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    Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
    Going to be selling most of it when I get the chance since I need the room

    SFC (3 consoles)*Maybe around 125-150 games
    Neo Geo CD (3 consoles) complete set of Jpn games and 5 short of a USA/EURO collection
    Neo geo pocket (2 consoles) around 10 games
    PSP (2 consoles) and around 50 games
    DS (3 consoles) and around 20 games
    3DS and around 15 games
    GBASP (3 consoles) and around 20 games
    PSvita and around 8 games
    XBOX (2 consoles) and around 35 games
    XBOX360 (2 consoles and around 50 games
    PS3 (2 consoles) around 70 games
    PS2 (ahem 5 consoles) around 250 games
    PS1 (4 consoles) around 450 games
    Dreamcast (3 consoles) around 300 games
    Saturn (3 consoles) around 400 games
    PCE (2 consoles) around 50 games
    GameCube (4 consoles) around 200 games
    N64 (3 consoles) around 150 games

    So roughly two and a half THOUSAND games???? Bloody hell!


      I really haven't bought much in the last 2-3 years and sold alot of stuff like around 100 PCE games

      Going to sell most of it so I'm left with one console and around 20 great games for each

      But things like the Saturn, dreamcast and PS1 have around at least 50 games worth keeping so its going to be hard


        I wonder who on here tops that? Mayhem maybe? I think at my worst I had just over 1000, and that took up a fair bit of space.

        I have 34 now, and can see me maxing out at maybe 50-60. Though a few months back i'd got down as low as 4, which was an amazing change.


          4 PC games
          Anyone got less than me?


            Well, I probably have a couple more PC games, but I've not bought one since No One Lives Forever as nobody seems to make games compatible with Windows 2000 anymore...


              My collection spreads over three rooms: it starts at the ZX-81 and currently ends with Wii, PS3 and Xbox360 and most of it is accessible. The downstairs arrangement is mostly current gen - Xbox1, Xbox360, Wii, PS3, PS2, DS, PSP, (Gamecube, N64, Amiga, MegaDrive/CD on shelving). Upstairs has the PC, PS1, SNES, Saturn and Dreamcast. Spare room has the home computer stuff, older consoles and stuff like Binatones.

              I don't think I've got quite as much stuff as BB though.


                to be honest im sure Yakumo has more than that for one system never mind around 15 lol

                if people want to buy in bulk please come to my house and i need the games room turned into a bedroom - have orders you see


                  My collection is still fairly large but I get three nights a week at home to play when my wife is at work and my daughter is in bed. Plus I just like it!!

                  PS1 around 100 titles, a lot of US RPGs in there.
                  PS2 around 180 now, down from 250 just before xmas after having a clear out.
                  GC 11.
                  Wii 10.
                  DS/3DS 9/4
                  PSP 19
                  GBA Around 22.
                  SNES around 40.

                  That covers about the meat of it. Not as many as I thought but still a lot. I have traded loads of PS2 titles for less mainly portable games but for better quality ones. I Still feel my PS2 collection is about a good as it needs to be but could even be trimmed more.


                    Not a large collection but it's stuff i love playing. Built a piece at a time as the years have gone on.

                    GC: 118
                    FC: 2
                    GBA: 64
                    GB: 13
                    DS: 163
                    Wii: 52
                    360: 42
                    DC: 3
                    PS1: 33
                    PS3: 3
                    N64: 57
                    N64DD: 7
                    SFC: 8

                    DC: 1
                    PS1: 1
                    PS3: 1
                    360: 1
                    N64: 4
                    GBC: 2
                    GBA/SP: 3
                    GB Micro : 2
                    DS: 5
                    SFC: 1
                    GC: 3
                    3DS: 1

                    And just because lists of text are not as fun to look at heres pics too of some of it
                    A Retro Gaming Collectors Community, offering Rarity Guides, Reviews and a place to share your games collection.


                      What are the two Famicom games, Importaku?

                      I have way too many games. I've been meaning to sell a good chunk of them, but I never get around to it. However, all current gen games I try to sell as I finish them.

                      Rough numbers here

                      Famicom: 100 (all cart only)
                      Gameboy: 100 (all cart only)
                      Super Famicom: 130 (all cart only)
                      N64: 30 (all cart only)

                      I'm pretty discerning when it comes to overall condition, so I thought I would save myself some headache and collect only loose carts from the start for Nintendo games.

                      Master System: 60
                      Megadrive: 100
                      Mega CD: 25
                      32X: 7
                      Saturn: 200
                      PlayStation: 200
                      NGCD: 20
                      NGPC: 10
                      Dreamcast: 100
                      PS2: 50
                      Xbox: 60
                      GameCube: 35
                      Last edited by nem; 04-04-2012, 08:21.


                        320GB PS3
                        GBA SP
                        GBA Micro

                        Plus 27 PSN downloads

                        And this is some of my 'For sale' pile.

                        Probably have some other tat lying about too.
                        Last edited by MonkeyJuggleDX; 04-04-2012, 18:39. Reason: Pikchurz adderd


                          Due to the recent move I've thinned out my collection a lot and reduced most of what I currently have to CD wallets to conserve space. It's currently roughly down to:

                          -Sony Playstation 1: with 20 Games
                          -Sega Dreamcast: with three VMU's and 110 Games
                          -Sony Playstation 2: with 140 Games
                          -Nintendo Wii: with lightgun attachment 10 GC games and 80 Wii games
                          -Nintendo 3DS: x2 (one PAL, one JAP) with one DS game and 22 downloaded games
                          -Playstation Vita: with 6 downloaded games
                          -Xbox 360: with 5 games and 11 downloaded games
                          -Playstation 3: with 28 games and 22 downloaded games


                            Lets see some pics ?


                              Going off the gaming set up thread I can imagine some of these collections look immense


                                Wow such a nice and rich collections , amazing . I wish i could keep all my previous consoles and games .... sigh but cruel fate , in order to have something new i was forced to gave up something old.... if you don't mind my first video on my retro collection .
                                Last edited by vulcan77; 10-04-2012, 13:12.

