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Bless GameFAQS

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    Another classic from that topic:

    Best Soul Calibur sequel: Soul Calibur II


      One thing people, I'd stop throwing the NTSC-UK name in on every topic over there. If we are to improve things over there we have to stop acting all high and mighty PLUS we don't want half of those fools stumbling over here surely?


        The gamefaqs crowd will derpeciate NTSC-uk L337 status so that's a good idea, please NTSC people with accounts there, don't lure the trolls here...

        While were ragging on them. Who loves those Which game should I buy topic? Tony Hawk or Halo...
        Oh and I only own a Gamecube.


          Damn double post!


            I know a lot of people over at gamefaqs who are great posters, and this place would be a much better place with them.

            Those trolls and general idiots wouldnt come here at all because it doesnt give them anything they want, so I wouldnt worry about attracting the wrong crowd.

            Why would anyone who wants to spend their time argueing, trolling or generally being an idiot come to a board in which most topics are just general adult discussion about a game?


              Originally posted by rjpageuk
              I know a lot of people over at gamefaqs who are great posters, and this place would be a much better place with them.

              Those trolls and general idiots wouldnt come here at all because it doesnt give them anything they want, so I wouldnt worry about attracting the wrong crowd.

              Why would anyone who wants to spend their time argueing, trolling or generally being an idiot come to a board in which most topics are just general adult discussion about a game?
              Good point that man!

              And yes I do find the "What shall I buy" topics hilarious.


                Originally posted by SharkAttack
                One thing people, I'd stop throwing the NTSC-UK name in on every topic over there. If we are to improve things over there we have to stop acting all high and mighty PLUS we don't want half of those fools stumbling over here surely?
                That isn't exactly fair. I was a lost soul on GameFAQs. One of the more experienced vets. Beginning to give up all hope of ever finding more than 15 people that I could have a meaningful conversation. There were many, many souls out there, but they were scattered, hiding from the high traffic boards, having meaningful discussions in the specific game boards. Games I didn't own.

                Edge was a dead forum. Had been down before Super Monkey Ball 2 or Metroid ever saw a PAL release.

                Till rjpageuk showed me the way. I couldn't even spell Ikaruga before he took me under his veritable wing and said lo:
                "Fused Saiyan, you should get this game."
                And then he led me to the promised land of NTSC-UK about half a year later, when we met up online.

                Granted, I can name 2490 people and 14 guests who regret this everytime they boot up the site and see my name on the latest post under any topic vaguely Pokemon related, but the point is this:

                There are more like me out there. They can have meaningful conversations. They just lack the proper framework in which to have one. Only today I had a conversation with an intelligent mod, on how that the Deus Ex 2 demo has hidden depths and that the reason people don't like it is possibly because it doesn't make every solution blindingly obvious. And then he talked about Edge. Isn't that what people do on here? Every month we have a massive thread dedicated to it.

                (*Sticks up hand, yeah sorry about the Deus Ex: IW demo impressions. Good thing my time spent on a demo before reviewing it policy doesn't extend to proper games, eh?)

                That was an intelligent conversation. Another person in the same thread on DE:IW was giving tips on how to beat the level through using only one bullet, a spiderbomb and a lot of gambling.

                The problem was the rest of the posts were full of personal vendettas that 12 year olds were trying to settle.

                We shouldn't be a exclusive club. We don't need to exclude people. Adult behaviour tends to perpetuate adult behaviour. On the OXM UK forums it is all about calling someone a queer. In both sites' cases it is a cycle. But one is vicious, the other isn't.

                We're not an exclusive club. There is no karma. No posting limits. No restriction on what swear words you use to describe a game, as long as you are civil and polite to your fellow men. No restricted access to really useful functions that are only unlocked when you have been posting on a site for a certain period, regardless of content of your posts.

                Everything is accesible from the word go.

                Look at the statement of interest for this site.

                The site was created by ... fans for ... fans....we encourage a free flowing, open community.

                I for one would have been a worse person if I hadn't joined this site.
                I now feel much more confident to start importing games once I've got a (hopefully) decent job, where I can afford to buy games on a more regular basis.

                I wouldn't have wanted anyone to NOT inform me of this site, simply because I was an experienced user of other sites.

                I found GameFAQs at Sixth Form. I knew of nothing better (and for some things it is superb). I found it because other people were using it a lot at Sixth Form. Unfortunately, on the internet, unless you go exploring or are told about something, you'll never find it through chance alone.

                And if you don't know what you are searching for then that leaves...

                word of mouth. On these sites.

