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Your top 5 Overrated games

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    Originally posted by evilthecatuk View Post
    I just remembered the game that is the most overrated piece of junk I ever bought (twice)

    Ico - what the hell is this all about, it's another "classic" not in my book it ain't. Dodgy control and dull as s*** platformer that somehow becomes regarded as a classic, the epitome of style over substance for me And don't get me started on the sequel - hours of riding a ******* horse to a big boring boss fight, big whoop

    Its really interesting to see what people think and nice that this didn't just become an argument thread

    So any more?


    The other thread running "Top 10's" I have it as my favourite game of all time.

    Friendly Import video game discussion forum, informative reviews, NTSC (Japan / US) and PAL - BordersDown (previously known as NTSC-uk)


      Have to agree, Ico is a wonderful game. If you analyse its individual components it is nothing remarkable but the way they're all put together make the game special.The mention of the original TR by someone, I suppose we had to expect. There's always been a dedicated anti-TR club who hated the grid based movement/control system but mostly just the fact TR helped popularise gaming. But how can it possibly be over-rated ? There was almost nothing like it at the time and undoubtedly it ushered in a whole new gaming era. It is a fact that there are still well populated TR forums fllled with gamers who love the original game and its immediate sequels, often far more than the recent games. Others are spending huge amounts of time creating new levels using the TR Level Editor. Such continuing enthusiasm speaks volumes. What other game series for almost 17 years has given and still gives such entertainment?


        Originally posted by Blade Runner View Post
        3D Grand Theft Auto titles
        Got to agree with this. fiddly controls, boring storylines and loads of wandering about doing nothing


          Gears of War series- Admittedly I have only played the first two, but all I found was a shallow cover based shooter that wasn't as much fun as Killswitch. The less said about the unfriendly, unwelcoming full of abusive American ****, online mode the better.
          I actually find the abusive people on Gears amusing, especially when you play well and they instantly call you a cheating sponge. It isn't just Americans on Gears who are bad, in fact most people who seem to play Gears online sound incredibly dim witted and seem to be Chavs. It is rare to find decent people on it, but it just makes the killing more statisfying. I think the campaigns are rubbish really aside from the Dom moment in 3 and a couple of set pieces in two.

          I think Halo is overated but it does have a good solid online mode which is why people come back for more, you may say that is the same as COD but at least Halo has a little bit of imagination. Interesting to see Bayonetta too, I feel out of Devil May Cry and that it is Devil May Cry that is the overated piece of trash.

          Zelda OOT is a game you really had to play on release and understand that then, in its day, was a masterpiece. Windwaker stands the test of time as does a link to the past to some degree, much better.

          With Shenmue, again playing it in its day was key but also you had to enjoy Forklift truck driving, feeding the cat and running old ladies errands to get anything out of it! It was always about the intricate little details. I think it was the novelty value that made it so good and I enjoyed the story and the way the fighting played out to some extent, playing it now though the fighting is far too wooden.

          Mine are probably:

          1. Any game made by Bethseda.
          2. Any Metal Gear after number two.
          3. Crysis, Far Cry (in fact most FPS games made with the crytek engine are bland and boring)
          4. Any GTA game besides Vice City
          5. Call of Duty (The sooner this dies and people can start making real games again the better)


            Originally posted by Nishimori View Post
            5. Call of Duty (The sooner this dies and people can start making real games again the better)
            What does that even mean??? is Modern Combat genre stopping you getting the next Ico, or niche 2d Fighter, if so thats rubbish! everything outside the mainstream has always and will always come in drips and drabs. If CoD was not around, its not like a typical CoD player will buy "real" games.


              Gears of War: feels clunky. I don't see the fun in not being able to run around an environment without your character sticking to the walls. Oh, the cover system. Great.

              Mass Effect: the only word I can use to describe it is "turgid".

              Zelda OOT: I didn't play this at the time, so came to it late, and I don't see what the fuss is about.

