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Double Fine Adventure game

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    I notice Sketcz hasn't been around since his Kickstarter got funded.

    He doesn't have to answer to anyone about their donations, so he's taken the money and run!


      You have me there, but in some ways that isn't all bad. Asking for large changes isn't always the right course of action and often is another money and time sink. I will give you though that it does make it a severe risk if you put in serious money as there is no one to check what's happening to the funds. I guess Kickstarter won't do monthly audits because of costs and their bottom line (and maybe an excuse why should they bother) Having said that I have know company still manage to syphon of cash from investors even with month reports and visits.


        Originally posted by fuse View Post
        You may be flippant towards ?10 of your own money, the issue at hand though is DF being flippant towards ?3,000,000 of their fan's money. As you've highlighted, none of which was taken under the guise of investments or purchases, but you're wrong in saying that it's a "donation" too - the language of Kickstarter is very clear that this is a "pledge", and the two have very different meanings. What DF promised to deliver was not legally binding, but people weren't just putting money in for the sake of good will. They made a promise to deliver a product, and they are currently floundering to do so. Yes, ?10 is neither here nor there to most people, but to take this much money from your own fans and then be this careless with it is not something that should be glossed over.
        They are still bringing us the game, it's not cancelled. They are not asking for more donations either, they just changed their business plan from what it was before. What's the issue here? Infact, now we get to play the game earlier (January) than before. Hell, this is actually a win-win situation, the fans get to play Broken Age Act 1 (if they choose to) and DF gets some extra money to finish the game as they want instead of rushing it out with heavy cuts and unpolished like they would have to do if a publisher was involved, Lucasarts, I'm looking at you.
        Last edited by Guts; 05-07-2013, 10:13.


          What happens to Beneath a Steel Sky 2? This really doesn't sound promising for that green light that was mentioned

          That makes me so sad.


            Originally posted by redstar_dan View Post
            What happens to Beneath a Steel Sky 2? This really doesn't sound promising for that green light that was mentioned

            That makes me so sad.
            You're getting two different companies mixed up here. BASS2 is made by Revolution Software who is now making the new Broken Sword Kickstarter game.


              Originally posted by FelixofMars View Post
              You have me there, but in some ways that isn't all bad. Asking for large changes isn't always the right course of action and often is another money and time sink. I will give you though that it does make it a severe risk if you put in serious money as there is no one to check what's happening to the funds. I guess Kickstarter won't do monthly audits because of costs and their bottom line (and maybe an excuse why should they bother) Having said that I have know company still manage to syphon of cash from investors even with month reports and visits.
              Yeah there are plus sides and downsides. Mostly it's riskier but the potential is greater. A big publisher will want to avert risk and is in a position to actively stop a developer from taking a risk. With kickstarter there's no one to stop them so the chances of something new and interesting go way up, along with the chance for a catastrophic failure. Personally I like those odds. I've spent as much on kickstarters in the last year as I have on actual released games.


                Originally posted by Guts View Post
                You're getting two different companies mixed up here. BASS2 is made by Revolution Software who is now making the new Broken Sword Kickstarter game.
                Aha! I totally got confused!


                  I think this is it, the AAA market has totally lost it at the moment. I would rather take a chance (with some research) on a good kickstarter game to a similar value as a retail game. I don't think I have made any really bad choices so far with Kickstarter although Carmageddon seems to be perpetually not being released. Actually TBH I think I only done about half and half games and other projects via Kickstarter/Indiegogo

                  Originally posted by FSW View Post
                  Yeah there are plus sides and downsides. Mostly it's riskier but the potential is greater. A big publisher will want to avert risk and is in a position to actively stop a developer from taking a risk. With kickstarter there's no one to stop them so the chances of something new and interesting go way up, along with the chance for a catastrophic failure. Personally I like those odds. I've spent as much on kickstarters in the last year as I have on actual released games.


                    Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                    I notice Sketcz hasn't been around since his Kickstarter got funded.

                    He doesn't have to answer to anyone about their donations, so he's taken the money and run!
                    Hard at work actually, even on the weekend. Set up an online calendar yesterday to start booking appointments. Also revised some email templates. Tuesday and Wednesday I was away on business, meeting contacts who can help set me up with interviews. Also, got in touch with another interviewee for one of the Guest Editor chapters.

                    I might put my feet up today though. The logistics take it out of you.

                    I noticed Double Fine's predicament. I can safely say everyone will know about the status of my book mid-November. The material will be accumulated by then. In effect the cake mix will be made, we'll just be waiting for it to finishing baking.


                      This is a very interesting side of the industry to see...
                      Everyone is always with the devs and against he publishers - lines like "publishers forced it out unfinished" and the like are common; the devs are down trodden and the publishers are money grabbing b***ards.

                      Everyone loved the idea of this; cut out the middle man, get the money straight to the devs! yet here we are, they've spent the money (and a lot more than they originally asked for) there's no game and they want more to finish it it.

                      Everyone who invested in this is like a publisher now - what do you do?

                      DF have screwed up royally here, they're killed the trust the public had and so people will stop pledging for things like this


                        Originally posted by Goemon View Post
                        yet here we are, they've spent the money (and a lot more than they originally asked for) there's no game and they want more to finish it it.
                        Wrong, you haven't bothered to read. They don't want more money, they'll use their own money.

                        Originally posted by Goemon View Post
                        DF have screwed up royally here, they're killed the trust the public had and so people will stop pledging for things like this
                        Rubbish. Even if the whole Double Fine project would fail (which it won't) there have already been successful Kickstarter games that have come out. Ouya console, came out and is in the shops and that was a bit bigger project than one game.


                          Part of the update mail I got today:

                          Act 1 of the game is now at Alpha. That means everything is fully functional. All characters and environments are painted and implemented. All UI is implemented and functioning. All animations are blocked and integrated. All puzzles are functioning. Every scene has voice over, music, and sound effects. All the writing including examine and negative reaction lines are finished and implemented. So basically we have a real-life game on our hands! Now we just need tweak, polish, and make this thing perfect. This is where it all starts to get real!


                            Elijah Wood is the voice of the male lead character in Broken Age!

                            Here's a new video with some actual gameplay:

                            Looks great, I'm loving the art style.


                              Episode 1 should now be available to backers, episode 2 will launch later in the year.
                              Steam page has also gone up where the game will be available in 2 weeks for non-backers, press reviews are currently embargoed.

                              10% off for pre-order ?17.09 (?18.99) (full season, part 1 with part 2 to follow)
                              A family friendly, hand-animated, puzzle-filled adventure game with an all-star cast, including Elijah Wood, Jack Black and Masasa Moyo. Funded by a record breaking crowdfunding campaign and designed by industry legend Tim Schafer, Broken Age is a timeless coming-of-age story.


                                Getting some cracking reviews this..

