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Holiday lineup - Who has the best?

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    Holiday lineup - Who has the best?

    So, which system do you think has the best lineup of games for this coming holiday season?

    PS: Sorry if this has been done already. I searched but didn't find one.

    Prepare for the fanboys! Run for the hills.

    Well since I still need to get those games, I'd say GC for VJ, F-Zero, Billy Hatcher and MKD.

    If I had Live! then I'd say Xbox. If I gave a damn about any game to do with music, I'd say PS2.


      Originally posted by Crispin
      Prepare for the fanboys! Run for the hills.
      I think we can be more mature than that.


        Originally posted by JRMacumber
        Originally posted by Crispin
        Prepare for the fanboys! Run for the hills.
        I think we can be more mature than that.
        Sorry, just pulled an all nighter on GameFAQs. Given their reaction to a 7.9 score, I haven't the heart to break the Edge review of Double Dash!! to them.

        Was the worst night I have seen for fanboys for a long time. I wonder why?


          only one console comes top for their lineup this chrimbo - and it ain't the cube



            PGR2 is all I need

            Actually, having said that, I think the PC is kicking some ass this christmas too - KotOR, Deus Ex 2, Homeworld 2, Call of Duty, NWN Hordes of the Underdark.... I'll stop here before I get kicked out of this forum back into the PC gaming one though




                For me it's the GC - the games I want to play are -

                PC Kid
                Donkey Konga
                Sonic Heroes (I know it's multi)

                And I'm still hoping that Killer 7 will show before Xmas as well

                Still, really looking forward to Hyper SF2 on PS2 as well


                  GameCube for me - Bonk, Donkey Konga, Mario Kart, F-Zero, 1080, Shikigami no Shiro, Viewtiful Joe. Xbox also has a strong lineup, but only if you're in to online play IMO.

                  I think PS2 has a really strong lineup here in Europe, with I-Ninja, Prince of Persia and BG&E all going exclusive in this region, not to mention EyeToy groove which should do well with the mainstream gamers.


                    Toss between the Cube and the GBA for me...

                    With FZero, VJ, MKD and 1080, that some fine gaming right there.

                    But the GBA, with MnL, MarioBros 3, FFTA, AW2 and Fire Emblem and Double Dragon... ee gads.

                    Xbox is pretty good as well.. PGR2, KotOR mainly.

                    PS2, probably the most games this christmas and the general consensus is that they are all good solid games, JnD 2, RnC 2 (although I don't fancy either of them), TH:U and PoP and BGnE Exclusivity. I'm going to freeload the cube versions though.

                    PC... Call of Duty, Broken Sword (although not conviced by this so far), KotOR (I'll be getting this version) among others.

                    It's a bumper christmas and quite frankly, I simply can't afford all the games I want. So... I'll be mostly buying the cube and GBA games...


                      Who cares? I 0wnage them all



                        Cube for me


                          Vinyl - my new Underworld box set is more treasured than any mere game out this month.

                          Actually, with the possible exception of the Simpsons game (just because I'm a fan of the series) I don't think I'm getting any new games for Christmas; between Psyvariar, Shiki, Soul Calibur 2, F-Zero (which I've barely touched so far) and Live MM3 I've been far too busy with my current ones to get anything else on top of this lot.


                            It has to be the US Xbox for me. Prince of Persia, amped 2, PGR2, Metal Arms, a better GTA3, rainbow 6, Links 2004, XIII, Crimson Skies (not great but certainly good fun).

                            Although it is very Live centric so without that then maybe i'd go PS2.

                            I think the christmas Cube lineup is diabolical. Only the multiformat titles and 1080 interest me at all.


                              The games i've bought so far for Xbox

                              Top Spin
                              Grabbed by the Ghoulies
                              Crimson Skies
                              Prince of Persia
                              Rainbow Six 3


                              Pro Evo 3

                              Was going to buy Mario Kart for GC but decided not to after reading Edge's review, i'll pick it up next year with VJ and F Zero. All in all a fantatstic christmas, reminds me of the Dreamcast days, so many games to look foward too. Love it!

