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Ouya - Android, open source game console

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    True but you do have a choice. Candy Crush, Clash of Clans, etc can be completed for free but the figures prove that a fool is easily parted


      Originally posted by paulus View Post
      True but you do have a choice.
      With the likes of Clash of Clans, though, you don't have a choice. The game's primarily competitive, and I can't "choose" to play against people who haven't paid anything into the game. The only choice is not to play it at all, which is the choice I've made.

      Perhaps I need to look again at the AppStore and see if a load of non-IAP games like this have been released since I stopped looking about a year ago - but then I have to actually wade through what's there.

      Last edited by Asura; 28-07-2015, 18:11.


        I blew the dust off my Ouya after a couple of years non-use. I've changed my email address since then, so I'm a bit pissed off that there's no way of changing it in my profile on the Ouya website. But at least I still know the login for it. From what I remember, it looks like the interface has been polished up a bit. it looks a bit nicer than it used to. Wireless performance is still poor though.


          I agree that the bar for entry is low but Sony/MS also have rather low entry bars for indie stuff - they've simply separated indie from regular full-price games and never the twain shall meet - so what's stopping Razer setting up a separate, premium store that showcases console-specific titles of decent quality?

          Also, I'm intrigued by this wading you refer to.

          I pick mobile games the same way I pick console games: mostly recommendations in the iOS thread on here; finding out what my mates are playing; sometimes from checking reviews; very occasionally spur-of-the-moment.

          Wading sounds to me like firing up, clicking 'Action' or something and scrolling through until I find a game I want. That almost never happens.

          Conversely, I often have to wade through the PlayStation Store when looking for random, cheap PS3 games to spend my remaining credit on but that store is awful so any negativity stems from how slow it is to navigate.


            Ouya gave people $13.33 to spend on the store a while back which got me a couple of games that I've quite enjoyed, and XMB or whatever it's called streams 1000% better than a PS3/PS4 does as it doesn't rely on Media Player streaming. I don't regret my Ouya for a second, and while I don't use it much right now, when I finally get around to watching some of the anime I have on the PC it will be my go-to device for watching it on my TV.

            I paid for the Android version of GTA: Vice City and it plays just as well as the PS2 version if not better. I don't get the slamming of an OS just because it was originally made for phones (circa 2009, tablets running Froyo appeared at the end of the year, and Honeycomb was much prettier when that came out). Have you seen the $1 games on the 3DS eShop?


              I don't think Asura's bashing Android so much as its (and, to a lesser extent, Apple's) anything-goes app stores which have driven down price and quality.

              But yes, your thinking is like mine. Besides, devs won't need to shoehorn in controller support for games that were originally designed to be played on a controller - the ones gamers feel are worse to play on touchscreens.


                Originally posted by randombs View Post
                Also, I'm intrigued by this wading you refer to.

                I pick mobile games the same way I pick console games: mostly recommendations in the iOS thread on here; finding out what my mates are playing; sometimes from checking reviews; very occasionally spur-of-the-moment.
                This might be part of the problem. I used to read threads, listen to recommendations etc. but it's apparent that the kind of thing I like isn't what most people would recommend. I mean a while back, people were getting excited over that Simpsons city-builder game, or Hay Day, or the Star Wars skinned versions of Tiny Tower/Clash of Clans. It was around that time I stopped bothering. I even used to subscribe to the Pocket Gamer RSS feed, but even they recommended stuff like this.

                Conversely, I often have to wade through the PlayStation Store when looking for random, cheap PS3 games to spend my remaining credit on but that store is awful so any negativity stems from how slow it is to navigate.
                On the other hand, I don't think I've ever done this, because I've never fired up the Playstation Store not knowing what I was going to buy - with the rare exception that I look at whatever's on sale.

