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Goemon/Mystical Ninja 64

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    Goemon/Mystical Ninja 64

    Does anyone remember this game for the N64, if so what did you think of it back in the day?

    I recall looking forward to that game back then , only to be somewhat disappoitned when it finally arrived. It wasn't bad (far from it), but it lacked polish and finesse.

    The frame rate was horrible, there were invidsible walls all over the place, the characters didn't react with the environment in a believable way and some of he textures were vomit-inducing but it played OK. Couldve done with being a bit longer and makin more use of some of its better elements, too.

    It did have excellent sound, though what with 3 very good Japanese songs and some nice in-game music. I also remember it being quite entertaining.

    Sp, in retrospect, what's your take on that game?

    I used to like it alot when I was younger, though I think if I went back today I'd have alot of trouble bearing with the gameplay. The Sequel was great though, very very difficult. I wish I hadn't sold it now, it's quite rare to get hold of.


      damn! I loved this game. thought it was excellent, and feel its aged well, even its faults, i just look at it as slightly raggedy goemon game, but being a HUGE goemon fan, that probably helped its cause.

      great songs, great graphics, silly humour, all round good fun.

      anyone who liked it, but is looking for a graphically better update, try Goemon on PS2, you cant change characters, but its a good next gen update. my review should be up in a few weeks marcus says, after a few revisions.

      anyway, really liked the N64 goemon games. open spaces, good maze dungeons, sure maybe a little srappy, but it felt fresh.


        I had this game kicking round on the shelf for ages before I got around to playing it, and then I finished the whole thing (didn't collect all the secret cat tokens or whatever they were) in one lengthy session.

        Although hardly a technical tour-de-force or the most elegant game to control, the sense of fun was tangible.

        I particularly enjoyed the canned laughter, the PUUU-RAS-UMAAA man and the way that the dungeon music built throughout the levels.

        I would have been gutted to have paid ?60 for it, but I got it for ?20 or ?30 I think and it gave me ten hours or so of total fun.


          Originally posted by Bu||et
          I used to like it alot when I was younger, though I think if I went back today I'd have alot of trouble bearing with the gameplay. The Sequel was great though, very very difficult. I wish I hadn't sold it now, it's quite rare to get hold of.
          They have both at my local Gamestation if you like...


            If anyone has this game and wouldn't mind selling it, send a PM my way please!


              I've got MN64:2, started playing for a few hours before the game gets really hard, my main gripe is the jumping/instant death, also not having a memory card can really piss you off i tried using my cheat cart but even after a 1hr or so i was just at the 2nd area after that git of robot fight.


                I remember really wanting it when it came out, but in those days as a poor 14 year old ?60 was too much and by the time it had droped in price I'd flogged my N64, so I never got to play it

                Does anyone know whether Working Designs are still planning to release the PS2 version in English?


                  Fight on... Fight on...
                  Never giving up
                  Let's start our journey as we whistle along
                  Going now
                  Well, look at the sky peeping through the clouds
                  You can see just how big the sky really is
                  Even if the harsh winds were to take you away
                  live your life the way YOU want it, that is the destiny for many
                  Fight on... Fight on...
                  There is more than one dream,
                  if we reach for it hard enough...
                  TAKE A CHANCE!
                  Fight on... Fight on...
                  Never giving up
                  Let's start our journey as we whistle along
                  Going now
                  genius, pure genius


                    nope, last thing i heard, it was on the cards, then sony said no, because it didnt match with the required quality level, or not having an online component. hell I dunno, but last I hard was no, it was cancelled.

                    even so, if you can, get the japanese version, Ive written a guide, up at the faqs site, that helps with the tougher bits, and moslty its quite easy.

                    sadly youll lose the plot, but the gameplay is still there, oh, and naked girating purasma man makes a return.

                    The PS2 version does lose alot of it characature styled look, and most of the figures look slightly more realistic.
                    Still, a worthy import purchase, especially as the JPN version wont get translated.


                      That's what I heard too. That Sony said no.

                      A few of the PS1 Goemon titles are being rereleased later this month in Japan. Are they worth it?


                        dont own them sadly, (there was simply too much to buy last time I was there), but I did have a razzle on one of the PSX versions, and its good.

                        from what Ive heard, it takes a much more 2d approach, more like the snes versions, and some argue that the 2d PSX versions are some of the best in the series.

                        thanks for the heads up, hopefully theyll be cheaper due to the re-release and I can pick them up. All depends on how much spare cash you got. But if your a goemon fan, then go for it!

                        check some online reviews they all wax lyricaly about their quality.
                        Carefull though, there were quite a few PSX goemon games, make sure you know which ones your going for when buying.

                        So yes, if its well priced and in your range, test the water and pick up one, you know roughly what your in for with goemon gaming.


                          Not as polished or clever as Mario 64, but hey what is?
                          I love the game, the crazy Japanese songs are easily my most memorable bits. The giant robot bits ("I am IMPACTO", I think it went) are class and the bit at the start. Usibarmu (or how ever its spelt) and his cross dressing. The giant dragon was lovely too.
                          Fantastic game.


                            Goemon 64 was an excellent game. The graphics really captured the magic of the 2D prequels, with solid graphics and decent effects. I loved the scope of the game and the variety of tasks and environments.
                            It may not have had the impact of Mario64 but seeing that it was released a long while later and is less well known, it should be regarded as a success. The next N64 version, which was 2.5D, was o.k, but only heightened my opinon of the 3D iteration.

                            I loved the sections where you got to control the giant robot Goemon, one of the greatest moments in gaming history.


                              I thought it was pretty good, dont think I finnished it though. The japanese style humour made it a lot of fun to play and it also came at a time when there wasn't many other truely 3D games out there. I really didnt like the giant robot bits though, apart from the intro songs.

