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    Originally posted by danholo View Post
    Why is D-terminal still featured? I thought it was sort of equivalent to a VGA-connection?
    If i remember correctly, D-Terminal is the Japanese equivalent of component.


      Originally posted by danholo View Post
      Why is D-terminal still featured? I thought it was sort of equivalent to a VGA-connection?

      A nerdy TV with inputs is indeed something to cherish. That was one of the main points when I was buying a TV but I opted to get a better TV without a VGA-input because the VGA-HDMI adapters do a good enough job for the Dreamcast. I don't even know what a TOSLINK is and that 4 LAN inputs must be some sort of joke despite all the options.
      Or buy a business panel where you buy the chosen input plugin boards as separate items (Seemed like a good idea at the time).


        Originally posted by Jamie View Post
        If i remember correctly, D-Terminal is the Japanese equivalent of component.
        Yep, and it's divided in 5 categories, based on the maximum resolution it can broadcast (5 is 1080p, 1 should be 480i).


          Finally got my Bang & Olufsen CRT for the games room. It's quite a stylish set as I didn't want some crappy old plastic lump ruining all the effort that's gone in so far, a 24" Beovision 1. The picture quality is absolutely excellent, and the sound off the set is pretty awesome. And DavidH, I made sure to put it slap bang in the middle!


            God that place is a mess, look at that whole one joystick wire just shamefully laying all over the place


              You do realise my ocd in that room will probably see me replace that photo later........


                Stick all wired up?


                  It will be by the end of the night, only just got home an hour or two ago. Still need to cut the auto fire and mode select switches in to the body, then it's just final connection of the pad hack. Can't use the PCE yet anyway as the RGB lead hasn't turned up yet.


                    I like the symmetry in that setup.


                      Originally posted by Cheeseman Battitude View Post
                      I like the symmetry in that setup.
                      Hmm, seat placed 22mm too much to the right ;-)

                      Looking good mate


                        Is that the Everdrive resting up in your PCE, Colin? Instant gaming bliss just ready there


                          Colin do you play BorderDown with the Storm Trooper helmet on? You know, to get that piloting a space craft feeling

                          Nice minimal set up, love how all the wires and sockets are hidden, if only the DC had a wireless controller aye...



                            No, but you might appreciate this story. When I lived in London my downstairs neighbours were the most joyless pair of miserable gits you'd ever meet, a Russian and a Canadian. (Never understood the combo?) Anyway, it's fair to say that me and my friends like a chuckle, so one day when I was a little drunk I went out and cut the grass, with nothing but that Storm Trooper helmet and my boxer shorts on while AC/DC blasted out the house and my mates sat pissing themselves laughing at the window. All the while the chuckle brothers from downstairs sat watching open mouthed while the drunken Imperial trooper happily mowed the grass while busting the odd move. They never spoke to me again.

                            Oh, and Jonathan, yes, it's an everdrive.


                              Awesome.....and Awesome.

                              Everdrive and PCE is some good retro minimalism.


                                Gonna get one for my Duo R once it is RGB modded properly.

                                Will be my second one mind. Hugely useful! Might get the Game Boy one too.

