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Secret Criterion Game

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    Originally posted by Mr M0by View Post
    And if you went the wrong way you had to drive back to the start in order to try again (for the first 53 weeks after release).... I enjoyed the bill board & stunt hunting but my overall time with the game in 2008 was a fraction of what it was in '09 & '10 after the update.
    Thank God for that update! I hated having to drive back across the whole city to restart a race. Criterion did some excellent work with all their updates, it was the game that kept on giving


      Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
      There wasn't big green arrow walls in Burnout Paradise, you could take any route you wanted and there would be an indicator thing flashing to tell you the ideal route to take to the finish.
      My memory must be failing me, I certainly remember quite a few of the tracks being fairly on rails and clearly designed as a race section (particuarly the ones on train tracks and down the swiss style paths.) But even so, as you say , you are being guided down a path byy your indicators , which fundamentally equates to the same thing, most of the CPU cars would tend to take the optimum path too.

      Having no option to restart really did make it bothersome, I'm sure that was enough to spoil the fun for many.


        The lack of an option to restart a race was why I never bought it, hacked me off majorly in the demo. How they missed such a basic facet of open world racers was quite impressive.


          It wasn't too much a problem as you could often drive a foot and find another challenge, it just made it awkward if you like to get 'in the zone' with one level as I do.


            Yeah me too, I find it takes at least a couple of goes to start to pick up a course's nuances normally.


              Could the BIG part be a hint? As in initials for a game? Burnout IGnition? Or something?


                I may have to revisit Paradise now it has the restart option. It's the one major thing that **** me with the game when I picked it up. It just didnt seem accessible as a result. That and the fact the crash mode was ruined was enough for me to shelve and soon offload it.

                What else did they add/tweak? I've completed hot pursuit and that has re-capturedy appreciation of Criterions racing prowess. I don't think I mind what this new game is going to be provided they've learnt from previous mistakes.


                  All this chatter is making me force myself not to play B:P again for the fourth time

                  The updates really fixed everything with Paradise and the game wasn't so open that it took that long to learn routes, there weren't that many areas where it was easy to go the wrong way once you had an idea of the geography. With the lessons they learnt with Paradise and its updates it'd be great to see a sequel. Wonder if they'd resurrect the planes from the axed DLC?

                  Revel in its post-patch glory!


                    Bought. It's $20 over here. Bargain.


                      On the big green translucent arrows making marking the course point, wasn't this in the sort of time trial part of B:P?

                      I really loved B:P, put a LOT of time into it and I think completed all of the events pre-DLC. I installed the free DLC and loved it more, then it went on the shelf.

                      After maybe a year or so, I went through a spell of playing older games that had been on my shelf for a while.
                      I really couldn't get with B:P at all, I ended up playing through most of Burnout: Revenge again. I sold both on shortly after that, and the one I regret selling is Revenge.

                      Not sure if it was the open, worldness or what, but I'd like a return to traditional Burnout..

                      All that said, surely the big money goes on it being a NFS title, or maybe Need For Speed: Burnout



                        I think they can easily straddle both Burnout and NFS franchises and do both equal justice in the same game. Remains to be seen of course but HP was a close but no cigar effort. Too much NFS with not enough Burnout, though the later races are epic.

