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Killer Instinct

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    Originally posted by Paddy View Post
    Okay, but will your opinion remain unchanged when there are impressions from people attending E3 period location tests in LA for the title?

    If the final game is altered from the current version (a total bait and switch) then fair play. At the moment, lots of guys in the fighting game community who are getting hands on are saying they are enjoying it. They are normally the harshest critics.

    Perhaps play it when you have the opportunity, then pass judgement?
    Most of those events are filled with fans who don't say a bad word about anything. All the videos I've see just look terrible Double Helix do not make good game, I wish they did I really wish they did as they might not have screwed the Front Mission series if they did.

    Guts is spot on about the character design it's awful, they just look cheap and nasty. I know a lot of game artists who can do so much better than that.

    Unless Double Helix pull a rabbit out of the hat this will not be any good, the F2P idea will kill it dead any way. I won't be buying a Xbox One so I doubt I'll ever get a chance to even play it either, I think this is a case of let sleeping dogs lie. Having just purchased the excellant Persona 4 Arena I doubt this will be anywhere near up to that quality and the 2D fighter market is overly flooded again as it is.


      It's actually not free to play. Theres merely 2 versions of the game - a demo where content can be added and a full price version. That's it.


        Yeah but the full version won't be available at the start, which is just madness. I'm guessing they'll be a retail release at some point if it sells, but all in all XBOne is just one bad idea after another.


          Have they really run out of ideas to have to bring back Killer Instinct?


            Originally posted by S3M View Post
            Yeah but the full version won't be available at the start, which is just madness. I'm guessing they'll be a retail release at some point if it sells, but all in all XBOne is just one bad idea after another.
            Hmm, got the link for that - the video I saw with a developer interview states their both day 1...



              i think it looks promising and it is a pre alpha build


                It certainly doesn't look terrible.


                  Looks amazing already, this should be good. Ah the memories are coming back..


                    Originally posted by Shozuki View Post
                    Hmm, got the link for that - the video I saw with a developer interview states their both day 1...
                    It was on all the news websites yesterday!! Althought hmm I haven't seen the video you claim to have seen, sorry works both way my friend. In truth however right now I suspect it's all subject to change at this point in time, too early for us to call.

                    Seriously with such a poor first showing this isn't one to watch, there's a ton of good fighters released this gen that are well worth picking up.


                      How is the extent to which they have shown the game since its announcement on Monday a poor showing? (unless I'm taking you too literally?) If you mean lack of characters so far I agree but the developers have already said they will show Glacius and reveal at least another fighter at EVO in the US in July.

                      After that I'd expect them to announce the additional fighters for the game upon release before the it hits in November. It would be daft not to.

                      Not trying to sabotage your opinion, everyone's entitled to their own. I just challenge statements that are written that are up for debate.

                      Yes there are plenty of decent fighters this gen (and some upcoming ones) but it can't hurt to have one more of the classics rebooted and revamped for the current generation. Especially when the developers are very publicly displaying their personal histories with fighters and their passion for the genre.

                      N. B Imagine if you were making a fighting game. You'd want people to know your passion and do them proud; make a game you as a fan of the genre would like to play. I think that's what Double Helix are doing here.
                      Last edited by Paddy; 12-06-2013, 21:47.


                        Originally posted by S3M View Post
                        It was on all the news websites yesterday!! Althought hmm I haven't seen the video you claim to have seen, sorry works both way my friend. In truth however right now I suspect it's all subject to change at this point in time, too early for us to call.

                        Seriously with such a poor first showing this isn't one to watch, there's a ton of good fighters released this gen that are well worth picking up.

                        First 40 seconds. Yesterday was "an error in messaging"

                        Killer Instinct looks outright fun, I really wish I didn't need an Xbone to play it...


                          Despite the obvious concerns the more I see of this the more appeal it develops. I'm not desperate to play it but it sounds ok


                            I think potential players' main concern is that they want access to the title beyond the Xbox One. We all understand why its there, we also want Double Helix to magically announce for other consoles in the process.

                            Imagine if it came to Wii U? That'd be an interesting development for the console due to get all the good stuff in 2014.


                              Why would Microsoft make it for Wii-U?


                                Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                                Why would Microsoft make it for Wii-U?
                                To actually stand a chance at selling some copies?

                                The logo is ****. It looks like something a schoolie would knock up.

                                Compare it to what was produced in 1993, 20 YEARS AGO:

                                Not many people would be bothered by that, but If you can't even work out a sweet logo then how will everything else hold together?

                                You can't really trust the pro gamers that have been sampling it either. Most are "sponsored" (employed) by MadCatz who are tied up to produce peripherals in conjunction with the release of the game. Of course they are going to praise it.
                                Last edited by dataDave; 13-06-2013, 06:56.

