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Silent Hill HD Collection 360/ps3

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    Silent Hill HD Collection 360/ps3

    Well....finally the reviews and various reports have started coming in for this, my most wanted game of spring 2012.

    Devastated doesnt even cover it, i would really like it if someone who has imported this can get some comments into the first play section soon. I want to feel bettet about what i've been hearing, on the 360 version at least.

    I couldnt be more gutted right now, my favourite series of all time treated with such disrespect.

    I have it (PS3) the games are the same but they are sloppy conversions reeks of cash grab but still good games just keep your ps2 ones and buy downpour which is surprisingly good


      Been playing the HD Collection for a while now on the PlayStation 3, and it's not as bad as certain people are making it out to be. This coming from quite a big Silent Hill fan.

      Both games still play incredibly well and, for the most part, the HD remasters are quite impressive. The frame rate isn't 100% stable, but it's not exceptionally bad either. I didn't come across any major hitches during my time with either title. In regards to the fog textures, not great, but they didn't hinder my enjoyment of two fantastic survival horror games.

      Some people might disagree (just my opinion), but I think there's a mountain being made out of a molehill here.


        I agree with ezee but pointless upgrade if you have the ps2 versions as they are superior they get away with it for ?20 if it was full whack ?40 though forget it


          Anyone here actully tried the, apparently better, 360 version?


            It seems to not be the review version sent out by konami so will be less promo copies of the 360 version kicking about until the retail copies wed/thurs would be my guess mate


              My understanding is that because these titles are running via emulation, the fog effects are not emulated properly. I've not played these new versions, but it sounds like a non-trivial issue given the games rely quite heavily on fog. You can see comparison pictures here.

              Apparently some pictures on NeoGaf show that these new HD versions look inferior to the old PC versions, which were already in high resolution.

              Saying that, I'll be the first in line if they choose to do a Vita version.


                They do look a little worse but nothing to cry over.


                  Just the very basic idea of having any modern HD collection released in which the games actually look a little worse seems to be something worth complaining about to me. That both games are so absolutely dependant on their atmosphere makes it worse. Seems a real shame.


                    I'm just against the usage of word like "remaster" etc in video previews, for such old games to fail to be even emulated correctly baffles the brain for me.

                    As dogg says the atmosphere in silent hill is everything, and that doesnt cover the sound glitches where it cuts out randomly, or goes out of synch, frame rate dropping below 10fps when you unlock achievements(to the point you have to skip the story), or any of the other poor points.

                    I hold out some hope that a further patch will fix some of this, if not everything, but to release a simple hd collection of two old games, and not be able to at least have the audio running the very least, is frankly pathetic.

                    The development team should be ashamed.

                    Maybe they should have asked kojima productions to do the job, they have some key team silent talent within their ranks, and they did a great job with metal gear hd collection.

                    Oh the irony...


                      It's like a ?20 release, I'm guessing that's why it's a ?20 release. I very much doubt Kojima would touch it he can dictate to them what he does no? They should have hired the people that did the Ico and sotc remaster (bluepoint I think)


                        Originally posted by evilthecatuk View Post
                        It's like a ?20 release, I'm guessing that's why it's a ?20 release. I very much doubt Kojima would touch it he can dictate to them what he does no? They should have hired the people that did the Ico and sotc remaster (bluepoint I think)

                        ?20 BUT what development required? half the price of a full game for much less than half the work imo.

                        The price is no excuse, this is what should be an easy port of a couple of old games.


                          Don't blame me fella I didn't port it I never said it was right I merely suggested that's probably why the price point is ?20


                            Originally posted by PaTaito View Post
                            Maybe they should have asked kojima productions to do the job, they have some key team silent talent within their ranks, and they did a great job with metal gear hd collection.
                            weren't they done by Blue Point? The guys that did Shadow / Ico?


                              Yeah they were. I think Kojima Productions did the Peace Walker port.

