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PSVita thread 2.

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    No problem Brilliant that's its free for ps3 owners of the original.I would have paid for it again


      Soldner-X2 is available now for the Vita,don't know if it's just the cross buy version.


        Sony has cut the price of PlayStation TV in the UK to £44.99. The device launched in Europe in November 2014 priced £84…

        Playstation TV has recieved an official price drop to ?44.99


          Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post

          Playstation TV has recieved an official price drop to ?44.99
          Seriously wish the Vita had taken off, instead of the 3DS. I just prefer the hardware in every way, and the Vita/Vita TV is the exact way I wish consoles worked.


            Excellent news on the price cut. Now its worth buying.

            Shame about the memory card prices mind.


              Surely the Vita did take off as much as the 3DS.

              Neither have great third party support but obviously Nintendo is more of a force to be reckoned with when it comes to first party titles.

              Still, knocking these down to ?45 now really shows the profit margin they used to sell for. If only game support wasn't so spotty I'd jump on one.


                Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post

                Playstation TV has recieved an official price drop to ?44.99
                That's a pretty substantial price drop, it must have been selling about as well as urine flavoured beer. I will get one at this price though.

                Edit - scratch that. The memory card prices are still utterly ridiculous.
                Last edited by MartyG; 27-03-2015, 18:40.


                  Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                  That's a pretty substantial price drop, it must have been selling about as well as urine flavoured beer. I will get one at this price though.

                  Edit - scratch that. The memory card prices are still utterly ridiculous.
                  You'd think that will all that collective knowledge sony would have the common sense to bundle some sort of memory card in, even if they had to up the price a tenner.

                  Bung in a 8gb memory card for goodness' sake, they must cost sony virtually nothing.

                  Some kind of bundle for say ?79.99 inc a controller and small memory card would be a guaranteed purchase...from me anyways.
                  Last edited by PaTaito; 27-03-2015, 20:32.


                    NA has a bundle with LEGO movie, DS3 and 8gb card for $100.


                      I want one but I don't really get it? I'd want to play all my old PSOne classics and some PSP games on the TV and I wouldn't mind streaming PS4 to upstairs, but it seems like all my games aren't supported. Why isn't it the exact same as the Vita when it comes to compatibility?


                        Originally posted by Adam View Post
                        I want one but I don't really get it? I'd want to play all my old PSOne classics and some PSP games on the TV and I wouldn't mind streaming PS4 to upstairs, but it seems like all my games aren't supported. Why isn't it the exact same as the Vita when it comes to compatibility?
                        Apparently some vita games don't even work, street fighter x tekken for example.

                        Seems like a daft pointless device from my perspective, especially given that they used the over priced vita memory cards instead of something standard and cheap like sd.


                          Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                          Apparently some vita games don't even work, street fighter x tekken for example.
                          That's news to me. I retract my previous comments. I assumed it ran practically everything.


                            It's staggering the list of games it doesn't run, many are ones you'd assume Sony wouldn't bother releasing the device without support for.


                              Upgraded my Vita to 3.50 earlier and have been thoroughly enjoying the Raid Mode on Resi Revelations 2 on PS4 at 60FPS. It's staggering how smooth it is.


                                Anyone know if the vita versions of the metal gear solid games (2&3) work on PS TV?
                                Also, to remote play PS4 games am I going to need a DS4 pad? Or can a DS3 work? Presumably anythign that uses the touch pad of the DS4 will be an issue!?

                                Also, why didn't I just google the above? Well, as time goes on the amount of wrong information and guesswork that is presented as fact in the realm of our hobby is staggering. In short, I don't trust what I read unless it's from here.

