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Your top 5 Overrated games

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    Little Big Planet - I love platformers so I had high hopes for this, but it's absolute trash. Slippery, imprecise and plain old not fun. I can only assume people like the aesthetic or the stickers or something.


      Never got on with Gears of War myself.


        Modern overrated top five:

        Shenmue - I fell for the hype but didn't get far into it as it was so dull.

        Gran Turismo - so overrated it's incredible. The banality of sitting through a series of driving test coupled with wobbly visuals and the crappy PS pad makes me wonder how it did so well.

        Bioshock - you've seen all the enemies quite early in the game and it just gets tedious taking photos and grinding your way through it.

        Half Life 2 - starts brilliantly but eventually drags. And the difficulty spikes later on which killed off my remaining interest.

        Metal Gear Solid - utter drivel. Its like a whole pile of preachy cutscenes interrupted by a few moments of gaming.

        Retro top five overrated games:

        Xenon 2 - utter p*sh! Slow, dull, unresponsive and choice of 'banging, ie crap, soundtrack or sfx.

        Moonstone - more utter p*sh. Looked awful, played poorly.

        Donkey Kong Country - rubbish game, graphics are crap unless viewed via RF lead on a 14" portable.

        Uridium - did anyone actually play test this game. I am shooter daft but this is terrible. And the Amiga sequel isn't much better.

        Super Star Wars - super slowdown more like. And the complsory Mode 7 vehicle levels are a waste of cart space. The Master System Star Wars game is far better. And the music is really muffled (although that's a criticism that can be leveled at many SNES games).
        Last edited by CMcK; 24-06-2012, 06:12.


          Fascinating thread. The hate for mgs and demons souls is utterly baffling to me!


            I just remembered the game that is the most overrated piece of junk I ever bought (twice)

            Ico - what the hell is this all about, it's another "classic" not in my book it ain't. Dodgy control and dull as s*** platformer that somehow becomes regarded as a classic, the epitome of style over substance for me And don't get me started on the sequel - hours of riding a ******* horse to a big boring boss fight, big whoop

            Its really interesting to see what people think and nice that this didn't just become an argument thread

            So any more?


              Originally posted by evilthecatuk View Post

              Its really interesting to see what people think and nice that this didn't just become an argument thread
              No, but this has become a thread for marking cards.

              And I've marked yours, boy.


                Not for me. I like to look at things objectively and I really struggled with finding a top 5. I also couldn't put a whole franchise like Zelda in there because even the most avid hater with half a brain should be able to appreciate a well designed game even if it doesn't appeal.


                  Thought of 2 more:

                  Crysis - Tried twice to get into it. Looks amazing, but I just kept loosing interest. I'm sure there's a very tactical game in there, but it just felt slow and lacked direction.

                  Call of Duty - Again, I tried twice to get into CoD 2, but I couldn't see what all the fuss was about and I had better things to play at the time. The funny thing is I quite liked the original and I took a punt on the DS version of MW and absolutely loved it. Very well done game for the DS. Any of the full versions from CoD 2 onwards though do nothing for me.


                    Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                    No, but this has become a thread for marking cards.

                    And I've marked yours, boy.
                    And why is that?
                    Upset your love of Modern Warfare


                      Hmmm... I'm only naming three because I just tend to avoid games I know I'm unlikely to enjoy even if they're pretty hyped and many highly rated games I really like so...

                      Half-Life 2 - With some distance, my memory of this is a little kinder and there's no doubt loads to love here. But I felt the storytelling was piss poor and that had a dramatic effect on my enjoyment because I never really felt a reason for going anywhere or doing anything. I also felt the game was seriously padded and got very repetitive. Aiming for length.

                      MGS4 - Barely a game. Sure, they've been games less and less since MGS1 but 4 took it to a whole other level. And the little bits of game were mostly archaic and rubbish (like the stealth townwalk).

                      Street Fighter IV - It's like SF2 with weird models, poor animation and less fun. Even if the models and animation were better, it would still be a step backwards. What happened to progress?

                      That's it.


                        SFIV was a step backwards because SF3 wasn't a success. Capcom went with familliarity, they basically just remade SF2 because its the SF game everyone still knows. In the end I felt the game was too slow and the hardcore mechanic, ie. Focus, didn't feel good to me. I don't like it.

                        Bioshock - Its pretentious trash. The opening was awesome, but the gunplay, enemies and linear and broken up level layout were utter ****. Not to mention the terrible hacking minigame and weird damage scaling. Those splicers didn't wear super armor afaik, yet they took about 3 mags later on. And those 'boss' splicers, with a gold line around them.. awesome! It all came down to 'run errand for that character, and that character becomes insane and you have to kill him'.

                        Little Big Planet - Gameplay is clunky, slow and the 2.5 D is confusing. Its a platform game that actually fails delivering a responsive platform gaming experience such as SMW, Sonic 2, Rayman origins etc.. fail.


                          I feel MGS 3 is really overrated, especially as many consider it the best in the series. I found it to play rubbish, boring stealth, broken shooting and the bandaging yourself up for ten minutes every time you got shot was ridiculous and pretentious. I enjoyed the rest of the games in the series despite their faults, but with MGS 3 those faults ruined the experience for me.


                            The original Tomb Raider. Man I hate that game...I still believed in the 16bit era when that broken piece of **** was being played by my friends.


                              The usual suspects for me:

                              Gears of War - absolutely no idea why this is so popular.

                              Halo - a poor mans Far Cry.

                              New Super Mario Bros - as I've said in other threads this is a soulless husk of a game. The bland graphics, the boring gameplay, just 'meh' all round.

                              Come up with some more once I've had a good think.

                              Originally posted by CMcK View Post
                              Donkey Kong Country - rubbish game, graphics are crap unless viewed via RF lead on a 14" portable.
                              I have mixed feelings about DKC. The visuals I'm not really a fan of but the first two were alright. Still not a patch on Yoshi's Island mind.


                                Originally posted by Kit View Post
                                New Super Mario Bros - as I've said in other threads this is a soulless husk of a game. The bland graphics, the boring gameplay, just 'meh' all round.
                                Hehe isn't it just, i can't believe this one sold so well. Maybe theres a generation of gamers that this is their first experience of a mario game, if it is i truly feel sorry for them. The Wii ver is better than the DS one but only by a fraction.

