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PTE28: The Speculation Mass Selection

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    PTE28: The Speculation Mass Selection

    The next major hardware releases are going to dominate much of next years news as Microsofts 3rd Xbox and Sonys 4th Playstation approach release and a new gen begins. So far Microsoft has driven internal hard drives and online gaming whilst Sony has pushed mass market, DVD format and Blu Ray formats. Next gen holds the possibility of further developed Kinect, cloud gaming, Casual gamer SKU's and more based on current speculation.

    So, based on past experiences, current direction and the speculation about what the new machines could be like, if you could only have one of the upcoming 2 consoles which would gamble on buying?
    I'd gamble on buying the Xbox 3
    I'd gamble on buying the Playstation 4
    Neither, I'll stick with the WiiU
    Neither, like one of the Dragons 'I'm Out'

    not buying any next gen stuff until they mature. going to focus on pc gaming.


      Already have a Wii-U my other will be a PS4 or whatever it will be called not interested in Microsoft this time bought too many 360's and didn't like Kinect which I have a hunch is going to be heavily integrated in it


        I'm guessing it'll be an Xbox and a Wii-U, but if the xbox is a noisy lump like my current Jasper, then stuff it.


          From January Im going to try and put a bit aside eqch month to cover the possibility of them both hitting market in 2013 but if it was one of the other Id go for PS4. All 3 PS formats have been great and theres a consistancy in their approach which means Id be unlikely to get nastily shocked by the format even if Id have to endure the trademark slow start. With MS though theres the additional Gold costs they stick with and the ever decreasing variety of exclusives (hopefully the rumours of them rectifying that are true). Plus much of their approach is governed by Kinect which improved tracking or not is just not that pleasant a control method.

          Basically, based on the playtime the current three get now. A shame as first half of this gen 360 was untouchable but MS have slacked off massively since Kinect took the need for an aggressive push off them.


            PS4 for me, without doubt. I'll not get rid of my PS3 though, or my PS2 or PS1 for that matter.

            I might also run this here PAL Wii U as an "alternative". Perhaps first-party games only or something, then I wont end up swimming in unplayed titles.
            Last edited by J0e Musashi; 11-12-2012, 13:24.
            Kept you waiting, huh?


              Originally posted by Mr Ono View Post
              not buying any next gen stuff until they mature. going to focus on pc gaming.
              Same here, not being a beta tester with the mess that was RROD/YLOD - no thank you.

              Currently on PS3 but looking to get a Jap 360 for the shooters, if the next MS machine has a Blu-Ray and region free might go for that, we'll see.


                Xbox for me for the controller, my mates and the general "Live Experience" and yes the achievements

                Unless its bundled with a Kinect as standard to get developers using it ala the Wii U gamepad. In that case it will be a Playstation 4 and I will just have to get used to the Dual Shock.

                They need to hurry up though, been playing Far Cry 3 and Battlefield 3 on a mates PC today...its a whole new world of shiny!


                  The recent games out have been lookers but like you say, we're really starting to reach the point where current gen games are showing the strain


                    Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                    From January Im going to try and put a bit aside eqch month to cover the possibility of them both hitting market in 2013 but if it was one of the other Id go for PS4. All 3 PS formats have been great and theres a consistancy in their approach which means Id be unlikely to get nastily shocked by the format even if Id have to endure the trademark slow start. With MS though theres the additional Gold costs they stick with and the ever decreasing variety of exclusives (hopefully the rumours of them rectifying that are true). Plus much of their approach is governed by Kinect which improved tracking or not is just not that pleasant a control method.

                    Basically, based on the playtime the current three get now. A shame as first half of this gen 360 was untouchable but MS have slacked off massively since Kinect took the need for an aggressive push off them.
                    I have pretty much the same feelings as Mr. Taxi here. If I'd base my decision on current situation, I'd go with Sony at the moment. Sony has the more interesting exclusives now with Naughty Dog, Yakuza etc. and the PS Plus is a good service, don't really like the idea of paying for Gold anymore when Plus gives so much more for the same amount of money. Just for the love of god, get rid of DualShock already.

                    Of course MS will probably bring out some new, big guns with the next Xbox which might change my attitude or if Sony does something idiotic like blocks used games on PS4 or something, but at the moment I'm leaning towards new Playstation.


                      I have little interest in the future unless Nintendo give us new Star Fox, F-Zero, Metroid and Zelda games.


                        Xbox 3 easily.

                        PS4...has no games.


                          Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                          I have little interest in the future unless Nintendo give us new Star Fox, F-Zero, Metroid and Zelda games.
                          Zelda is 100% sure in the future, Metroid is likely, Star Fox is possible as is F-Zero.

                          Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                          Xbox 3 easily.

                          PS4...has no games.
                          Surely you're joking, right? At the moment PS3 is a lot stronger in new games than 360.


                            Originally posted by Guts View Post
                            Zelda is 100% sure in the future, Metroid is likely, Star Fox is possible as is F-Zero.

                            Surely you're joking, right? At the moment PS3 is a lot stronger in new games than 360.
                            hes right neither the Xbox 3 or PS4 do.... Yet


                              Well I'm subbed to Xbox live til end 2014, thanks to PayPal. ?1 a month offer came in handy.
                              So it's a given I will be on there sooner than later.
                              It's all about the games, if launches are both weak I will wait it out, something catches my eye I will go straight for it. I reckon MS will be first out the blocks again with PS a bit closer behind this time.
                              Curious to see what both companies do though and certainly an interesting 2013 ahead of us.

