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GCD: Games Chart Discussion

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    Haha! That would be brilliant!


      Originally posted by nakamura View Post
      I would imagine the master race would argue you are getting PC quality.
      I am the master race. Most games hold up to pc versions...especially considering that the new gen is already over a year old.


        Fair enough. Not my experience but I'm not remotely bothered. I always prefer a console anyway.


          Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
          Do you need a hug before you go, it takes a big man to admit it and i'm glad you realised this isn't the place for you, give our regards to the other bridge dwellers on gamefaqs
          GameFAQs has more gameplay discussion than this place though, a lot more. Trying to discuss gameplay here is like typing in Notepad and saving to desktop.


            Originally posted by dataDave View Post
            GameFAQs has more gameplay discussion than this place though, a lot more. Trying to discuss gameplay here is like typing in Notepad and saving to desktop.
            where else can you go on the internet to find the sort of people that wont play a game because it doesn't have a spine card??? this place is a hoot.

            I just love the subtle differences between the different versions of the game. I had owned a JP copy for a while now but didn't play it because it had no spine card.


              The retro forum is a goldmine of stuff like that. It's where all the most virulent arguments occur too, usually over something like methods of N64 RGB amplification


                Originally posted by PaTaito View Post
                Who cares when for ?300 you can play 3rd party games at pc standards of visual quality...and there are PLENTY of 3rd party titles available that are superb.

                Besides forgetting the many decent 3rd party titles, i'd shell out the cost of a ps4 just for Last of Us at 1080p.

                None of the new consoles have had that much in their first 12 months, but it matters not because we've had plenty of facelifts to keep us going until big hitters the likes of bloodborne arrive...from that point on there will be a steady supply of decent software.

                The following are all great on PS4:

                The Last of Us
                Alien Isolation
                Shadow of Mordor
                The Evil Within
                Battlefield 4(after the flakey first few months)
                Tomb Raider
                Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag
                Metro Redux

                To name but a few...also loads of great indie stuff.
                Wolfenstein: The Last Order deserves a mention, one of the best, most refreshing and exciting FPS games I have played in years, with a very hard hitting story to boot. Also talking about graphics it really shines on next gen with a cracking 1080p/60fps output, both on XBox One and PS4. Definitely was one of my GOTY from last year.


                  I played Wolfenstein last week and it was really good.


                    Microsoft sold 6.6m Xbox consoles in the quarter ending 31st December 2014, the company announced in its latest earning…

                    Microsoft has said that it sold 6.6m Xbox's in the fourth quarter of 2014. If you shave a little off the figure to account for 360 and then split it three ways it seems to tie in to the notion that it won the US but lost overall over Xmas against PS4


                      Impressive. Not as impressive as 4 million ps4s in a month but ms are starting to do things right, all across the board e. G. Windows 10 being free, office on ios and Android.


                        UPDATE 28/1/15 5pm: Nintendo has sold "about 5.7m" Amiibo toys since their launch in late November.Company president Sa…

                        Interesting stats for Nintendo. They made a profit thanks to healthy Pokemon, Mario Kart and Smash Bros sales but anyone hoping that 2014 represented a WiiU revival will be disappointed.

                        The system has finally crept over the 9m total unit marker, meaning a better Xmas sell through than previous but less than speculated. New 3DS has yet to launch in Western markets too but apparently the systems sales have been in decline so unless the new model surges buyers we may be getting to the end of the road for the current handheld in the next year or two. Certainly the NDS figures are well beyond its reach.

                        No figures on Amiibo but despite finally making the company profitable Nintendo has halved projections meaning that despite their brisk sales they haven't saved Nintys bacon yet.

                        This year is likely going to be an interesting one for Nintendo as it seems like they're hitting a real crossroads. Certainly WiiU looks uncertain to even reach Gamecubes figures.


                          Wow low figures indeed, for nintendo to go from the best selling console to not even making game cube numbers is a massive drop off, the thing really is not doing well despite the solid software line up. Interestingly, someone pointed out in that link that Mario kart Wii sold 35 million copy's compared to MK8's 4.77, imagine the numbers they would do on rival systems as sad as it would be to see Nintendo bow out of the home console market they would be doing 30 million more units worth of sales.

                          I don't think it helps that going into game these days sees half a shelf display devoted to the wiiu games mostly full of pre-owned stuff, I've had a real struggle finding new wii U titles on shelves at retail recently.

                          I see 2015 being the wiiu last year of life, it would seem it failed to capitalise on the hype it was getting pre Christmas, and i cant see it gong much above 10 million now, that puts it on par with the Dreamcast and the Sega Saturn two consoles that where both considered flops sales wise. The worst bit is Nintendo are so far behind the curve with the wiiu Its 10 million behind there worst selling console to date the GameCube.
                          Last edited by Lebowski; 29-01-2015, 08:58.


                            The worst bit is that if it meets the Dreamcasts figures it'll have taken longer to do it, probably the most damning sign of Nintendo's situation. At current pace it would take Nintendo another 4 years to reach Cubes figures. Certainly, with MK and Smash behind it now, a revival in fortunes for WiiU is out of the question


                              UPDATE 28/1/15 5pm: Nintendo has sold "about 5.7m" Amiibo toys since their launch in late November.Company president Sa…

                              Amiibo has sold 5.7m units. Big success but it's clear it doesn't generate the kind of revenue that will be aiding Nintendo long term, still a nice uptick for now though


                                Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post

                                Amiibo has sold 5.7m units. Big success but it's clear it doesn't generate the kind of revenue that will be aiding Nintendo long term, still a nice uptick for now though
                                I'm not so sure about that. If they make a fiver off every one sold, it'll be a real moneyspinner for them.

