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The Xbox One Thread

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    I wasn't having a go, it just seems a bit silly to single them out, when they're all businesses trying to maximise their profits.

    Don't mention Chromehounds around here, it'll bring a nostalgic tear to their eyes and they'll start reminiscing!

    I've had a 12 Months Live Gold card for ages, but not been motivated to use it. I can't group chat but I can do a private chat. I can still message too. I'm only playing single-player games at the moment (I'm playing New Vegas so should be for a while longer) so I don't need to multiplayer.

    Yet I'm still getting a massive splashscreen telling me to upgrade to Gold. All the features I can either get elsewhere (YouTube on Virgin Tivo, LoveFilm on PS3) or I can cope with (demos a few days later).

    I find it really odd that they hold back demos from Silver members. It's like they're saying "Ooh, you could get this a week earlier if you were Gold!".

    To which I think "Ooh, I could get this on pre-order, but I'll wait until it's a fraction of the price or get it second-hand".

    I also find it a bit of a cheek to make me pay for Gold so that I can use LoveFilm or Netflix, which are already paid-for services, especially as the PS3 does it for free already.

    If they want to make the NextBox into a living room-friendly entertainment centre, they're going to have to drop all these extra hurdles and charges.

    I don't know why I'm bothered. I don't think I'll be partaking in the next gen. I'm tired of getting half a game, season passes, patches, on-disc DLC, DLC that should be part of the game and the general notion of getting as much money as possible first and making a good game second.

    Edit: This article also questions the current value of a Live subscription.
    Last edited by QualityChimp; 23-01-2013, 14:59.


      Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
      I don't know why I'm bothered. I don't think I'll be partaking in the next gen. I'm tired of getting half a game, season passes, patches, on-disc DLC, DLC that should be part of the game and the general notion of getting as much money as possible first and making a good game second.
      Oh dear .. Looks like you have got to that point in your life where you are so jaded that you cant be bothered anymore ... Don't worry I went through that stage a couple of years ago ... you soon get over it.


        Don't get me wrong, I'm not bored of gaming!

        It's just that I'm not bothered about graphics or framerates.
        For example, the only game I'm 100% getting this year is EDF 2025!

        I have a lot of games unplayed on my 360, despite trying not to buy lots.
        There's loads of other 360 games I'd like to play before investing in a new console.
        If I get through them, I've only played Little Big Planet on my PS3, so there's hundreds to play on that too.
        If Microsoft or Sony ever stop me from playing this current gen, then I'll go retro.

        I also hate the micropayment structure they seem to be favouring.

        Red Dead Redemption, GTAIV, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas were a balanced way to release DLC. You got a complete game for your money and then they released DLC that wasn't removed from the main game, and sold physical copies that you could buy for the game and add-ons later.

        I'm sorry if this seems off-topic, but for me, these and them insisting you pay for services which should be free, are the main factors that are stopping me getting excited about the NextBox.


          Originally posted by dataDave View Post
          Well spotted!


            Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
            So EvilBoris hold onto your hat, you 360 fanboy.
            It's always amusing to get the fanboy card thrown at me by a PS3 fanboy.


              Aside from that, you didn't answer my question, why should we pay for demo's?


                I've never paid for a demo (with the exception of importing OPSM for the MGS3 Demo)


                  But you said the 40 quid sub goes to paying for demo's and stuff like that, so technically you are paying to play demo's.


                    I think long term Sony and MS will be as bad as each other, it's just that MS have got there first. PS+ members sometimes get demos before non-plus members. This is invariably for PS3 specific titles though so non-plus members are never in the situation where XBox owners are getting a demo a week earlier than them but it's still a thing that's happening.

                    I suppose in the end it's not a big deal. My XBox still lets me play Bayonetta and if the disc's in the drive then it's right there on page one when I boot up and it's not like they're putting adverts up in the game. It's just advertising in general that's the problem. I hate adverts and until recently my hobby has been free of them when I switch on my consoles but recently the ads have crept in there too. I filter them out when watching TV or reading a magazine or checking my email. Just need to get used to doing the same when firing up a game I guess.


                      Originally posted by FSW View Post
                      It's just advertising in general that's the problem. I hate adverts and until recently my hobby has been free of them when I switch on my consoles but recently the ads have crept in there too.
                      Buy a WiiU .. No adverts there (so far)


                        No games either, LOL


                          Originally posted by originalbadboy View Post
                          Buy a WiiU .. No adverts there (so far)
                          Putting a positive spin on Nintendo's historical online ineptitude! I like it!

                          I want a WiiU but in my head the hardware should only be ?200 and I can't seem to get past that so until the actual price ties up with the number I'm thinking of...


                            Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
                            But you said the 40 quid sub goes to paying for demo's and stuff like that, so technically you are paying to play demo's.
                            You've obviously forgotten the days of demo discs.
                            Technically I'm paying to see adverts if I get on a train or when I see posters in the gym or if I go full up my car.
                            All I know is that 2004 when I first subscribed to live to play Halo there were no demos,ads,arcade and I was ok with that.

                            Anything added since then is extra, whether that is cloud saves, party chat , private chat, timed exclusives etc etc
                            It was the only way to play Halo online and it still is so I will continue to pay it so I can play Halo online.
                            It would be nice if it was free, but hey. Whatyagonna do?

                            My 6p per day subscription means I can play Halo and chat to my friends, I'm good with that. Being able to play MGR or DMC one day earlier for 6p is just fine by me.

                            'Free' games would be fantastic and I certainly wouldn't turn my nose up at it, but if it was anything like the titles that are offered by PSN it would be of little value to me anyway, because as an avid gamer I tend to buy my games as soon as they come out and I'm not interested in being given free copies of games I played 2 years ago or have no interest in.

                            But at the end of the day I just need to play Halo Online and the very nature of it being exclusive means I have to bend to the will of Microsoft.
                            I get sick and tired of people insinuating that I'm somehow stupid for paying a sum that has such on insignificant inpact on my financial situation to do something I enjoy.
                            The attitude maked me wonder if you spend spare time standing outside of car dealerships and clothes shops shouting abuse at people buying something just because you can get something that offers something similar for cheaper.


                              So it turns out that stuff is worth whatever you're willing to pay for it? Interesting!
                              If I did a lot of MP console gaming I might begin to appreciate the subtleties of XBox Live and have no issue with the ?40 a year sub (presumably available for less by looking out for deal etc.)

                              I'm actually getting excited by the two new consoles now. The specs on that PS4 dev kit look nice and high and I'm presuming MS won't be lagging behind at all. Good stuff. I don't think we'll see MS dropping the Live Gold fee. More likely is that Sony will join them and start charging.


                                Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post

                                My 6p per day subscription
                                That what people seem to forget, I have said this before, but people seem to like to cherry pick their arguments where it suits them. You can't around moaning about spending 6p a day on XBL when the same people will then spend ?35 an month on a phone contract, ?80 a month on Sky (to watch adverts!) and ?10 a day on cigarettes / insert poison.

                                Don't get me wrong I would never get a Sky subscription unless I had no choice either through free TV disappearing or doing something stupid like getting married and having kids. But then Sky is a hell of a lot more expensive than XBL.

                                In the end Sky could give half their channels away for free if they really wanted to, and they would still make the money back on the advertising revenue, but they don't. Complaining about the cost of XBL is nothing.

                                Back on topic though I think the XBL sub will increase (or there will be higher levels such as platinum) which will include music, movies etc as well. If they did that and the selection was good then I could get on board with that. Of course it wont be in the UK because Sky has all the exclusive syndication rights to all lot of TV and films.

