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Summer of Dreamcast

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    PGR1 was the one for me. I found the rest to be all completely boring.


      Originally posted by nakamura View Post
      Yes. The cars were incredible washed out looking and lacked shine that even the Shuto games had. That image above looks far nicer than the actual game. Also a 30fps rate didn't excite when Shuto again was 60fps. It was nice but all felt a bit underwhelming.

      I also grew bored of the game in around 10 days after paying full price for it.

      GT3 arrived a few months later and smashed it to pieces visually.
      Sorry mate but as a kind of coinsure of racing games I have to say MSR ran rings around Shutokou Battle 1 and 2. For a start the Shutokou games may have ran at 60fps but they suffered from slow down. Not cool in a racer. Secondly the ONLY the main car looks fantastic while the drone cars were far more basic. And thirdly, the areas in MSR look and are far more complex and detailed than those in the Shutokou games. MSR is an amazing game for the system it's running on.


        I am the same with racers yakumo, and don't get me wrong I don't think the Shuto games are brilliant or anything, just compelling. MSR is undoubtedly a far better and more polished product than Shuto, I can certainly say that objectively.
        However I was blown away with Shuto 2 when it came out, even with the slowdown. The car models were stunning, glitzy and full of awesome tuning options. MSR though, despite looking forward to it for absolutely ages I was somewhat underwhelmed with it. Despite he impressive worlds, I found it fuzzy and pretty dull to play in all honesty. I only really liked PGR 1 out of the entire series.


          Fond memories apart from being heavy handed on the triggers but how much cash did I waste is shocking from day one.

          The highlights

          Sky's of Arcadia, Get bass, Crazy Taxi, and the mighty Shenmue in japanese

          Cant say I miss this console though as the Ps2 & Cube had more delights back in the day


            Originally posted by ikobo View Post
            Having put a few hours in to it recently, i'd have to say that MSR still looks great.
            Agree with ikobo. Played a bit of MSR last night and I'd forgotten how good the graphics were. Fair enough, the cars don't have the same high poly count as GT3 or decent reflection mapping (if that's what it's called) but they do have some stunning environments - the London track is cracking.

            Of the two though I think Tokyo Highway Challenge 2 is the better game. I had much more fun bombing around Tokyo dodging traffic, than did with MSR.


              Had a launch dreamcast all those years back started with sonic adventure, the later on got biohazard code veronica & pop n music & that pretty much was my collection till i sold it as the library of games just never enticed me back then i never really felt the love, it was just a stopgap console. For the longest of time i was quite happy not to own a dc after that as i felt i wasn't missing out on anything, that was until samba de amigo was released.

              Years after it came out i eventually couldn't hold out any longer i simply needed to own it, the box art alone makes me smile everytime i see it, ended up with a copy of both games & some maraccas & i added space channel 5 to my collection too & thats how my collection is now. My dc only exists for those 3 games, i'll never sell them as they are fantastic.

              Forget sonic, samba was the best sega character ever.


                I remember to looks I got when picking that up from GAME back in the day

                My speakers arrived today... they're bigger than they looked on the tinternet


                  Fired my DC up last night (VGA adapter connected to 32" LCD) and it looks fantastic! I played Powerstone 1 & 2 for hours. Looking forward to playing the other 50+ games I never gave time to (been sat on the shelf for years).


                    Space Channel 5 - why is the timing so difficult? I must be more rubbish at games now than 10 years ago...


                      Input lag on LCD screens?


                        Originally posted by ItsThere View Post
                        Space Channel 5 - why is the timing so difficult? I must be more rubbish at games now than 10 years ago...
                        If i'm brutally honest, I don't think the timing of the game is quite right tbh.


                          Originally posted by briareos_kerensky View Post
                          Input lag on LCD screens?
                          I haven't noticed. Should there be?


                            Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                            If i'm brutally honest, I don't think the timing of the game is quite right tbh.
                            It was an issue in both of the games imo .


                              Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                              If i'm brutally honest, I don't think the timing of the game is quite right tbh.
                              Thank god someone else mentioned this. I thought I was going mad.


                                I love my Dreamcast, it has loads of great games that are actually still playable today. Always loved my N64 but the 3d stuff on that now feels almost too primitive, especially texture-wise and I find it really hard to play for long. The Dreamcast has just the right amount of power IMO so that the 3d stuff is a touch more well realised and sharply enough textured to stand up now.

                                That being said, I am a sucker for 2d fighters and shmups!

                                Anyway, I will be trying out Last Blade 2 for the first time soon (courtesy of teddymeow), and I'm anxiously awaiting the release of GunLord... got to get my Turrican fix somewhere right? In the meantime I'm playing bouts of Psyvariar 2 & Gunbird 2 in between extended plays of Ecco which is still a really beautiful game.

                                Another thumbs up for MSR from me too. Possibly my second favourite real world racer ever, behind the criminally under-rated Race Pro.

