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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

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    Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

    Yup, multiple generations of waiting for the return of the series have already led us to this, Donkey Kong Country 5

    The above link has info from a hands on of the WiiU platformer. Still positive things on tbe visuals but to me it still looks a lot like a Wii game and personally Returns was fun but didn't meet the Snes entries standards. I'm approaching this cautiously.

    How did Returns not meet the standards of the SNES games?


      For me it was a fun game but Retro sometimes went in directions with its level design and enemy placement that just led to frustration. Aesthetically it lacked the same charm as Rare's entries had, just some sort of disconnect. Not to mention the sloppy use of remote shaking. It wasn't a bad game but I lost interest fast and as a massive DKC fan it was disappointing, this new one looks like more of the same, not feeling it particularly. I'd play the old ones over Returns anyday.


        I bought DKCR on the 3DS and although the framerate has been dropped to 30fps compared to the Wii's 60fps i am really enjoying it. Tropial Freeze also looks like a really good game............for a Wii or 3DS title. To see this as Retro studio's offering on WII U is i.m.o just not good enough and very unambitious. I didn't see anything that suggested it couldn't be on the Wii/3DS.


          It is a pity they have been working on this. Not that I don't want to play it but more than Nintendo have NSMBU, Rayman Legends, Super Mario 3D World, Cat Mario, Yoshi Yarn and Sonic to keep platform fans happy.

          As for these against the old ones. Well, DKC was a really good game but it was certainly enhanced with the graphics. I found after the first they gold old fast. DKC Returns for me in hugely superior than the old games, despite the waggle rubbish.


            No doubt this will be a great platformer but I'm also disappointed that they are bringing out more of the same after Wii and 3DS Donkey Kong...


              Absolute throw away game, at best this thing should be an eShop title. But, I suppose when you have absolutely nothing for your console AND it's not selling - needs must.

              What's disappointing to the extreme is that Retro are an immensely talented team - infact I just got off a Metroid Prime play through and it's still brilliant. What could they do with the new hardware is potentially exciting and yet their reduced to this.

              Nintendo are no better then Activision, they just manage to hide their recycling better.


                Why on earth should it be an eShop title? What a load of rubbish!


                  Originally posted by Shozuki
                  Absolute throw away game, at best this thing should be an eShop title.

                  Well that's complete bull****.

                  Just because it's a 2.5D game doesn't mean it's worth less money. DKCR on Wii was one of the best platform games I've played in years.


                    It also had absolutely bundles of levels and masses of content. Worth the full price I paid for it. However, I would have liked to see Retro do something else.


                      Glad you enjoyed it lads. I played it for a bit when I got it for free on that loads of games promotion. Guess a 3D one is too much to ask for though? Especially on a "Next Gen" system...

                      But in all seriousness, Retro are far more capable then this.


                        You sound like the sort of person that ignored Castlevania Symphony of the Night because it wasn't 3D enough.


                          Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                          You sound like the sort of person that ignored Castlevania Symphony of the Night because it wasn't 3D enough.
                          By saying it should be an eShop title? If you say so sir. Once you've got used to what's available on XBLA, PSN and Steam this is a bit of let down, more so when you consider the team behind it and what it's capable of...


                            Don't get me wrong, I would love to see something fresher and newer from Retro. But DKCR is an absolutely superb game and IMO calling it 'throwaway' is just wrong. I bet this new one will be better than most of the dross FPS and third person action games that come out with flashy graphics and set pieces.

                            You said yourself you only played it for a bit. Sounds like you haven't even given it a chance


                              Originally posted by wakka View Post
                              Don't get me wrong, I would love to see something fresher and newer from Retro. But DKCR is an absolutely superb game and IMO calling it 'throwaway' is just wrong. I bet this new one will be better than most of the dross FPS and third person action games that come out with flashy graphics and set pieces.

                              You said yourself you only played it for a bit. Sounds like you haven't even given it a chance
                              Oh no, don't get me wrong, I know it's great - but as a one off. Nintendo are just milking it like NSMB...

