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Remember Me (360/PS3/PC)

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    Remember Me (360/PS3/PC)

    Previously known as Drift, a trailer was shown about a year ago with just concept art and a few story tidbits. Game is based in Paris. Seems a mix of Mirror's Edge and Uncharted.

    Looks quite good, Capcom are publishing and it's due out in May. Development team have worked previously on Burnout, Splinter Cell, Heavy Rain, and Rainbow Six.
    Last edited by elaniel; 14-08-2012, 11:08.

    Love the Aesthetics!

    I get the feeling that in 6 years time everyone will be saying

    'Every game is a cyberpunk game! I want some military shooters!'


      Perfect Dark meets Oni?




          I think the trailer for the new Total Recall would be more apt for this game, if that movie was in this style you'd pretty much have the exact same formula (Including dodgy voice work). Perfect Dark meets Oni indeed but right now for me not in a good way, will be good when we get to see some gameplay however, just doesn't seem very imaginative, but that's just my opinion.


            Without meaning to go all negative it looks like prescripted gameplay with one button combat. Dull.

            However I do quite like the visual style.




                I like the look of this, I'll put it on the list.

                Last edited by Family Fry; 14-08-2012, 23:24.


                  Looks pretty cool after watching that gameplay video... tho it still looks a little straight forward... I hoping things can be done differently...


                    Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                    Without meaning to go all negative it looks like prescripted gameplay with one button combat. Dull.

                    However I do quite like the visual style.
                    *copies and pastes into every modern game thread*


                      In that gameplay vid it looks alright, hopefully it turns out decent


                        It is like a modern point and click game. All very much style over gameplay substance. Nothing wrong with that in the bigger picture but everything is like that rather than just a few things.

                        I do really like the style though. But the fact the game tells you what to do at every step of the way rather than use subtle clues is annoying.


                          Remember Me (PS3/360)

                          New video showing gameplay.
                          Whoever is playing is bog awful but it looks good


                            looking good


                              Really looking forward to this.

                              Reviews have been a bit all over the place though. Edge have given it an 8, Eurogamer a 7 and IGN a 5.8.

                              I'm defo going to give it a go though. Hopefully I'll finish it before TLOU next week.

