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Bless GameFAQS

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      Well said mr crispin, well said indeed.

      Though I must admit, I also worry about my post length sometimes too.

      The worst though, is if ive been on GFaqs, and I come here, Im still sometimes in my "shoot-to-kill" mode. I know Ive overreacted with a couple of other posters here sometimes... sorry about that....

      So if I start gettin' crazy, feel free to point that out.

      I mean, you can come on here, talk about great games, and people will look at the ups and downs and take you seriously. On there, you can recomend a game, someone will buy it for $3, then flame you saying its crap.

      ahh, see that? we're all basking in the warm glow of intelligent posts.
      or possibly Ive just spilt my coffee again.....

      anyway, I discovered this place by accident after moaning on GFAQs UK board about Redeye, and someone said "you sound just like someone from the NTSC-Uk forums"
      I googled myself up something good, found it, checked the news regularly, and then after my second banning a year later, decided to up sticks and make this my main forum.

      So, probably a good idea to keep your eyes peeled for possible recruits.
      Though gamefaqs expressly prohibits the linking to other forums in its TOS


        Gamefaqs forums can be alright, up until the game under discussion gets released states-side that is.

        I remember the GBA F-Zero board being great.

        Anyhow, I usually only ever use the place to uncover cheats for older games.

