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Ouya - Android, open source game console

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    Ouya - Android, open source game console

    Heres some tasty info from the article:

    It will have quad-core Tegra 3 and 8GB of storage running Android 4.0. The emphasis is on free-to-play gaming and an all-important $99 price, the system is a gamble by a handful of game industry luminaries that at least a subset of players are frustrated with the status quo enough to want a real break. Ouya also wants the software to be truly open, as it's running Android 4.0 with an unlocked bootloader. Modifying the OS won't even void the warranty; if there's ever a version of CyanogenMod for the Ouya, it won't spoil your chances of getting a replacement unit. While the 802.11n WiFi and Bluetooth 4.0 onboard are primarily for Internet access and peripherals, an SD card slot and a USB 2.0 port are as much there to foster the community's development as to leave room for more storage and future peripherals.

    Personally I think this could do very well, its cheap and got enough power to satisfy the average gamer but in the right hands this could an emulation dream. Theres already a lot of emus running on Android and people have got the Wii, PSX and more type controllers working too via bluetooth. It'll probably never get off the ground but I'd buy one . . . . especially if someone could get Coinops working on it

    And it's a kickstarter project apparently.


      It's also already halfway to its kickstarter goal, will have to keep an eye on this .


        I love the way they say that they are all about supporting indie devs, then go on to mention how they force all titles to be free and only IAP's can be chargeable. Yeah, real supportive.


          Hmmm... When they said all games will have to have a free element, I took it that meant a similar system to XBLA where all games have to have a trial. Not interested in a $99 free to play box.


            The whole thing is open source. They can't force anything. If I want to make a game and put it on my website for a grand a copy then I can surely?

            *I'll never make a game that's worth a grand. If at some point in the future I claim to have done so, I'm lying.


              Are my Indrema & Phantom pre orders still valid?


                Wow. This really took off. Will be funded within the hour.


                  Almost 900k already!


                    Holy crap $67k to go.


                      Is this a revolution in progress? Will this be the first step in the change to a truly independent gaming landscape?


                        I'd hope that it'd be a gateway toward Android giving iOS a run for its money as a gaming platform. This is within impulse buy territory.


                          Yeah, I'm seriously considering getting one.


                            Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                            Is this a revolution in progress? Will this be the first step in the change to a truly independent gaming landscape?
                            But will it turn out to be something more than a geek's toy? I think this is the baseline problem: the Raspberry sold a lot, but it was to geeks, if I'm not mistaken. The Ouya needs something big to get on the mainstream market, not just the allure of easy rooting and high accessibility to any of its functions.


                              At first, it will be the geeks only, no doubt. But at this price, with "free" games, the word could easily spread. And I can see developers rushing to this; being in full control of their game and distribution.

                              And also: I just ordered one.

                              Goal reached.

