!! Fifa is a ****ing ****e football game!!!)

        Well seeing as millions of people think its good enough to buy year in year out it can't be classed as ****e.

        (but people buy what is rammed down their throats and the licenses and the things the gaming press tell them too!!!)

        Yes they do. But if they ENJOY playing the game they will go back to it. I somehow think the next Matrix game won't do quite as well with the sales figures. They obviously enjoy playing fifa, so don't mind getting it again when they want to update their old copies.


          I actually played FIFA 2004 on Monday and found it enjoyable. I wouldn't say that it beats PES3/WE7 but it is easily the second best football game on the market and a great alternative to people who don't like Konami's games.

          It's a sad state of affairs when we can only give football games one of two grades. It's either:

          a) as good as Pro Evolution Soccer/Winning Eleven)


          b) '****ing ****e'


            Indeed it is C'.

            I'm quite suprised that we haven't see a This Is Football 2004 title on the horizon yet.

            For me, the previous iterations of the game showed some promise.


              Originally posted by Bleeders
              Indeed it is C'.

              I'm quite suprised that we haven't see a This Is Football 2004 title on the horizon yet.

              For me, the previous iterations of the game showed some promise.
              I think its delayed til next year.

              Sony saw sense and didnt want it to be demolished over christmas by the big two!


                Originally posted by ThoseOfTheUnlight
                Originally posted by Bleeders
                Indeed it is C'.

                I'm quite suprised that we haven't see a This Is Football 2004 title on the horizon yet.

                For me, the previous iterations of the game showed some promise.
                I think its delayed til next year.

                Sony saw sense and didnt want it to be demolished over christmas by the big two!
                Makes sense.


                  Well I think all football games (except Kick Off on the Amiga for some reason) are '****ing ****e', so there.

                  ...but that's just because I'm a big jessie no doubt.


                    Originally posted by Che Musashi
                    Hook up Joe to a TV and have it play in the window of the shop, or set up a kiosk. Either one will help generate sales.
                    We had a Pre-Viewtiful Joe demo to play on the counter TV. There was consistent steady stream of folk who played it, but when asked "Would like to Pre-order a copy? It's out next friday!" You get, "errr, no Ta. Sorry"

                    The Fifa 2004 we had on at weekend was consistently packed with neds, scallies and the great unwashed. It stank that pad afterwards. I hate Fifa, football games in general actually.


                      a m8 picked up a cube with Fifa today, been playin it a few hours, the juddering on some staidums was a bit annoying (this coz I was playin in 60hz mode?) but it was fast and pretty fun, just personally dont' think it's as good as Pro Evo 3.

                      But hey, I'd much rather Fifa sells a million than the likes of Enter the Matrix, now THATS when it's sad for a game to sell well at the expense of quality titles getting ignored.


                        Originally posted by TheShend
                        We had a Pre-Viewtiful Joe demo to play on the counter TV. There was consistent steady stream of folk who played it, but when asked "Would like to Pre-order a copy? It's out next friday!" You get, "errr, no Ta. Sorry".
                        That doesn't suprise me at all. I've read a few reviews and previews of this game, so I know what is going on, and that you can speed and slow time etc... I was at an advantage. But when I picked it up in CEX today, it was really quite weird. Quite hostile to new users I felt. Just from two minutes play you couldn't tell if you'd like this game, unlike Colin MacRae 2004. I played that for 4 minutes, found it quite enjoyable and was very tempted to buy a second hand copy of MacRae 03 for under ?15.

                        I'll probably get it, but on the back of many reccomendations, not 5 minutes play on a pod!


                          Originally posted by nips
                          Just from two minutes play you couldn't tell if you'd like this game, unlike Colin MacRae 2004. I played that for 4 minutes, found it quite enjoyable and was very tempted to buy a second hand copy of MacRae 03 for under ?15.
                          I find games that I clasp onto after a couple of minutes play are the games that get boring within hours. Take for instance the mighty back-catalogue of Sega arcade games. Good for 5-10 minutes, ****ing drastic after 3-4 hours.

                          It took me two or three days to get into Perfect Dark", initially I couldn't tell if it was better than Goldeneye or not. PD is now my #1 game of all time, Goldeneye doesn't even reach the top 10.


                            Originally posted by camps
                            EA scored another No.1 success this week following the PS2, Cube and Xbox debut of FIFA Football 2004, deposing Konami's rival footy title Pro Evolution Soccer 3 to No.2 in the process.
                            And we all know that sales equate quality.
                            How come they didn't release the game on the same day as Pro Evo though as originally intended?


                              Originally posted by DavidFallows
                              Originally posted by nips
                              Just from two minutes play you couldn't tell if you'd like this game, unlike Colin MacRae 2004. I played that for 4 minutes, found it quite enjoyable and was very tempted to buy a second hand copy of MacRae 03 for under ?15.
                              I find games that I clasp onto after a couple of minutes play are the games that get boring within hours. Take for instance the mighty back-catalogue of Sega arcade games. Good for 5-10 minutes, ****ing drastic after 3-4 hours.
                              Yeah, but you play games to full completion. 150 hours into F-Zero suggests that you may search for depth, and that is often a reflection of how hard a game is to 'get into'.

                              The aim of a play pod is to get people interested after short play periods, so instant gratifaction is needed to a certain extent. This probably reflects the requierments of a causal Joe in your average game store. I doubt many would play a game beyond 30-40 hours, and therefore quick exhilleration is needed.

                              While understand and quite agree with your comment, games like Viewtiful Joe make poor play pod examples, and would therefore sell relatively low on that merit alone.

                              But that is just my opinion.


                                Originally posted by nips
                                While understand and quite agree with your comment, games like Viewtiful Joe make poor play pod examples, and would therefore sell relatively low on that merit alone.

                                But that is just my opinion.
                                Sure. I just forgot we were talking about play pods.