              ICO: found it to be incredibly dull. I did play it at a time where I wasn't in the best of moods though, so the lonely environment in the game felt really depressing.

              Metroid Prime: backtracking...


                What a disgusting thread.


                  Can anyone who thinks the mgs games are overrated please pm me? Don't worry it's not because I'm going to ban you all if that's what you were thinking*

                  *it is


                    The thread of things that other people like that you don't. Shocking.


                      See - card-marking!


                        2D Mario Games - Whilst i definitely have no Hatred for them, i am bored by the level design which i find bland and dull alot of the time and Mario World on the Snes graphically looked more like an 8 bit game than a true 16 bit. I also don't like that the games are based on precise platforming and much prefer Mario in 3d where it is more about exploration of the levels. I enjoyed alot of Mario Land & Mario Land 2. I loved the graphical style of Yoshi's Island but the pace was even more sluggish than Mario World. Most of them i have played would get 7/10 and no more

                        Halo Series - The 1st Halo was fun in parts and particularly co-op but so many of the levels were average and bland. And later on in particular it felt like the developers had ran out of ideas with the levels. Id give the first game a 7.5/10 but the rest are all massively overrated.

                        Mortal Kombat Series - Gameplay wasn't anywhere near Street Fighter 2 level i.m.o

                        Call Of Duty Series - Bland levels and little depth to the gameplay. I can see the fun in multiplayer though if you like shooting. For me though from what iv played of it, Battlefield 3 seems the better and more intelligent fps.

                        Mass Effect Series - This is a tough one to put down. I bought played and completed the first and thoroughly enjoyed it. I love the mass effect world and it's inhabitants. I love all the different lifeforms and also how much info is available to the player on the menu screen about the lifeforms and locations. I also think the voice acting is wonderful and possibly the best iv ever heard. My main gripe is when it comes to actually playing the games which i feel is when it starts to become a less than brilliant game. I bought the 2nd one but got bored after around 10 hours or so as i found the gameplay had been even more simplified and streamlined and alot of the RPG elements removed. So definitely not a hate but more a case of close but not quite.


                          I first played Zelda OOT (on GC) less than two years ago and for me it bettered or at least equalled any one of a number of much more recent games of its type that I've played before and since. It is a game which more than holds its own over a decade after its initial release and is so good it has been re-released commercially and critically successfully to two more generations of gamers. Almost impossible to over-rate; it's a unique, timeless phenonmenon.


                            Originally posted by fallenangle View Post
                            I first played Zelda OOT (on GC) less than two years ago and for me it bettered or at least equalled any one of a number of much more recent games of its type that I've played before and since. It is a game which more than holds its own over a decade after its initial release and is so good it has been re-released commercially and critically successfully to two more generations of gamers. Almost impossible to over-rate; it's a unique, timeless phenonmenon.
                            Totally and utterly agree with this. If ever a game deserved it's praise its OOT. I would pay ?80 for Zelda: A Link To The Past in 3d on the WII U.


                              Originally posted by fallenangle View Post
                              I first played Zelda OOT (on GC) less than two years ago and for me it bettered or at least equalled any one of a number of much more recent games of its type that I've played before and since. It is a game which more than holds its own over a decade after its initial release and is so good it has been re-released commercially and critically successfully to two more generations of gamers. Almost impossible to over-rate; it's a unique, timeless phenonmenon.
                              Er no it's not rereleased because it's "so good" it's because Nintendo are the undisputed kings of making a fast buck one only needs to look at a full priced snes rom being released as a 25 year Mario celebration for that, I'll give you 3d as it took some extra work (which may I add was not done by Nintendo) but the others (wii, vc etc etc) were either added as incentives to buy other stuff or to buy outright for more cash


                                Originally posted by Sam The Man View Post
                                Totally and utterly agree with this. If ever a game deserved it's praise its OOT. I would pay ?80 for Zelda: A Link To The Past in 3d on the WII U.
                                And no doubt you probably will be when it invariably gets rereleased for that console too

