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The Last of Us

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    Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
    I'd always presumed that it must of been a memory related restriction, the choice beween having a crowd of people with different faces or using that memory for something that makes a bigger difference
    Yeah, it is a memory limitation; each individual face model and texture costs memory and you only have a certain amount. The procedural face generation that Sketcz mentions would be able to take a small selection of faces and textures and warp them to be different shapes as they spawn in.

    I think.

    I often say things like that and then told I'm wrong or it isn't possible.



      CVG reedits the trailer to mimic Dead Islands


        Originally posted by MrMarbles View Post
        This has been confirmed as being played from a third-person viewpoint now - after early rumours of it being a(n) FPS, this news pleases me.
        Me too.

        I still can't get on with FPS games on a console...even after all these years I cannot get my mind to work on the twin sticks thing.



          Interview regarding The Last Of Us

          "This is going to sound corny, and it might not appeal to gamers, but I would say it's a love story," said Druckmann. "It's not a romantic love story, it's a love story about a father-daughter-like relationship.
          If this is going to turn out like Ico, where I have to constantly babysit some moronic AI routine, then **** this ****. Being held to ransom by insipid and hapless side-kicks is the most infuriating thing possible both in a game, and real life.

          I have no interest in the developing relationships between characters - my interest is being placed in a difficult survival situation and having to micro-manage everything to stay alive. Everyone else can get killed in the process for all I care. I think I'm going to go replay Pathologic.
          Last edited by Sketcz; 14-12-2011, 13:23.



            What if you can sacrifice them to get away from the zombies?

            What if your sidekick is a loveable, bomb-proof tramp?

            What about if they have a completely different face every time you play it?

            What if you have to wait whilst they visit the loo?

            How about guns you can't use until the last section?

            What if the AI carries you if your legs get shot and can't walk?

            I'll let you use my Transporter Magazine idea in your next Aukfontein novel if you give me a namecheck or give me a bit part in it as a vagabond salesman!



              Oh Quality Chimp, you cheeky scamp, you've been reading too many of my forum posts again.

              In fairness, although I seem grumpy, this is currently looking to my most anticipated game, along with I Am Alive by Ubisoft.

              Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
              What if the AI carries you if your legs get shot and can't walk?
              This is actually one of the coolest ideas I've heard in a long time. Almost as innovative as the teleporter bullets idea.

              Please tell me you make games either professionally or for fun...

              You have my word that should I write another novel, the preset combination of words - "quality chimp" - will be name-checked at least once. Probably twice.
              Last edited by Sketcz; 14-12-2011, 14:24.


                Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
                I have no interest in the developing relationships between characters - my interest is being placed in a difficult survival situation and having to micro-manage everything to stay alive. Everyone else can get killed in the process for all I care. I think I'm going to go replay Pathologic.
                Unfortunately those sort of games always seem to come from Eastern European devs who focus mainly on PC, shame there aren't many of them working on consoles as they have some great ideas, I remember Russian dev Deep Shadows were going to bring The Precursors and White Gold over to 360 but they got canned, I would have bought another 360 just for those.


                  Bloody hell! Had to Google those two but they sound incredible. Precursors sound like what Mass Effect should have been all along! I'd buy it but I don't think my rig can run it.

                  Also, reading about White Gold brought me to Boiling Point: Road to Hell, which also sounds ace. People criticise these games because they're broken, but damn, they do all kinds of interesting things which mainstream FPS games would never even consider.

                  Boiling Point was 2005, so within my tech specs... So tempted now. What have you done Phar!


                    Downloaded the trailer from PSN last night and you can tell its running "in engine" whereas on Youtube I wasn't sure.

                    Just stunning to behold! Cannot wait for more info!!


                      First in-game screenshots courtesy of GameInformer.

                      Click the above link for sexy hi-resolution images, just added these for a quick look.

                      Last edited by ezee ryder; 03-02-2012, 00:39.


                        Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                        First in-game screenshots courtesy of GameInformer.

                        Click the above link for sexy hi-resolution images, just added these for a quick look.

                        Are you sure those are pics of the Last Of Us and not Uncharted 4?


                          For some reason I really want to replay Enslaved again now...


                            The screen shots look amazing but their character design lacks imagination. Ellen Page and 'Old Drake'!


                              It's Naughty Dog so therefore is going to be awesome.

                              Can't wait.


                                I'm shocked and saddened to see that no-one has pointed out the amazing looking bum/hobo.

                                Best bum/hobo in a game...ever?

