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What has everyone been playing this week? 2

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    The part with the witches is where the game clicked for me but that's a fair way in. There's no doubt it has pacing/direction issues.


      Strangely enough i really could not get on with the 3d zelda games ...always thought ahhhh not a dungeon i just did not like them


        I preferred OoT but I had no problem enjoying MM a great deal too. They're the sort of games I got into gaming to play. Having said that until 5 years ago I'd never owned a Nintendo console and my GC was bought specifically so I could play the Zelda games and its few other highly regarded exclusives. So I only played both the games for the first time in the last three years. I came to them with a certain degree of wary skepticism, worried that gamers at the time of their original release being wowed was not always a good indication that they'd be quite such a great gaming experience now.

        Indeed at first I balked at the simplistic dialogue and kindergarten level NPCs. But when you learn to ignore that, remember the age of games and how few others of that generation and many later come close to matching their quality, scale, variety and playability you must recognise their greatness even if you don't particularly enjoy playing them yourself.
        Last edited by fallenangle; 28-09-2015, 21:58.


          Totally agree. I played OoT in 04 (so ages after it was groundbreaking etc) and was never really into the magic type stories. Even then, when I was probably most invested in 'survival horror' I could see it's genius.

          Think I played Majoras Mask shortly after that but it took me years to bother completing it; the game really is hard to get into. Once you make it to the other side so to speak it is quite amazing though - I'd say it contains at least two of the top 10 zelda dungeons ever created.
          Last edited by Kit; 28-09-2015, 19:43.


            Get out of here with your retro talk! I want to talk about a game a mere 5 years old!

            T'internet is down at home (4 nights so far!), so I popped in Fallout: New Veags with an aim to play some more of the DLC.
            The game autoloaded to the end of Blood Money, where I'd done both endings, but for the life of me I couldn't get out alive with all the gold! I've had to watch a few videos to to give me a few ideas how to do it.

            If I ever escape, I'll try the one I've not done yet- Old World Blues, Lonesome Road and Honest Hearts.

            I have the 360 GotY version of Fallout 3 with all the extra DLC included, but I'm not sure I want to play the whole game again and get up to the required exp level to play them!

            I'm definitely going to be jealous of everyone playing Fallout 4 when it comes out.


              Still working through my back catalogue of games - this time Alan Wake. I've started it a few times in the past, but this time I'm sticking with it. It holds up very well indeed today with some lovely graphics and spooky atmosphere.


                Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
                Still working through my back catalogue of games - this time Alan Wake. I've started it a few times in the past, but this time I'm sticking with it. It holds up very well indeed today with some lovely graphics and spooky atmosphere.
                I loved Alan Wake. Was a bit upset the second game never made it. The DLC packs were OK but a real sequel would have been much better.


                  [MENTION=1524]Yakumo[/MENTION] - well there was the xbla game 'American Nightmare'. Which still sits unplayed in my collection.

                  Made me jump a few times last night whilst playing in the dark. Sticking on the headphones tonight as well for poop-inducing experiences.


                    Yeah, I have that on the 360. It was OK but nothing great.


                      Ignore Yakumo. American Nightmare is ****ing awesome. Way more action and direct acknowledgement of the source material - Twilight Zone.

                      90% of the content is from the Alan Wake 2 build also.


                        Dead Rising 3 again it's still great


                          Well completed mass effect 3 even with the extended cut i still think the ending is a bit of a disappointment though can say did get a bit emotional.

                          Though i think if it was to any other single game i would have been content but for the conclusion of a trilogy of games i was hoping for that extra mile.

                          Been playing a lot of mortal kombat x on the pc.....good game but the multiplayer is really really bad often get a lot of lag and really do not know why they did not go for rollback netcode


                            So, after multiple attempts, I managed to get out of the vault with all of the money and gold bars, I'm minted for the rest of my Fallout New Vegas life.

                            However, I was ridiculously over-encumbered by the gold, even more so when all the stuff I had before entering the DLC reappeared in my inventory. So it took me ages to trudge across the map to Novac.
                            For some reason, I thought moving all my stuff from Novac to the penthouse suite in The Lucky 38 would be a good idea because you can pay to add a workbench and so on.

                            After about an hour of ferrying all the tat I'd picked up from an entire playthrough of the whole game, I realised this was a folly as Novac has a workbench about 7 seconds away from the motel room!
                            Did I have a suitable save? Of course I didn't, so had to reload from emerging from the Sierra Madre vault and trudge with 37 gold bars across the desert to Novac. Again.

                            So mainly I spent the night's gaming either walking slowly or moving stuff from one cupboard to another.


                              Hahaha brilliant. You have to love that, when you realise you've just spent 3 hours basically playing an accurate simulation of a warehouse employee's day.


                                Once I started dumping all the stuff, I couldn't remember which weapons I'd actually been using and what I'd just picked up whilst mooching around! I might have to quickly load an old save to see what I was using.

                                It had been ages since I'd played it and forgotten how sensible I'd been in my use of storage.
                                Suitcase - Misc
                                Writing desk - Weapons
                                Safe - First Aid
                                Cupboard - clothing
                                Fridge - alcohol!

                                I remember in Fallout 3, I bunged it all in the same cupboard until it was full and then everything went pear-shaped.

                                If I get to play tonight, I'm hoping I'll be able to actually start one of the DLCs!

