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The Last of Us

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    The Last of Us

    A cheeky little image captured from Uncharted 3 seems to suggest that the mooted PS3 2012 major exclusive will be the next game from Naughty Dog. After the success of the Uncharted series, the idea of a new IP from the developer has a few sites excited.

    The game is said to be set in a world where a viral outbreak has killed or infected most of the worlds population.

    A teaser site is up at and the game is suggested to be a first person shooter. It's a crowded genre though the it would be interesting to see what ND would do with the cinematic skills they've learnt this gen.

    An FPS with no-one to shoot?

    I'd hope that Naughty Dog would offer something original but their track record makes it difficult to judge. The Uncharted series is superbly executed but very derivative, but may have provided them with enough cash to take a risk on something slightly unconventional. There's a very strong "Walking Dead" feel from that trailer but hopefully it's not another zombie shooter.


      Confirmed as new Naughty Dog IP, starring Ellen Page?! WTF but LOOK at it....sheesh.

      Trailer is pretty damn cool and had me at "oh man".

      Web site will update 12/12/11.
      Winner of a combined 500+ Game of the Year awards, The Last of Us series is critically renowned for its emotional storytelling, unforgettable characters and suspenseful action-adventure gameplay.

      "The Last of Us is genre-defining experience blending survival and action elements to tell a character driven story about a population decimated by a modern plague. Cities are abandoned and being reclaimed by nature. Remaining survivors are killing each other for food, weapons and whatever they can find. Joel, a ruthless survivor, and Ellie, a young teenage girl who's braver and wiser beyond her years, must work together to survive their journey across what remains of the United States"
      Last edited by Family Fry; 11-12-2011, 02:37.


        According to Balestra, this trailer was "rendered in engine on PS3".


        The city shot at the end was pretty darn impressive if that's the case.

        I feel pretty torn, though - I do love Naughty Dog's output, but the subject matter of this new IP doesn't exactly swell my loins. Still, I'm happy to find out what they plan to do to crank the spectacle of the zombie genre up to 11.


          That looks very nice. Going to pick this up based on the fact it's zombies. Looking forward to hearing more about this too. I'm also getting a bit of an Enslaved vibe there, which is a great thing.
          Last edited by elaniel; 11-12-2011, 08:09.


            As MrMarbles said, if anyone can take fungus controlled zombies and make it a spectacle then I'm pretty convinced it's Naughty Dog.

            A zombie game where you don't just have to worry about yourself? I'm in - can't wait to see more.


              It's got to be pretty far along. I'm guessing a late 2012 release.

              Problem is how many Joe Public will buy it if it is more character driven than all the other "zombie" games? Will it be too misleading to sell as a zombie action game?

              Me? I'm sooooo excited! That trailer roxxored my boxxors. Plus Ellen Page is

              Bravo, ND, bravo indeed!


                Originally posted by elaniel View Post
                I'm also getting a bit of an Enslaved vibe there, which is a great thing.
                Turns out the main guy who worked on Enslaved was working on this (and not Uncharted 3 as he had to pretend up to now).

                My interest level in this has now gone through the roof because combining the key parts of that with some Naughty Dog magic could be full of win.


                  Originally posted by Spatial View Post
                  Turns out the main guy who worked on Enslaved was working on this (and not Uncharted 3 as he had to pretend up to now.
                  Which guy? Mocap king Serkis or a tech guy?


                    The lead designer


                      Wow that is super impressive, I'd expect no less from naughty dog after uncharted 3 though.

                      If they can get games like that right now, imagine when more and more games next gen look like that and better!


                        Originally posted by Spatial View Post
                        Turns out the main guy who worked on Enslaved was working on this (and not Uncharted 3 as he had to pretend up to now).
                        Interesting, I didn't know he was even working for Naughty Dog. As soon as I saw the green outside on the trailer I picked up on an Enslaved vibe. Really looking forward to it if this guy is involved.


                          Remember Dead Island. That is all.


                            Brilliant trailer. Like others have said, it's coming across as very Enslaved-ey. Only with a shift towards survival horror perhaps?

                            If so, that'd be awesome.

                            Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                            Remember Dead Island. That is all.
                            Ahhh, come on man, it's Naughty Dog! Not uh...them what did Dead Island.


                              Yup, looking forward to seeing gameplay from this. Can't remember a bad game from ND so feeling optimistic about this. The Enslaved angle doesn't hurt either

