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XBox 360 games

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    XBox 360 games

    I just bought a 360 (as there was a mega deal on Amazon) so I can play Halo 4. A quick look at the top 30 or 40 360 games on metacritic revealed no other exclusives that I'm interested but are there any hidden gems I don't know about? I have a PS3 already so x-platform titles I'll either already have on PS3 or not be interested in.

    Thanks for any advice.

    Oh, I won't be playing any multiplayer on it so just single player stuff. Thanks!

    What sort of games do you like? For me personally the most fun game i have played in a good few months and the one i have put the most time into has been Forza Horizon, i absolutely love this game. But if you are not into racing games then maybe not, but then again im not a huge racer, i just love cruising round the open world.


      Under Defeat, Dodonpachi Something or other, Akai Katana and loads of good stuff on XBLA like Braid, Infinity Gene, Galaga Legions and Strania. XBLA has been the ace up Microsofts sleeve this generation.


        Oooh, Forza. I'll check that out, along with the XBLA stuff. Can I get XBLA stuff without a Gold Live account?


          Yeah all XBLA stuff is accessible to Silver accounts.

          Banjo Kazooie Nuts n Bolts
          Dead Rising
          Halo Wars
          99 Nights
          Amped 3

          Shadow Complex
          Mark of the Ninja
          Splosion Man
          REZ HD
          Sine Mora
          Spelunky HD
          Hydro Thunder
          Super Meat Boy
          Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
          Comic Jumper
          Axel and Pixel
          The Maw


            Cheers Boris. Already completed Crackdown during my first dabble a few years ago. One of the games of this generation IMO.
            There's some interesting sounding stuff in the rest of the list that I'll take a look at.


              There is quite a few decent exclusive JRPGs on it too, depends if they are you bag or not.


                They can be. Liked Xenoblade Chronicles and White Knight Story. I'm all excited now, I'd imagined selling this on once Halo 4 was completed but it seems like I ought to keep it now.


                  The Gears trilogy are pretty much the only thing I've ever played on the 360 that wasn't a Cave shooter or 2D fighter but they are must plays IMO

                  Alan Wake was pretty good as well but very boring towards the end.



                    You could always go for crackdown 2, although it is almost indentical.

                    There is not as many as I thought
                    Lost Odyssey
                    Blue Dragon
                    Tales if Vesperia

                    Also another I thought of that was console exclusive :
                    Alan Wake

                    There is also Trials Evolution too


                      Another game that could be worth a look is The Witcher 2, think this is Xbox exclusive. Stunning looking game and plays very well, only downside for me is i didnt find the story that brilliant but thats just me, lots of other people did.


                        What about the Fable games??
                        Didn't people think they were all kinds of amaze??
                        Never played them myself so can't advise but I'm sure I read they are pretty good.

                        If you did change you mind about playing online I'm sure the Left 4 Dead series are worth getting as well.



                          Despite of all the criticism both Fable 2 and 3 gets, i found them both brilliant and really enjoyed them. Both engrossed me for 30 hours+.


                            You get a 2 week Xbox live sub in the Halo 4 box..


                              Fable 2 is the better one of the Fable games. Fable 3 is okay if you like Fable but it has some issues.

                              Crackdown 2 is exclusive to the Xbox if you liked Crackdown.

                              Lost Odyssey should be a pretty good traditional JRPG from the creator of Final Fantasy.

