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To those of you who still play with your PS2.

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    Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
    But can't display 480p, making that route utterly pointless.
    Incorrect. You can get 480p/1080i Toshiba CRTs.
    Last edited by J0e Musashi; 06-12-2012, 14:52.
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      But 240p/480i would look awful on them. HD CRT are generally frowned upon. Are you even trying J0e?

      I used to have a 36" Toshiba with component in and 480i looked decent enough on it.

      Was a total brute though, took up my whole window bay.
      Last edited by speedlolita; 06-12-2012, 14:50.


        I'm not trying. I forget that PAL PS2 support for 480p is scarce. May as well just get a Trinitron and a decent RGB scart cable I guess.
        Kept you waiting, huh?


          I never found 480p to be that common even with NTSC stuff. Nothing compared to the likes of Cube at least.


            Originally posted by Nocturne View Post
            I would be playing PAL, yes. Blimey I didn't know that about SE games - do you know of any websites with comparison pictures or anything like that?
            No idea, just what I have seen with my eyes. Later stuff was pal optimised but still 50hz and more jaggy , looked much better on NTSC.

            4:3 CRT would do. Toshiba or Sony I would recommend. A lot of games do have wide support but in so many cases it is zoomed widescreen and not true 16:9. Final Fantasy 12 does have true 16:9 for the record but you wouldn't be losing out with a 4:3.

            The other issue with PAL is heavy interlacing flicker. Almost non existent on 60hz but of course many PAL games are 60hz. Square games are not though.

            Sorry to confuse, just trying to show the best possible options. RGB is also the way to go really.


              No need to apologise , I really appreciate the help.

              Would I be correct in thinking that If I bought a widescreen CRT (as that's what there seems to be around) that I could still have the PS2/game display 4:3?

              Would I need to get the model number before buying one to check that it displays 480p or anything else? Or have I missed the mark again, agh.


                Forget 480p.

                Just use 240p/480i via a regular ol CRT.

                I'd also seriously recommend against widescreen CRTs. Geometry management is a nightmare and virtually no games have widescreen support.


                  4:3 on a 16:9 CRT shouldn't be an issue. I'd get a 4:3 if you can though.


                    Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                    I'd also seriously recommend against widescreen CRTs. Geometry management is a nightmare and virtually no games have widescreen support.

                    Yeah, I recently switched out my 16:9 CRT to a 4:3 one for those exact reasons. Geometry was a bitch, and to my knowledge no games on the PS2 support "true" widescreen.


                      Originally posted by FSW View Post
                      4:3 on a 16:9 CRT shouldn't be an issue. I'd get a 4:3 if you can though.
                      It's not an issue at all, it's just pointless.


                        Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                        Yeah, I recently switched out my 16:9 CRT to a 4:3 one for those exact reasons. Geometry was a bitch, and to my knowledge no games on the PS2 support "true" widescreen.
                        Final Fantasy 12 is widescreen, I just said that.

                        With a widescreen set you can still use 4:3 at the correct ration Nocturne. Speedy is correct regarding geometry but I personally don't let it bother me.


                          From an image you posted a while back your geometry was awful. o-o


                            Of course 'true' widescreen in FF12 is anamorphic i.e the same horizontal resolution as in 4:3 but with less detail rendered.

                            Zoomed widescreen on Resi 4 on the still cube looked bloody fantastic on a 28" widescreen trinitron.


                              Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                              Yeah, I recently switched out my 16:9 CRT to a 4:3 one for those exact reasons. Geometry was a bitch, and to my knowledge no games on the PS2 support "true" widescreen.
                              Ace Combat 04 is widescreen.
                              Kept you waiting, huh?


                                Some even support 1080i

