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Kickstarter thread and what would you like to see kickstarted

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    Ah, that might explain why WoS was responding like a dead dog yesterday when I was trying to access a thread on the new Mire Mare type game just released...
    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


      Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
      The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers

      It's mine. If you've read my articles in magazines or online, you'll know I love the history of games, especially the Japanese side of things. There's not many books catering to it, so rather one or two articles a month, I thought I'd interview many people at once. it's also probably the only time I've put avideo of myself on the internet.

      It's going to be epic. It's going to comprehensive. It's going to be mind blowing. (And if you follow my posts on here, it's not going to feature exploding bins)

      Does it warrant a standalone news story in the news forum? I spoke to Charles who mentioned putting it on the site's front.

      The main thing it needs is having the word spread. It will only succeed if people know about it and are interested.

      Any questions, do ask!

      wondering would you be selling the book seperately when its done ? (i have been following it a bit have to say you could probably write a book on whats happened lol )


        Of course, it will be sold on Amazon. I need sales to recoup my investing of all my savings.


          Is the DVD getting sold separately too? I foolishly didn't choose that option.


            Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
            Of course, it will be sold on Amazon. I need sales to recoup my investing of all my savings.
            Is that how you got ?70k of funding on kickstarter?


              I'm sure John may chip in with a comment of his own, but anyone who has read the updates on Kickstarter will know that there have been... some interesting challenges, and a bundle of John's own money put into this due to other peoples' lies and incompetence. The total cost overall for getting this out as a finished product will be over the money raised on KS.

              Originally posted by jamesy View Post
              Is the DVD getting sold separately too? I foolishly didn't choose that option.
              Yes, John has said (on Kickstarter) he'll be getting at least 1000 printed and those not part of pledges will be sold separately when available.
              Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                Ah right cheers mate. Must have missed that on the updates. From the stuff I've read through the updates he's had to put up with a lot of rubbish.


                  Originally posted by Mayhem View Post
                  I'm sure John may chip in with a comment of his own, but anyone who has read the updates on Kickstarter will know that there have been... some interesting challenges, and a bundle of John's own money put into this due to other peoples' lies and incompetence. The total cost overall for getting this out as a finished product will be over the money raised on KS.
                  Mayhem basically covered it. I was naive when dealing with my coordinator, paid for services in advance when she asked (which were never honoured), then she demanded more money, I said no, she walked away telling the already pre-booked interpreters to leave as well, leaving me out of pocket, scrambling to get new interpreters, and plugging holes in the budget with my savings.

                  One day I might put our final coffee shop conversation on Youtube.

                  She's not even natively Japanese, she's one of those snooty New Yorkers who think they're above everyone else. Plus the interpreters she got me ranged from very good through to incompetent and sickly. I'm having the incompetent ones retranslated at my own expense. I think I got... ?62k after deductions? The total cost of this is closer to ?66k or ?67k, depending on how much printing and postages costs. That's still a wild card. I'm hoping most backers are in America, so postage will be low. If a large number turn out to be from Australia (which has one of the highest postage costs on Amazon), I'll be bankrupt.

                  I'll say this about Kickstarter: it's really not for one-man teams. It should only be used by mid-level groups, like DoubleFIne, and the like. One guy on his own, with his funds publicly displayed for all the world, is like a dead cow left in the middle of the Serengeti. The smell of fresh blood travels far.

                  The DVD will be sold separately, as will the book. I hope once they're out word of mouth spreads their appeal. I need sales dammit!
                  Last edited by Sketcz; 07-02-2014, 10:19.


                    I'm down for a book (and was on for a digital copy too), but am a dead cert for taking a DVD off your hands too. Don't know if the timing would work out, but if I could upgrade and have it all ship at the same time that'd be grand.


                      The books are all going through Amazon, and the DVDs are all going through John I believe (correct me if I'm wrong), so I don't think it's possible to have any packages shipped together.
                      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                        Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
                        She's not even natively Japanese, she's one of those snooty New Yorkers who think they're above everyone else. Plus the interpreters she got me ranged from very good through to incompetent and sickly. I'm having the incompetent ones retranslated at my own expense. I think I got... ?62k after deductions? The total cost of this is closer to ?66k or ?67k, depending on how much printing and postages costs. That's still a wild card. I'm hoping most backers are in America, so postage will be low. If a large number turn out to be from Australia (which has one of the highest postage costs on Amazon), I'll be bankrupt.
                        Sounds like it would have been cheaper if you had spent a year teaching yourself to read and write Japanese.


                          Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
                          The DVD will be sold separately, as will the book. I hope once they're out word of mouth spreads their appeal. I need sales dammit!
                          I hope it'll get good coverage on gaming websites and youtube channels as there is nothing else like it out there.


                            Blackmore: A Steampunk Adventure Game

                            Featuring the talent of several former Konami staff (localiser, artist and musician).


                              I've just had this email:

                              On Wednesday night, law enforcement officials contacted Kickstarter and alerted us that hackers had sought and gained unauthorized access to some of our customers' data. Upon learning this, we immediately closed the security breach and began strengthening security measures throughout the Kickstarter system. No credit card data of any kind was accessed by hackers. There is no evidence of unauthorized activity of any kind on your account. While no credit card data was accessed, some information about our customers was. Accessed information included usernames, email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers, and encrypted passwords. Actual passwords were not revealed, however it is possible for a malicious person with enough computing power to guess and crack an encrypted password, particularly a weak or obvious one. As a precaution, we strongly recommend that you change the password of your Kickstarter account, and other accounts where you use this password. To change your password, log in to your account at and look for the banner at the top of the page to create a new, secure password. We recommend you do the same on other sites where you use this password. For additional help with password security, we recommend tools like 1Password and LastPass. We?re incredibly sorry that this happened. We set a very high bar for how we serve our community, and this incident is frustrating and upsetting. We have since improved our security procedures and systems in numerous ways, and we will continue to do so in the weeks and months to come. We are working closely with law enforcement, and we are doing everything in our power to prevent this from happening again. Kickstarter is a vibrant community like no other, and we can?t thank you enough for being a part of it. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. You can reach us at [email protected].

                              Thank you, Yancey Strickler Kickstarter CEO


                                Sadly, this kind of thing seems to happen to almost every web site these days. My payments to Kickstarter have been through Amazon so I'm not worried.

