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Crysis 3 - DX11 graphics running in Crysis 3 on PS3, Xbox 360

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    Crysis 3 - DX11 graphics running in Crysis 3 on PS3, Xbox 360

    Update : Gameplay trailer

    Looking good

    So soon?
    Last edited by EvilBoris; 24-04-2012, 13:21.


    I guess it's going to be Oct/Nov?


      i've read it's scheduled for a Q1/2013 release. makes sense, since Halo 4 and CoD-BO2 will pretty much rule Q4/2012. can't wait for the first gameplay footage


        Officially announced for Spring 2013


          First Screens




              You could say they are being lazy by setting it in New York again, but urban + jungle is probably the best thing that this series could do from a gameplay perspective.

              I thought C2 was hugely under rated as it had one of the best paced campaigns I've played in years. It got a lot of bad press because it was more of a generic shooter than the foresty original, plus the engine wasn't the same leap forward as the first, but I thought it played brilliantly.

              High expectations for this.


                The shared assets between destroyed new York and in tact new York are going to be absolutely minimal, so I can't see how anybody could bring up the old 'expansion pack' thing.

                I really enjoyed Crysis2, you felt really powerful, it's rare that a empowers you so much. I'll be there on day one.

                Apparently The plot is NY has been encapsulated in a bio dome (no pauly shaw) and there are different environments inside of it. So we'll see a snowy Apocalpytic new York, a desert bit, a jungle bit.

                Quite a clever device that serves the graphics restrictions that NYC was designed to overcome.
                EnclOsed environments , but a really good excuse to run a stream through the street


                  well, with an average score of 85% on gamerankings it seems it's not exactly underrated. but, yes, in fact it is somewhat. i am currently at my 3rd campaign playthrough on my 360 - it's my most played FPS this generation. a technical showcase for 6 years old console, and also the best Crysis game for me to date.

                  it will be interesting to see whether Crytek will be able to make further improvements to the console engine. Pete, Boris, what do you think?


                    There were a selection of people who slagged of ole Crysis 2 but I seriously enjoyed it, from start to finish.
                    One point near the end of the game at night time in times square and massive boss appears, was just mind blowing this was running on 6 year old hardware.
                    They will have got some extra stuff out of the engine, I'm sure improvements have been made internally using cryengine for consoles and Crytek have just been tweaking away at it, rock solid engine if you ask me.
                    Talking about it makes me want to have another playthrough...


                      Enjoyed the first game more, but still liked the last one. Was just the final section that i thought was a bit of a letdown after the boat section with giant tripods and all hell breaking lose from the first game. Im sure they could have come up with better than a handful of invisible aliens.


                        Originally posted by Uli View Post
                        well, with an average score of 85% on gamerankings it seems it's not exactly underrated. but, yes, in fact it is somewhat. i am currently at my 3rd campaign playthrough on my 360 - it's my most played FPS this generation. a technical showcase for 6 years old console, and also the best Crysis game for me to date.

                        it will be interesting to see whether Crytek will be able to make further improvements to the console engine. Pete, Boris, what do you think?
                        From senior creative director Rasmus Hojengaard.


                        For Crysis 3 we’ll be using the newest edition of the CryEngine 3. We’ve developed a lot of new stuff since the version of the engine we used for Crysis 2 though. From individually-rendered blades of grass to scalable detail on huge, towering skyscrapers wrapped in unique real-time illumination – Being Crytek of course we’re iterating on tech constantly and with Crysis 3 it’s no different. But it’s no secret that today you’ll not blow people away with tech the same way as when we released Crysis 1. Iterations on visual today are a lot more subtle and not the quantum leaps that the original Crysis took back then.

                        Crysis 3 has matured the franchise a lot – we have a much denser story with rich and interconnected characters. We’re basically trying to tell a simpler story in a bigger way in other words.
                        RE: AI.

                        Well good AI is hard to make – I think that’s more likely to be the reason that it sometimes fails to deliver in certain games.

                        For Crysis 3 AI has been improved and will dynamically adapt to change in player behaviour. As you say, in a semi-open world game, you need good and dynamic AI and for Crysis 3 both the visual behaviour and technical behaviour of the enemies have been improved greatly.

                        The game plays out several years after the end of Crysis 2. Cell has built incredibly huge Nanodomes over several capitals around the world to protect the Earth’s population from Ceph remains – as well as cleaning up the environment and rebuilding the cities. Or at least that’s what they say they are doing…

                        You play as Prophet who is getting seriously fed up with being kicked around and he wants to do what is right. He’s taking matters into his own hands and he has a strong goal – one I cannot talk about now. But as part of succeeding with this, he will take on Cell as well as the Ceph and avenge the past. In doing this he partners up with a usual suspect of the Crysis franchise – Psycho aka Sergeant Michael Sykes, who we all remember from Crysis 1 and Crysis Warhead.
                        Last edited by Family Fry; 16-04-2012, 21:26.


                          Originally posted by Uli View Post
                          it will be interesting to see whether Crytek will be able to make further improvements to the console engine. Pete, Boris, what do you think?
                          No doubt about it have you seen this video?

                          You can see they are constantly adding and improving things, so we will hopefully see some of these things where possible deployed into the console versions. Things like FXAA are bound to turn up this time instead of motion blur and hopefully their greater experience will allow for an improvement in screen resolution.


                            Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                            Things like FXAA are bound to turn up this time instead of motion blur and hopefully their greater experience will allow for an improvement in screen resolution.
                            i am sure the native resolution is very close to 720p on 360 and it's very unlikely they will go beyond that on consoles. i would rather have improved physics and AI - the enemies in Crysis 2 felt somewhat less smart and challenging in comparison to the PC predecessors. improved stereoscopic 3D would also be a welcome addition.


                              Trailer will be up on Thursday.

                              Some more info, will spoiler it in case people don't want to see it. Only non spoilery thing is game has new writer, Steven Hall.

                              -Prophet was inprisoned by CryNet (reason of timeskip)
                              -global ceph invasion took place
                              -we will find out what happened to the rest of the planet
                              -Psycho is back (and turns out to be the bad guy who betrays you, no doubt)
                              -CryNet and Ceph aren't the only fractions
                              -side missions
                              -new ceph with flamethrower Scorcher
                              -animals are back: giant frog
                              -speed and power seems to be separted now
                              -2 new powers: hacking alien turrents and using theirs weapon
                              -environment less destructive than Crysis 1
                              -one of the concepart or screen seems to show frozen world ouside the dome