                Thank you for your time. And thanks for making me a more well rounded gamer.


                Crispin. PKA Fused Saiyan @ GameFAQs


                  Originally posted by Crispin
                  Till rjpageuk showed me the way. I couldn't even spell Ikaruga before he took me under his veritable wing and said lo:
                  "Fused Saiyan, you should get this game."
                  And then he led me to the promised land of NTSC-UK about half a year later, when we met up online.
                  I need a blush emoticon. You need to stop talking like this otherwise I will get an ego or something - seriously though I didnt exactly do a lot .

                  I promote this site where I think it needs it, including often linking to its reviews in gamefaqs threads, or in fact on any board, where people want to read informed and quality reviews - this is how I got interested in the site.

                  I will also be quick to recommend this forum to people who I think will enjoy it here - as you say there are many decent good people posting on gamefaqs, and eventually the place wears those people down and they need a more adult place to discuss, and I think here is the best.


                    You should see the latest vote for the greatest Final Fantasy baddy, although Sephiroth won (i voted for him) there was a uproar from 'hardcore' FF players calling every one casual dumbasses.


                      Let's face it, we may keep Firsty here ( ), but if some 12 year old troll came on this site spouting **** and bitching about games and passing stupid comments like "Game X is crap" with no reason they'll be told to '**** off!'

                      Fair play, a lot of us mess about, have a joke, and act childish on this forum, but there is a clear divide between adult messing and childish bitching.

                      Oh, and Crispin, I wouldn't suggest you test your posting limit point here. If you come here and post 50 times a day, people won't like you, and apparently you'll risk getting banned for it! FYI!

                      I agree that anyone should be allowed here, and if you can gain something from visiting this place than that is cool, but if they were to act like many do at that site, then I don't think they'd be made very welcome!


                        Originally posted by Tobal
                        You should see the latest vote for the greatest Final Fantasy baddy, although Sephiroth won (i voted for him) there was a uproar from 'hardcore' FF players calling every one casual dumbasses.
                        Yeah, I remember thinking "Who the hell is Sephiroth" at the GameFAQs character battle a-thon. So I voted for Link, even though by definition he isn't a great character, because you are Link. The great characters in the Legend of Zelda games are anyone not called "Zelda" or "Link".

                        Originally posted by spoiler

                        Incidentally I also voted for Ganondorf, Nintendo did a superb job as portraying him as a complex character in TWW. No one really talked about that. I really connected with him. Superb. Better than OOT in that respect. Coming from Blackpool I understand the wind comments...

                        Originally posted by nips
                        Let's face it, we may keep Firsty here ( ), but if some 12 year old troll came on this site spouting **** and bitching about games and passing stupid comments like "Game X is crap" with no reason they'll be told to '**** off!'

                        Fair play, a lot of us mess about, have a joke, and act childish on this forum, but there is a clear divide between adult messing and childish bitching.

                        Oh, and Crispin, I wouldn't suggest you test your posting limit point here. If you come here and post 50 times a day, people won't like you, and apparently you'll risk getting banned for it! FYI!
                        As rjpageuk points out, we don't really have to worry about that thing here. Had some complete wanker come today and bash the mods, but the topic didn't last too long. But apart from that, someone under a certain level of emotional maturity will take one look at this site and walk out in disgust. Their insults don't work on this site. I actually find it endearing when Moodmon calls me an insane fool or when Ady disagrees with me on whether you should call a short game short simply because it has stuff with numbers and counters in it.

                        When I go beyond an average of 50 posts a day, I'll begin to worry. It's the post length I have worries about. I mean I must have written at least two war and peaces on here. At least one Dr. Zhivago. And at least in total a chapter's worth on Pokemon and why strategy guides are so fundamental to it's experience.


                          Originally posted by Crispin
                          When I go beyond an average of 50 posts a day, I'll begin to worry. It's the post length I have worries about. I mean I must have written at least two war and peaces on here. At least one Dr. Zhivago. And at least in total a chapter's worth on Pokemon and why strategy guides are so fundamental to it's experience.
                          And we all enjoy reading all of your comments, and posts to the full extent that they deserve.


                            <snip> was previously a load of rubbish.


                              GameFAQs is a valuable resource gatherer. It's a shame that it's more notoriously known for the goddamn awful message boards there. As for this place...

                              Well bar a couple of others I know, I think it's in an extremely small minority on the net. People actually talk two-way on here and listen. Unlike some other forums I've seen, where dictating viewpoint and visciously dissecting each other generally seems to be the order of the day.


                                Misunderstanding with my good pal rjpageuk! Sorted now

