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Who's buying a PS3 instead of a PS2?

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    Originally posted by nips
    Yeah, my logic is that it's one purchase instead of two, and with a large amount of games on the other two platforms, I simply don't have the time now. Possibly at the end of the other two consoles life cycle, while there are only a few good titles on the PS3 (Should it adhere to the PS2 example) I'll have time to buy all these great PS2 games, at a much lower price too

    My point is, really, are constant generation updates along with backwards compatibility really a good way forwards?
    Well either that or argos are going to have to start selling 10 way Scart box splitters.


      I don't really see why nips even started this thread. I doubt anyone could say anything to convince him to change his mind and purchase a PS2. He'd already made his mind up resolutely, and the whole request for advise really wasn't going to change that in a million years I doubt. At the end of the day, it's down to how much you want to play the PS2's games catalogue, and if the desire is not there, no amount of justification is gonna convince you otherwise.


        I've just got my lovely little NTSC PSOne and screen combo so that'll keep me happy until the PS3 comes out. I've no need for the PS2 apart with the exception of VF4:e.

        Even when the PS3 is released, I'm going to give it around a 6 month mature period for Sony to iron out all their initial problems that I KNOW they're going to have.


          Just buy a PS2 now and then buy PS3 after 6 months or so with a price cut and more knowledge on chipping front or ask for a PS2 from a close relative or two for Christmas providing it is in their budget.


            Vaipon, you will find no request for advice in my posts. For a start this would would be posted in a different thread were that to be the case. I don't require you to tell me 'the PS2 iz teh r0xx0r', I'm trying to begin a discussion concerning the generation jumps between consoles and the effects that backwards compatibility has.

            Do you think it possible that in the future we'll see bi-yearly updates of hardware with full backwards compatibility? What will the long term effect of backwards compatibility be, as I've clearly given an example of an effect now? The standard of hardware also appears to be in discussion, would, like you said, it be a solid idea to invest in a first gen console, do you believe, or wait for a price drop.

            Following the influx of Next gen threads concerning Cell, IBM and even the PSP, I thought it something worth discussing.


              After my launch, import PS2 debacle I will not be rushing out to buy any consoles till the great games trickle through.

              Here is a transcript of my first years PS2 experience:

              "Oh my god a PS2! The future has arrived."

              "It's beautiful"

              "It's a bit noisy"

              loads first game......the Bouncer.......


              loads second game.....Fantavision.....


              loads Tekken Tag.....

              "hmmm, it', not as good as Soul Calibur is it??"

              "This thing is not as good as my Dreamcast!?!" Backlash, backlash, backlash, backlash....

              etc..until some very good games were released, I'd say that took just over a year from when the console was released. And yes I know that RR5 has its admirers.

              My first PS2 year is the only time I have ever gotten heavily into retro gaming

