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PTE28: The Speculation Mass Selection

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    Sony here alongside WiiU.

    Not fussed with the new Xbox or Kinect.


      Originally posted by Guts View Post
      Surely you're joking, right? At the moment PS3 is a lot stronger in new games than 360.
      I think you need to read his post again

      edit: oh, evilthecat got there first.


        Probably neither on launch. I don't trust Microsoft one bit in producing a machine of acceptable build quality, and there is no way I am falling for their scam of having to pay in order to play games online again. Sony have shown with the Vita that they haven't got a clue what they are doing anymore, so it remains to be seen if they do have a coherent strategy for PS4 before I hand over my cash.


          While I won?t be a lunch day buyer I?ve been going down the Sony route for a while now so it will probably be the PS4. I?ve got both the PS3 and the 360 but so far the 360 has been mothballed. I?ve not renewed my XBOX live gold account and it?s due to expire in Feb so i should be able to finally close the door on that world and stick with Sony. The simple fact that PSN is free and the Playstation front end has not become an advertising board into my home when I boot up has really made it the current gen winner. Not to mention I can pop on TV shows I have acquired onto it and play them on my telly which I?m unable to do with the box.

          So to round up as long as the PS4 maintains the strengths of its predecessor of:
          Free online play
          No banner ads on the front end
          Easy media transfer and playback
          (and assuming the next gen Xbox will continue the reverse trend)

          Then I?ll probably be sold. Obviously these are all non-game related decisions but I?ve learned to wait for a game I actually want to play before I buy a new system so I guess my purchase timing will depend on the launch line up.


            I'd hope the hit they took with the 360 would teach them to make better built next gen machines but then the other side of me thinks if they pack in Kinect 2 they might cut too many corners to keep cost down


              I can really see the Wii-U coming out smelling of roses if either of them bollocks this up, one of them needs to be aggressive with decent but easy to program hardware and no gimmicks will we get either maybe, I'm if PS4 includes a Netflix style Gaikai powered game library of Older PS1,2,3 software in its Plus price I can see it being very successful


                My backlog of 360 games isn't clearing particularly fast and there's a load of other games I'd like to add to that list.

                The only game I bought this year was Minecraft! So I've missed out on lots from the last few years - Sleeping Dogs, Halo 4, Dark Souls, Skyrim, Portal 2, Arkham City, Deus Ex, Dead Space 1&2, Mass Effect, L.A. Noire, Saints Row 3, Metro, Wet, Driver: SF and Bulletstorm off the top of my head!

                If I ever got through that lot, I've barely touched my PS3, so I've got all the exclusives on that to play including the Uncharted, Metal Gear and Resistance series.

                If I ever did buy the XBox 3, I'd probably find I'd have to pay to get online with Gold, pay for extra content, pay to play the games I buy against others and possibly pay to switch it off again.

                Even if I did get online, I'd find that none of my other friends had bought one because when the 360 came out, most of us had more time and disposable income than now as most of us have become dads.

                Maybe the new consoles will be a hit with people who are in the same position my friends and I were in when the 360 launched?
                Last edited by QualityChimp; 12-12-2012, 09:22.


                  What i'm thinking is by the time I get round to buying something other than 16-Bit era, it'll probably be another 360, as there are so many games on it I haven't played but would like to. I usually like a bit more current gaming over Christmas, so will most likely buy something then. Last year was great with the PS3. (Which is obviously now gone) I'll get the nextbox and PS4 for a play when the next-nextbox and PS5 come out............


                    PC and Wii U for me. Unless several must-have exclusives come to either the Xbox or PlayStation I won't care.


                      Cost is my main driving force with them, this might be the last gen I can afford to get all the machines and on Day 1 so Im going to try and get them all sorted asap. I'm definitely done with keeping a games collection though.


                        Microsoft's current 360 strategy with ads everywhere is surely a sign of what to expect with their next box so, no thanks.
                        If Sony do as J0e suggests and integrate Vita and PS4 a'la WiiU then I might be interested but to be honest the PC is all I need now. Absolutely tons of games coming out on that platform every single day. MGS5 and Dark Souls 2 will be on it so that's sorted.


                          How much would a high spec gaming PC cost though? (Serious question, not being cheeky)


                            ?500 gets you a pretty high end machine that'll play everything at 1080p 60fps. Some games will need a few options turned down e.g. FSAA


                              Does that include an OS and monitor?


                                No. It was a rough guesstimate. I left out the monitor as I was trying to convey the cost as against a console and consoles don't include a display. Add ?80 for an ok 1080p 21" monitor I guess. It's not cheap by console standards but it's not that far off for what you get. That setup gets you a really good nvidia card and a 1 terabyte drive and 8 gigs ram so I didn't scrimp on anything really except for the case which would be a budget ?20 job

