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New Gears of War - Reveal Monday

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    Personally I want to play in the Pendulum wars before the Locust invasion, would love to see them flesh out the story in that direction. Really dreading it if it's PCF-made though, if there's one group of people who can make the dialog even worse it's them. Loved Beast mode as well, my only problem with it was that it had only 12 waves making it super easy on most maps. Felt like it didn't get the attention Horde did.


      What was pushed too far in GOW3?

      I thought it looked bloody marvellous throughout and didnt have any graphical issues at all in my experience. Really love the GOW series for the campaign as it's pure popcorn entertainment and something you can sample with mates. Dont think there are that many games out there that play so well in co-op and the third bringing 4 player to the table was just pure class.

      Online it's always been a mess for me though. Its just never been competitively fair and its like playing lag roulette, one minute its good the next you want to throw it at the wall.

      No idea what this could be but agree its time to move to next gen. If this is current hardware and 2012-2013 launch window it just seems pointless.


        According to eurogamer its definitely from PCF


          As I said waaaay back in the Gears 3 first play thread, this looked a bit rough to my eyes. It was jaggie central for me and I couldn't understand why. Maybe they'd lost some of the AA to fit the larger areas / more enemies, but I could never figure that out given that 2 had some pretty big open areas and a lot going on.

          For me it went : Gears 1 - jaggy, Gears 2 - much better, Gears 3 back to Gears 1 standards (albeit with more detail / better lighting etc)

          It constantly distracted me and I couldn't totally switch off from it during my whole time with Single Player. I remember it being quite noticeable from the moment you get on deck, and at its worst during the desert sections. Interior sections like the abandoned village were fine, probably because they were more enclosed and less intensive.

          It just felt to me like they'd reached the end of the 360 hardware for the scale they wanted to be. As was said in the First Play thread at the time, not everyone agreed nor had this issue with the visuals and I certainly don't expect that to change. Hell, I'm prepared to accept that it only me on the face of the planet who felt that way - I'm perfectly okay with that. I just calls it as I see's it.


            Well 3 was terrible, i'm hoping they can do something different with this one.


              Karting dreams dashed, it's called Gears of War: Judgement and it's a prequel


                Official covers have been released early, will be shown at MS conference.

                Gears of War Judgement

                The Robbie Coletrain


                Some more info, perhaps the most shocking one.

                Class based gameplay in multiplayer!
                Last edited by Family Fry; 01-06-2012, 23:07.


                  Here's some details from Epic Forums.

                  Ok heres what we got for MP. It's class based, Locust classes wretches, tickers, kantus , Grenadier mauler blood mounts, corpses and serapedes.

                  Cog classes are as follows.

                  Baird-engineer=Weapons: gnasher and blowtorch,Special abilities: sentry turret, tip: blowtorch repairs damaged fortifications
                  Cole-Soldier= lancer and boomshot, deploy ammo crates, toss amo to engineer to give him infinite blowtorch ammo
                  sofia- medic= lancer and snub pistol, stim gas gernade, toss gernade at downed allies to revive them
                  garron-scout= longshot and snub, beacon gernade, climb perches for better sniping leverage

                  And of of course overrun mode - cog vs locust. similar to DOTA or Team Fortress or at least takes a mod from.
                  Kilo Squad bios:

                  Damon Baird:
                  Before this sarcastic, genius mechanic went on to help Marcus Fenix save the world, Baird worked his way through the Gears ranks. He’s always quick to joke, but Judgment suggests there’s more to his character than being a comedian.

                  Augustus Cole:
                  A former Thrash Ball player turned soldier the "Cole Train" became famous in Sera for his on-feild performance and boisterous demeanour. Cole met Baird soon after enlisting, and the two quickly became best friends.

                  Garron Paduk:
                  A miltia refuge from the Union of Independent Republics. Garron comes from the other side of The Pendulum Wars. He brings a new perspective and brush personality to Kilo. Garron is the devil on Baird's shoulder that say's "Let's blow stuff up."

                  Sophia Hendricks:
                  A cadet from the onyx guard academy, she is more in line with colonel loomis by the book approach to combat. E-day halted her path to graduation from the academy, but she is still worth the soldier. She is the opposite of Garron, ready to suggest informing superior officers of every deviation from protocol.
                  Locust - OverRun mode

                  Role: Leap over hazards, clim perches.
                  Special Ability: Stunning scream.
                  Tip: Travel in packs and stagger screams for maximum stunnig power.

                  Role: Eat fortifications, eat grenades, detonate.
                  Special Ability: Speed boost.
                  Tip: Can be kicked over barriers by grenadiers.

                  Role: Hammerburst rifle, heal friendly units, ride bloodmounts.
                  Special Ability: Chain heal.
                  Tip: Support valuable units like Corpser and Mauler with healing.

                  Role: Lancer rifle, ride Bloodmounts.
                  Special Ability: Frag Grenade.
                  Tip: Throw grenade at COG turret to cause deadly explosion near enemies.

                  Role: Melee enemies/fortifications, be ridden by Grenadier and Kantus.
                  Special Ability: Halve the cooldown time on rider's special ability (passive)
                  Tip: Carry a mounted Kantus behind cover while his heal recharges.

                  Role: Devastate fortifications and COG soldiers with flail and shield.
                  Special Ability: Spinning spike shield.
                  Tip: Aim the reticle at enemies while shield spins to deflect bullets back at COGs.

                  Role: Eat through barriers, destory COGs, ranged support.
                  Special Ability: Spit poison.
                  Tip: Have two Serapedes overlap to protect one another's vulnerable rears.

                  Role: Demolish fortifications and COGs with heavy melee.
                  Special Ability: Burrow and move underground.
                  Tip: Armored legs reduce damage from the front.
                  Sound like they are trying something new with the MP aspect.


                    Sounds to me like this will be more than 5 vs 5 then , there wouldn't be any point in having classes in a game that small. So we are probably looking at 16 to 24 players matches.

                    In all honesty 10 players is what defines GOW multiplayer, once you increase the player count the it just becomes Unreal Tournament.

                    Maybe thats all this game is , an expanded MP game with vehicles , larger maps etc. Personally I wouldn't mind that as long as its done right. This has certainly pepped my interest.


                      While it sounds good, I Hate the two characters and relying on Epic to get the balance right (ie no chance) But I played countless hours as a medic in Bad Co 2 playing mainly with randoms and loved it so playing with my regular Gears crew will hopefully be a lot of fun. Flesh out Beast Mode too please!!


                        It just sounds like Horde mode but both sides are controlled by humans.... would have been good to see that alongside a conventional multiplayer mode.


                          Damnit. When I saw class based multi player I thought something like sniper locust, grenadier, theron etc. Horde with people sounds cool too but just as a bonus...not the main course.



                            Some more screens


                              Why did they not show a hint of the gameplay during the conference? Afraid that it looked nothing special?
                              Looks to me like an add on for Gears of War 3 rather than a new game.


                                Shame PeopleCanFly are developing this, would rather they stuck to the crazy shooters like the excellent Painkiller or excellenter Bulletstorm. I fear their Gears effort is going to play it safe, which is not what you want PCF to do. Of course, if they are left to go mental then this could be the best game of the series!

                                I get the impression this game only exists because the Nextbox is coming a year (or two) later than first planned.

