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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

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    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

    Given that Modern Warfare 3 looks to be outpacing last years 25m+ selling Black Ops it will come to no surprise that Activision has already announced a new Call of Duty for next year. This will be Treyarch's fourth main canon entry and given their last success there's a chance it will end up being Black Ops 2.
    Last edited by Neon Ignition; 10-01-2012, 11:45.

    Black ops was garbage in SP


      I think I'd rather see them make another WWII game than Black Ops 2.


        I'd rather see them make a dedicated Zombie game than a Call of duty game.


          I think i'd rather any fps franchsie than CoD. And BC/BF for that matter.


            Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
            Black ops was garbage in SP
            And yet still better than MW2


              Originally posted by Ouenben View Post
              I'd rather see them make a dedicated Zombie game than a Call of duty game.
              I'm not really a CoD player, but I think most of my mates would LOVE this. I think even I enjoyed the Zombie mode in World at War.


                Originally posted by Ouenben View Post
                I'd rather see them make a dedicated Zombie game than a Call of duty game.
                This. FTW. And that


                  WaW was great, MW2 stunk, I loved Blk Ops. Treyarchs always brought something new to the MP side of the series (WaW zombies), & last yrs wager matches & virtual monetary system was great. The only problem was the lack of servers online.

                  Blk Ops 2 would be great, but yeah I'd like another WaW or summat else from the past. Either way I'm sure it will be great


                    Isn't there two COD games out in the next year? I recall there was supposed to be a third person shooter out.


                      I've been saying for a few years they should make a fully featured zombie spin off.

                      4 player co-op campaign. Boss fights, bags of wacky weapons and tonnes of humour? Honestly it would be an insta-purchase to me.


                        Given how more fleshed out the mode was in Black Ops it'll probably get closer to that for COD9. They could do with finding a way of expanding the XP system over to it as well to entice more players to try it out.



                          Sledgehammer are hiring for their COD team for an 'unannounced' game. It could be COD9 or it could be that Activision is looking to increase the number of games they release under the banner.


                            I'm surprised they haven't made a COD-themed go-kart game yet.
                            Kept you waiting, huh?



                              Activision has secured the domain name for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (they now own the domains up to Black Op 6). This has added to the rumours that Treyarchs entry this year will be a sequel to the previous highest selling entry.

